School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 521-540 of 1831
Ethno-regional favouritism in Sub-Saharan Africa
(2014-03)Studies of political favouritism in Africa often treat ethnic and regional favouritism as interchangeable concepts. The present paper distinguishes between the two and investigates their relative influence in Sub-Saharan ... -
Proud to Be Pride: A Discourse Analysis of the Presentation of Diversity on City Websites
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2014-03)City-branding strategies today often stress ideas and stereotypes of culture and creativity. As urban managers increasingly focus on establishing cities as brands to position them at home and abroad (Saez et al 2013), a ... -
Action nets for waste prevention
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2014-03)Although waste prevention is considered the best possible option in the European waste-hierarchy model, it is not always clear what is meant by “waste prevention”. This chapter presents three cases of waste prevention, ... -
Diffusion of NOx abatement technologies in Sweden
(2014-01)This paper studies how different NOx abatement technologies have diffused under the Swedish system of refunded emissions charges and analyzes the determinants of the time to adoption. The policy, under which the charge ... -
The Fiscal Consequences of Unrestricted Immigration from Romania and Bulgaria
(2014-01)When Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007 Sweden was one of two EU15 countries that did not restrict access to its labor market and welfare systems for Romanian and Bulgarian citizens. This article evaluates the net ... -
Competition and Cooperation in Network Games
(2014-01)We consider games where agents are embedded in a network of bilateral relationships and have multivariate strategy sets. Some components of their strategies correspond to individual activities, while the other strategic ... -
Too Much or Too Little? Price-Discrimination in a Market for Credence Goods
(2014-01)This article studies second-degree price-discrimination in markets for credence goods. Such markets are affected by asymmetric information because expert sellers are better informed than their customers about the quality ... -
Ett (o)jämställt transportsystem i gränslandet mellan politik och rätt – En genusrättsvetenskaplig studie av rättslig styrning för jämställdhet inom vissa samhällsområden
(2013-12-18)There is a strong connection between transports and power relations. Prevailing gender patterns show that women and men often tend to have different terms and conditions in matters relating to transport in everyday life. ... -
The Intermediary role of microloan officers: Evidence from Ethiopia
(2013-12)Microfinance institutions are key financial intermediaries between donors and borrowers in developing countries. Loan officers are crucial for establishing and maintaining the relationship between borrowers and microfinance ... -
On outdoor recreation in Swedish coastal and marine areas
(2013-04)This paper is about outdoor recreation in Swedish coastal and marine areas and is part of a larger PHD project study of Kosterhavet National Park (KNP) - the most recently introduced national park in Sweden. Characteristic ... -
System GMM estimation of panel data models with time varying slope coefficients
(2013-12)We highlight the fact that the Sargan-Hansen test for GMM estimators applied to panel data is a joint test of valid orthogonality conditions and coefficient stability over time. A possible reason why the null hypothesis ... -
Poverty Persistence and Intra-Household Heterogeneity in Occupations: Evidence from Urban Ehtiopia
(2013-12)Previous studies of poverty in developing countries have to a great extent focused on the characteristics of the household head and used these as proxies for the underlying ability of the household to generate income. This ... -
Konsumenters information om och val av leverantörer på sex omreglerade marknader. Fast telefoni, mobil telefoni, bank, försäkring, el och tandvård.
(2010)Magnus Roos, Ulrika Holmberg och Niklas Hansson har på uppdrag av Konsumentverket gjort en undersökning om hur konsumenter förhåller sig till valmöjligheter på marknaderna för fast telefoni, mobil telefoni, bank, försäkring, ... -
Relative Standing and Life-Satisfaction: Does Unobserved Heterogeneity Matter?
(2013-12)Unlike most studies of subjective well-being in developing countries, we use a fixed effects regression on three rounds of rich panel data to investigate the impact of relative standing on life satisfaction of respondents ... -
Optimal Expectations and the Welfare Cost of Climate Variability
(2013-12)Uncertainty about the future is an important determinant of well-being, especially in developing countries where financial markets and other market failures result in ineffective insurance mechanisms. However, separating ... -
Frozen fish and mummies: On the role of preserved objects in organizing
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2013-12)This paper explores the efforts to construct a standard for competence development and management in Sweden. The apparently absurd idea – to standardize processes of competence development to gain a competitive advantage ... -
Investor Relations on the Web – interpretations across borders
(2013-11-29)Motivation/Purpose: Communication is crucial for society, especially in today´s globalized world. Internet has profoundly influenced how listed companies and investors communicate to each other. This study gives insights ...