School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1521-1540 of 1831
(2001)The goal of this paper is to analyze short term-absences from work (i.e., periods of seven days or less) in Sweden during a period with two different reforms. As a theoretical model we use a utility-maximization framework ... -
Personalminskning och kompetensväxling inom Vattenfall. - Uppföljning av ett omställningsprojekt
(2001)Verksamheten vid Vattenfall AB är inne i en omfattande förändringsprocess, vilket ställer krav på personalförändringar av olika slag. Dessa innefattar såväl nyrekrytering som intern rörlighet/ utveckling och avveckling av ... -
Mångfaldens mångfald - olika sätt att se på och leda olikheter
(2001)Att leda olikheter - den amerikanska termen management diversity har blivit en nödvändighet för svenska organisationer. Bakgrunden kan sökas dels i en ökad heterogenitet hos svensk arbetsmarknad, dels i näringslivets ... -
The Role of Energy Efficiency in the Deregulated Swedish Electricity Market
(Proceedings from the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Washington, DC., 2000)Four years have passed since January 1996 when retail competition was introduced in the Swedish electricity market. These years have been characterized by a rapid restructuring of the electricity supply industry through ... -
Economic Freedom and Growth:Decomposing the Effects
(2001)Most studies of the relation between economic freedom and growth of GDP have found a positive relation. One problem in this area is the choice of economic freedom measure. A single measure does notreflect the complex ... -
(2000)A so-called literary turn in social sciences in general and in organization studies in particular has resulted in re-discovering the narrative knowledge in organization theory and practice. Organization researchers ... -
(2001)In this paper, we analyze exits from long-term sickness spells in Sweden. Using spell data for more than 2500 people, aged 20-64 years during 1986-1991, and who had at least one sickness spell of at least 60 days during ... -
Translating and transcribing in development projects - from vague problems to clear cut solutions through project organising
(2000)Organisations, as well as society in general, are organised along functional perspectives. Each function that serves members of a society has traditionally been taken care of by one state agency in each functional field. ... -
Environmental Policy when Peoples Preferences are Inconsistent, Non-Welfaristic, or simply Not Developed
(2001)This paper discusses how a benevolent policy maker should act based on some, possibly non-welfaristic,ethical principle in cases where peoples preferences are not perfectly informed,consistent and fully developed with ... -
The nature of control. A study of CEO behavior
(2000)How do CEOs exercise control over their organizations? This question is to be answered through a study, which consists of direct observation of eight Swedish CEOs in their everyday work. Of special interest is to investigate ... -
Are people inequality averse or just risk averse?
(2001)Individuals' preferences for risk and inequality are measured through experimental choices between hypothetical societies and lotteries. The median relative risk aversion, which is often seen to reflect social inequality ... -
Reser man mindre i täta orter? - Tätortsstrukturer och dagligt resande i Sverige 1978 och 1997
(2000)Detta är en arbetsrapport utförd inom projektet Befolkningens resvanor och aktivitetsmönster. Projektets allmänna syfte är att studera hur människors resvanor utvecklats i Sverige under den senaste 20-årsperioden. Projektet ... -
Application of Price Bundling Strategies in Retail Banking in Europe
(2001)Application of price bundling strategies in retail banking in Europe is a report based on an empirical study of price bundling practices in Southern, Central and Northern Europe. The current report defines three core price ... -
An Analysis of Subordinated Debt in Banking:The Case of Costly Bankruptcy
(2001)The paper analyzes the mandatory subordinated debt proposals in banking. It theoretically investigates the role of subordinated debt as a buffer against losses for the deposit insurer, and its role in providing direct and ... -
Confrontation and the rules of the game in product development - the micro processes
(2001)Observations from two car projects are analysed. Video-recordings of two sequences showing team members trying to use confrontation to make other members change their behaviour and pay more attention to the provision of ... -
Var finns rättvisan i fördelningen av resurser i en liten storstad?
(2000)En berättelse om budgetreformer och med dem sammanhängande organisatoriska förändringar i Göteborgs Stad analyseras mot bakgrund av Rawls `Theory of Justice'. Man finner då att beslutscentrum vad gäller prioriteringar har ... -
(2001)Workers with difficult working conditions can be expected to be com-pensated by higher wages. They may, for example, choose shift work because of compensating wages but it is also possible that they prefer shift work. The ... -
Examining the stability of managerial behavior: A replication of Henry Mintzbergs classic study 30 years later
(2001)A replicating study about Swedish CEOs reveals a different pattern of behavior compared to the original study of Henry Mintzberg. The CEOs in the new study for instance spent much more time on meetings with subordinates, ... -
Biogeography and Long-Run Economic
(2000)The transition from a hunter-gather economy to agricultural production, which made possible the endogenous technological progress that ultimately led to the industrial revolution, is one of the most important events in ...