Visas titlar 1741-1760 av 1831

    • Utveckling och spridning av forskning: fallet effektivitetsforskning 

      Sarafoglou, Nikias; Försund, Finn R (2005)
      Recent availability of electronically accessible database of journal articles makes studies of the diffusion of papers through citations possible. Citation peaks have been found to be typically five to seven years, with a ...
    • Crowding Out in Blood Donation: Was Titmuss Right? 

      Johannesson, Magnus; Mellström, Carl (2005)
      In his seminal 1970 book, The Gift Relationship, Richard Titmuss argued that monetary compensation for donating blood might crowd out the supply of blood donors. To test this claim we carry out a field experiment with ...
    • The Dark Side of Wage Indexed Pensions 

      Erlandzon, Karl; Carlsson, Evert (2005)
      This paper investigates some welfare effects of forced saving through a mandatory pension scheme. The framework for the analysis is a life-cycle model of a borrowing constrained individual´s consumption and portfolio choice ...
    • Samhävd och rågång. Om egendomsrelationer, ägoskiften och marknadsintegration i en värmländsk skogsbygd 1630-1750. 

      Granér, Staffan (2002)
      THY NEIGHBOURS PROPERTY. Property Relations, Enclosures and Market Integration in a Forest District of Central Sweden 1630-1750. (Publications of the Department of Economic History, School of Economics and Commercial Law, ...
    • Tax Evasion and the Importance of Trust 

      Nordblom, Katarina; Jagers, Sverker C.; Hammar, Henrik (2005)
      Unless people pay the taxes they are obliged to pay, a general welfare state will eventually collapse. Thus, for the welfare state to survive in the long run, tax compliance is of utmost importance. Using Swedish individual ...
    • Can Africa Reduce Poverty by Half by 2015? The Case for a Pro-Poor Growth Strategy 

      Shimeles, Abebe; Bigsten, Arne (2005)
      This study uses simulations to explore the possibility of halving the percentage of people living in extreme poverty in Africa by 2015. A pro-poor growth-scenario and a constant-inequality scenario are compared. It is shown ...
    • Regulatory Compliance in Lake Victoria Fisheries 

      Lokina, Razack B; Eggert, Håkan (2005)
      This paper analyzes the causes for regulatory compliance using traditional deterrence variables and potential moral and social variables. We use self-reported data from Tanzanian artisanal fishers in Lake Victoria. The ...
    • Institutions, Corruption and Tax Evasion in the Unofficial Economy 

      Piculescu, Violeta; Hibbs, Jr, Douglas A. (2005)
      In this paper we propose a model of how institutional benefits, taxation and government regulations affect the productive activity of private enterprises. We consider an environment in which public officials enforcing tax ...
    • Property Rights and Corporate Finance 

      Kairys, Jr., Joseph P.; Graff, Richard A. (2005)
      We examine a central result in corporate finance – the Modigliani-Miller capital structure irrelevance proposition – from a Coasian property rights perspective. Building upon the work of Coase, Demsetz and Cheung, we develop ...
    • Keeping Up with the Vaishyas: Caste and Relative Standing 

      Johansson-Stenman, Olof; Gupta, Gautam; Carlsson, Fredrik (2005)
      We investigate the importance of relative income within the Indian Caste system, using a choice experiment. We find that slightly more than half of the marginal utility of income comes from some kind of relative income ...
    • Measuring Trust and the Value of Statistical Lives: Evidence from Bangladesh 

      Mahmud, Minhaj (2005)
      This thesis includes five self-contained essays. The first three essays relate to the measurement of trust using both an experimental and a survey approach, and the other two essays relate to the measurement of the value ...
    • Entry into Local Retail Food Markets in Sweden: A Real-Options Approach 

      Rudholm, Niklas; Orth, Matilda; Daunfeldt, Sven-Olov (2005)
      A real-options approach was used, incorporating uncertainty and irreversibility of investments, to study the number of stores entering the Swedish retail food market during the period 1994-2002. It was found that uncertainty ...
    • Two-part pricing under revenue cap regulation 

      Lantz, Björn (2005)
      This paper aims at developing the theoretical understanding of revenue capping as a way of regulating monopolistic firms. It is shown that the fact that a standard monopolist regulated by a fixed revenue cap will raise its ...
    • Tariff protection in Sweden 1885–1914 

      Bohlin, Jan (2005)
      This paper presents disaggregated estimates of nominal and effective rates of tariff protection for Sweden 1885–1914. In a methodological part of the article I argue that the proper way to measure tariff protection is an ...
    • Contingent Valuation of Mortality Risk Reduction in Developing Countries: A Mission Impossible? 

      Mahmud, Minhaj (2005)
      Using the contingent valuation method in developing countries to value mortality risk reduction is particularly challenging because of the low level of education of the respondents. In this paper, we examine the effect of ...
    • Modeling Management Accounting and Control in the Integration Processes of Mergers & Acquisitions 

      Beusch, Peter (2004)
      This thesis is about two areas: namely, mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and management accounting and control systems (MACS). M&As have grown, measured both in numbers and size, in recent decades and have become very popular ...
    • A tentative model of Management Accounting and Control in the Integration Processes of Mergers & Acquisitions 

      Beusch, Peter (2005)
      This article combines the areas of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and management accounting and control systems (MACS) by developing a tentative model that shows the important variables and how they determine MACS’ ...
    • Incitamentsreglering av monopol med styckvis linjär approximation av efterfrågan 

      Lantz, Björn (2005)
      One anonymous mechanism for monopoly regulation is the Chord-approximation Adjustment Process, CAP, suggested by Vogelsang (1988) where the change in consumer surplus is approximated as an average between a Laspeyres and ...
    • Optimal Environmental Road pricing 

      Johansson-Stenman, Olof (2005)
      An optimal first-best road charge should not only be differentiated with respect to factors that affect the direct external environmental and time costs from the road-user himself. Indirect effects, such as the fact that ...
    • Trust and Religion: Experimental Evidence from Bangladesh 

      Martinsson, Peter; Mahmud, Minhaj; Johansson-Stenman,, Olof (2005)
      Trust is measured using both survey questions and a standard trust experiment using a random sample of individuals in rural Bangladesh. We found no significant effect of the social distance between Hindus and Muslims in ...