School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1701-1720 av 1831
Institutions and their Measures: A Black Box of Goodies
(2006)The use of institutional measures in empirical work is widespread, but the question of what these measures actually capture and how they are constructed is something that is not given enough attention. Institutions and ... -
The Complex Attitudes to Alcohol Taxation
(2006)Alcoholic beverages are taxed at very different rates across the European Union, which implies extensive cross-border shopping. Therefore, there is an ongoing debate about harmonization of alcohol taxes among countries. ... -
Trade Liberalization and Wage Inequality: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh
(2006, Revi)The prediction of standard economic theory that trade liberalization reduces income inequality in developing countries has been challenged by several studies during recent decades. This paper explores this issue by ... -
Voting and the Macroeconomy
(2006)Forthcoming in The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy Barry R. Weingast and Donald Wittman,eds. Oxford University Press,2006 -
The Importance of Habit Formation for Environmental Taxation
(2006)We analyze how habit formation affects optimal environmental taxation, when consumption of a habitual good causes a negative external effect on the environment. In a simple two-period model, we show that optimal taxation ... -
Dynamic labour force participation of married women in Sweden
(2006)This paper analyzes the inter-temporal labor force participation behavior of married women in Sweden. A dynamic probit model is applied, controlling for endogenous initial condition and unobserved heterogeneity, using ... -
Property Rights, Risk and Leverage
(2005)Risk matters when corporate debt has a positive probability of default. Lenders have traditionally used covenants to protect their property rights because the financing and operating decisions of firms can reduce the value ... -
Debt Relief and Adjustment Effort in a Multi-Period Model
(2005)This paper shows that if the period following the granting of debt relief is taken into account, debt relief increases adjustment effort (investment), irrespective of whether there is an initial debt overhang or not. -
Real Exchange Rate Adjustment In European Transition Countries
(2006)This paper presents unit-root test results for real exchange rates in ten Central and Eastern European transition countries during 1993:01-2003:12. Because of the shift from controlled to market economies and the ... -
Country Size and the Rule of Law: Resuscitating Montesquieu
(2006)The political and economic impact of country size has been a frequently discussed issue in social science. In accordance with the general hypothesis of Montesquieu, this paper demonstrates that there is a robust negative ... -
Discounting and relative prices in assessing future environmental damages
(2006)Environmentalists are often upset at the effect of discounting costs of future environmental damage, e.g. due to climate change. An often overlooked message is that we should discount costs but also take into account the ... -
Donor coordination and the uses of aid
(2006)The paper discusses donor coordination and its implications for the uses of aid. The paper starts by specifying a simple framework for the discussion, and then reviews the theoretical literature. It then provides some data ... -
New Cleaners – nytt ledarskap med konsekvenser
(2006)En ny städningskultur inom komplexa företagsstrukturer relateras till kontextuella förhållanden mellan institutionella ägare och företagsledningars finansiella aktieägarperspektiv. Begreppen "Lean production och Lean ... -
Konsten att skapa pengar. Aktiebolagens genombrott och finansiell modernisering kring sekelskiftet 1900
(2006)The joint-stock companies with limited liability have been argued to encourage large-scale risky investments through the structure of residual claims and, at the same time, to minimize the conflict between utility maximization ... -
Efficiency, Risk and Regulation Compliance: Applications to Lake Victoria fisheries
(2005)This thesis deals with artisanal fishers in Lake Victoria fisheries. The thesis consists of an introductory chapter and three self-contained papers, which make up the rest of the thesis chapters. The first paper relates ... -
Essays on the Political Economy of Land Use Change
(2005)This thesis consists of three articles. The two first ones construct theoretical models for land use change between agriculture and forestry in the presence of lobbies representing both sectors. The third article tests ... -
Before the ‘European Miracles’. Four Essays on Swedish Preconditions for Conquest, Growth, and Voice
(2005)Abstract Before the ‘European Miracles’. Four Essays on Swedish Preconditions for Conquest, Growth, and Voice. (Publications of the Department of Economic History, School of Economics and Commercial Law, Göteborg ... -
Essays on Soil Conservation, Social Capital and Technology Adoption
(2006)Erosion of agricultural land remains a major constraint to agricultural development in Kenya, which has a complex topography. Government and donor institutions are promoting soil and water conservation practices. Several ... -
Modeling the Effects of Economic Behavior in Determining the Organization of Society
(2006)The three “spheres” of society (governments, markets, and communities) are widely acknowledged yet the overall organization is analyzed only rarely, and interactions between the spheres have perhaps never been modeled. ... -
Emotions, Morality and Public Goods: The WTA-WTP Disparity Revisited
(2006)Empirical evidence suggests that people’s maximum willingness to pay for having a good is often substantially lower than their minimum willingness to accept not having it, and that this discrepancy tends to be especially ...