School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1541-1560 av 1831
Talks on Tracks - Debating Urban Infrastructure Projects
(2000)This paper retraces and analyzes the debate around a major infrastructure project in central Stockholm, the construction of a third railroad track over the islet of Riddarholm. Using the analytical framework of the New ... -
The Political Economy of Policy Failure in Zambia
(2000)Zambia's experience in the 1990s illustrates that, on their own, policy changes will not redress decades of mismanagement, especially when the degree of commitment of the elite remains unaltered. In 1991, the Movement for ... -
The Determinants of Sulfur Emissions from Oil Consumption in Swedish Manufacturing Industry, 1976-1995
(2000)Using a structural decomposition analysis, we analyze the causes of reduction in emitted sulfur originating from the manufacturing industry in Sweden during 1976-1995. We also analyze how policy instruments work with respect ... -
DELTA ett samverkansförsök mellan offentliga organisationer
(2001)Syftet med studien är att bedöma om de aktiviteter som pågår i DELTA leder tillförändringar hos de medverkande organisationerna. Medverkande organisationer i DELTA är AMI, Arbetsförmedlingen, Försäkringskassan, Psykiatrin, ... -
Disciplining practices in schools and prisons
(2001)In focus here are processes of discipline in work groups in human service organisations. We will describe and analyse disciplining processes among teachers in schools and warders in prisons, two different service ... -
Beslutsunderlag i svenska energiföretag Kalkylpraxis, prissättning och strategier för ledningsburen energi
(2001)Den övergripande undersökningsenheten har varit energiverksamheternas arbete i samband med att generera och utnyttja internt besluts underlag inom områdetledningsburen energi. En bild av förädlingsprocessen har växt fram ... -
Svenska normsättare på redovisningsområdet institutionella och politiska aspekter
(2000)Enligt institutionell teori imiteras framgångsrika organisationer i syfte att uppnå legitimitet men resultatet kan avvika till följd av en översättningsprocess vid implementering av idéer. Baserat på fallstudier jämförs ... -
Estimating individual driving distance by car and public transport use in Sweden
(2001)How much to drive, and how much to use public transport, are modelled as three- and two level decisions, respectively, based on micro-data for Sweden. The choices whether to have a car, whether to drive given access to a ... -
Designing Everyday Computational Things
(2001)The prospect of ubiquitous computing in everyday life urges us to raise basic design issues pertaining to how we will live with, and not only use, computers. To design for everyday life involves much more than enabling ... -
Ports in Transition in Countries in Transition - The changing situation for ports in Russia and the Baltic states in times of geopolitical and economical transition
(2000)Ports in Transition in Countries in Transition - The changing situation for ports in Russia and the Baltic states in times of geopolitical and economical transition. Edited by the Department of Human and Economic Geography, ... -
Customer Oriented Product Development? An exploratory study of four Swedish SME's
(2001)The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of customer orientation in a small sample of Swedish SME's. In-depth interviews were carried out with product developers in four companies from three different ... -
An Empirical Test of Purchasing Power Parity in Selected African Countries - a Panel Data Approach
(2001)The paper tests whether the theory of Purchasing Power Parity holds in a selected sample of twenty African countries. The paper employs a panel unit root test to test whether the real exchange rates in the panel are mean ... -
Wage Dispersion and Productive Efficiency: Evidence For Sweden
(2000)The effects of wage dispersion on productive efficiency is a topic rich in theoretical conjecture, a common object of Scandinavian polemical debate and at the same time an issue almost barren of systematic econometric ... -
Flip Zooming. The Development of an Information Visualization Technique
(2000)This thesis describes the development of a Focus+Context information visualization technique called Flip Zooming. Based on two initial examples of the technique, the work reported here expands the description and functionality ...