School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 541-560 of 1831
Knowledge Creation and Technology Transfer: An Analysis of Swedish Academics
(2013-11-27)This PhD thesis examines knowledge creation and transfer from universities into industry with a focus on academic patents. Academic patents are defined as patents with at least one academic inventor. The thesis presents ... -
Making Sense of Consumption. Selections from the 2nd Nordic Conference on Consumer Research 2012.
(Centre for Consumer Science, University of Gothenburg, 2013-11)Consumption can be seen as an intricate network in constant transformation involving a multitude of actors. It challenges the way we study consumption and consumers. In 22 chapters “Making sense of consumption” invites you ... -
Essays on information asymmetry, disclosures and the financing of R&D. The case of the biotechnology industry
(2013-11-22)Investments in research and development (R&D) are an important driver of innovation, productivity and economic growth. Despite the importance of R&D investments to society, it is commonly known that R&D activities are ... -
Essays on Development and Experimental Economics: Migration, Discrimination and Positional Concerns
(2013-11-22)Paper 1: A Field Experiment of Discrimination in the Norwegian Housing Market: Gender, Class, and Ethnicity We test for gender, class, and ethnic discrimination in the Norwegian rental housing market using fake application ... -
Stora Investeringar i Mindre Kommuner, Scope, Scale och Stage Construction som strategier
(2013-11-21)Large investments in smaller local governments Scope, Scale and Stage Construction, as strategies The problem for smaller local governments undertaking large investments is that they may have too limited resources to ... -
Essays on operational freight transport efficiency and sustainability
(2013-11-05)Freight transport efficiency, as one proposed abatement strategy for transport related emissions, is a concept that has received much research attention during the last de-cade, often from the transport buyers’ perspective. ... -
Towards sustainable capitalism in the development of higher education business school curricula and management
(2013-10)Purpose – This article accounts for, and conceptualizes, the internal and external forces that influence higher education business schools as they strive to integrate sustainability issues into their curricula in the effort ... -
U.S. versus Sweden: The Effect of Alternative In-Work Tax Credit Policies on Labour Supply of Single Mothers
(2013-10)An essential difference between the design of the Swedish and the US in-work tax credit systems relates to their functional forms. Where the US earned income tax credit (EITC) is phased out and favours low and medium ... -
On meshworks and other complications of portraying contemporary organizing
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2013-10)This text begins with a brief summary of problems resulting from the traditional framing of the term “organizations”. It ignores organizing without organizations, organizing between organizations, and the fact that ... -
Investing in children's education: Are Muslim immigrants different?
(2013-10)Using a unique data set on immigrants living in France in 2003, we investigate whether Muslims invest differently in their children’s education compared to non-Muslims. In particular, we want to assess whether educational ... -
Austerity Measures and Infant Health. Lessons from an Unexpected Wage Cut Policy
(2013-10)We investigate the effects on health at birth of a shock generated by a major (25%) and unexpected wage cut austerity measure that affected all public sector employees in Romania in 2010. Our findings suggest an overall ... -
On Refunding of Emission Taxes and Technology Diffusion
(2013-09)We analyze diffusion of an abatement technology in an imperfectly competitive industry under a standard emission tax compared to an emission tax which is refunded in proportion to output market share. The results indicate ... -
Air Pollution Dynamics and the Need for Temporally Differentiated Road Pricing
(2013-09)In this paper we investigate the effects of the temporal variation of pollution dispersion, traffic flows and vehicular emissions on pollution concentration and illustrate the need for temporally differentiated road pricing ... -
Konsumtionsrapporten 2013
(Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskap, 2013)I Konsumtionsrapporten 2013 sammanfattas och analyseras hushållens privata konsumtion i Sverige under 2012. Rapporten består av två delar. I den första delen, ”Basfakta”, ges en helhetsbild av hushållens konsumtion som ... -
Exploring the Performativity Turn in Management Studies
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2013-09)One of the contemporary “turns” in management studies is the “performativity” turn. In this paper, we present a genealogy of the concept of performativity as it has been used in management and organization studies (MOS). ... -
The Poor and Their Neighbors: Essays on Behavioral and Experimental Economics
(2013-09-24)This thesis comprises of seven self-contained papers. While the papers are quite distinct in the questions they address and each is based on its own dataset, there are some relations between them either in the topic ... -
På väg mot jämställda arbetsresor? : Vardagens mobilitet i förändring och förhandling
(2013-09-24)In Swedish regional policy, regional enlargement, i.e. geographically extended labour markets and associated longer commuting distances, is an explicit goal. This is in order to stimulate economic growth and better match ... -
800 ord till Rolf Solli
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2013-05)I samband med Rolf Sollis 60-årsdag har vi bjudit in våra kollegor till att delta i en mindre festskrift till vår vän och kollega. Rolf har som vi alla vet många strängar på sin lyra: undervisning, forskning, prefektskap, ... -
Gynnande besluts negativa rättskraft och rättssäkerhet – för människor med funktionsnedsättning inom rättsområdena SoL och LSS
(2013-09-06)A principle of legitimate expectations exists in a number of countries and legal systems. This thesis examines the implications of the principle and its application on a municipal level and in the administrative courts in ...