School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 1831
All it takes is one: The effect of weakest-link and summation aggregation on public good provision under threshold uncertainty
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-11)We report experimental evidence on the voluntary provision of public goods under threshold uncertainty. By explicitly comparing two prominent technologies, summation and weakest link, we show that uncertainty is particularly ... -
Rural encounters with the city. A study of the gendered livelihood strategies of migrant youth in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
(2021-11-17)More than half of the world’s population growth will be accounted for by cities in the coming decades, with sub-Saharan Africa at the centre of this change. While studies have pointed to the disproportionate effects ... -
The role of influencing organisations in promoting sustainability of urban freight transport
(2021-11-12)The research in this thesis focused on organisations that can contribute to increased sustainability development in urban freight transport activities. In this study, these organisations were identified, studied, grouped ... -
Vägar till hållbar tillväxt – En förstudie om framtidens upplevelseindustri i Västsverige
(2021-11)Pandemin har haft dramatiska konsekvenser för alla näringar som förutsätter möten mellan människor, däribland besöksnäringen, handeln, idrottsrörelsen och stora delar av kul tursektorn. Gemensamt för dessa näringar är ... -
The effects of the land tenure reform programme on tenure security and agricultural development in Rwanda: the case of Musanze district, Northern Province
(2021-10-20)This PhD thesis is a compilation thesis comprising a research frame of seven chapters, and four related papers. The overall aim of this thesis is to investigate the effects of the land tenure reform programme on the ... -
Time Preferences, Illness, and Death
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-10)This paper investigates the predictive power of time preferences on the risk of early mortality and illness in adulthood. Using a unique Swedish cohort of 12,956 individuals born in 1953, interviewed in 1966, and followed ... -
Att organisera integration av nyanlända och andra utrikesfödda personer på den svenska arbetsmarknaden – från ”flyktingkrisen” till COVID-19 pandemin
(University of Gothenburg / Göteborgs universitet, 2021)Hur organiseras integration av nyanlända och andra utrikesfödda personer på den svenska arbetsmarknaden? 2018 presenterade vi en rapport där vi presenterade en genomgång av samtida initiativ för arbetsmarknadsintegration av ... -
Evolution of topics in central bank speech communication
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-10)This paper studies the content of central bank speech communication from 1997 through 2020 and asks the following questions: (i) What global topics do central banks talk about? (ii) How do these topics evolve over time? ... -
The role of demand for regional development – Green transformations in the food industries in Scania and Värmland
(2021-10)Research on regional transformation typically sees regional economic change as an outcome of innovation and knowledge creation processes. The role of demand, however, has received little attention so far. In this paper, ... -
Försäkringsbolaget i de digitala ekosystemen – nya former av intermediering
(2021-09-23)Rapporten redovisar resultat från projektet Försäkringsbolaget i de digitala ekosystemen – nya former av intermediering. Projektets syfte har varit att belysa hur framväxande digitala ekosystem inverkar på försäkring ... -
Responsibilisering - En studie av assistanssektorns kvasimarknad
(2021-09-21)De senaste decenniernas valfrihetsreformer i välfärden har föregåtts av argument om att valfrihet frigör brukare genom att kontrollen över välfärdstjänster överlåts åt de som utnyttjar dem. Denna avhandling behandlar en ... -
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-09)The time of retirement is analyzed in a theoretical framework taking capability and health into account. Capability if formalized as a stock characteristic which determines the attained amounts of a composite good which ... -
Impacts of Climate Policy and Natural Disasters: Evidence from China
(2021-08-17)The last decade has seen heightened interest in carbon pricing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions responsible for anthropogenic climate change. Over the past decade, China–responsible for over a quarter of global carbon ... -
Wage distribution within the Swedish State Railways, 1877–1951: Material and methods.
(2021-06)For nine decades, the Swedish State Railways (SJ) produced wage records containing all its permanent employees. SJ employed more people than any private employer in Sweden, and the records contain individual-level information ... -
Gender Policy and Intimate Partner Violence in Colombia
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-07)In 1995, Colombia signed the first legally binding international treaty that criminalizes all forms of violence against women. After this, the government took a number of steps to improve laws and policies, but progress ... -
An App Call a Day Keeps the Patient Away? Substitution of Online and In-Person Doctor Consultations Among Young Adults
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-06, r)The emergence of markets for on-demand online physician consultations –direct-to-consumer telemedicine (DCT) – is currently transforming many healthcare settings. DCT may be a cost-effective substitute for ordinary ... -
Charity, Status, and Optimal Taxation: Welfarist and Non-Welfarist Approaches
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-06)This paper analyzes optimal taxation of charitable giving to a public good in a Mirrleesian framework with social comparisons. Leisure separability together with zero transaction costs of giving imply that charitable giving ... -
Aid and institutions: Local effects of World Bank aid on perceived institutional quality in Africa
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-06)Motivated by the lack of sub-national empirical evidence on the relationship between aid and institutional development, this study explores the local effects of World Bank aid on perceived institutional quality in African ... -
Echoes of Violent Conflict: The Effect of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on Hate Crimes in the U.S.
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-05)Do social identity ties facilitate the spread of violent conflict? We assess whether the Israeli-Palestinian conflict causes hate crime towards Jews and Muslims in the U.S using daily data between 2000-2016. We measure the ... -
Norm-based feedback on household waste: Large-scale field experiments in two Swedish municipalities
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-05)We conduct separate randomized controlled trials of norm-based feedback nudges on household waste in two municipalities in western Sweden. Our main treatment presents recipients with accurate, household-specific feedback ...