School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 481-500 av 1831
Importing High Food Prices by Exporting: Rice Prices in Lao PDR
(2014-11)This paper shows how a developing country, Lao PDR, imports high glutinous rice prices by exporting its staple food to neighboring countries, Vietnam and Thailand. Lao PDR has extensive export controls on rice, generating ... -
Paternalism against Veblen: Optimal Taxation and Non-Respected Preferences for Social Comparisons
(2014-11)This paper deals with optimal income taxation and relative consumption under a welfarist government that fully respects people’s preferences and a paternalist government that does not share the consumer preference for ... -
Genuine Saving and Conspicuous Consumption
(2014-11)Much evidence suggests that people are concerned with their relative consumption, i.e., their consumption in relation to the consumption of others. Yet, the social costs of conspicuous consumption have so far played little ... -
Relationsinriktat Ledarskap för Innovationsutveckling Mätinstrumentet Leader-Member Exchange (LMX)
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2014-11)Den här rapporten redovisar huvudresultaten av forskningsprojektet ”Chefskap för Sverige: En fråga om relationer och ansvarstagande” och utprövningen av ett ledarskapsinstrument, för mätning av det innovationsfrämjande ... -
A Critical Perspective on Trust & Management Control Concepts
(2014)Purpose – This article critically examines concepts of trust and concepts of management control particularly for themself and together. Some of the most prominent/influential concepts, and the underlying assumptions behind ... -
Tillämpning av redovisningsnormer – intäkter och avsättningar
(2014-10-13)Harmonization of financial reporting standards is a goal shared by many countries around the world, with the aim of making companies’ financial information comparable. The view is that comparability between companies’ ... -
Jordbruksmark i förändring. Drivkrafter bakom och förutsättningar för offentlig styrning i Sverige och Norge
(2014-10-09)With a focus on agricultural land use change, the overriding aim of this thesis is to contribute to the development of a more sustainable use and management of resources. A core requirement for doing so is to develop deeper ... -
Vägar till jämställdhet inom kommuners transportplanering - från forskningsresultat till praktiska verktyg
(Göteborgs universitet, Handelshögskolan, 2014)I Sverige finns sedan 2001 ett transportpolitiskt mål om jämställdhet som bl.a. säger att transportsystemet ska vara utformat efter både kvinnors och mäns transportbehov, liksom att deras värderingar ska tillmätas samma ... -
Flexibel handel. En studie av bemanningsstrategier i svensk detaljhandel
(Gothenburg Research Institute, 2014-09)Sedan i mitten av 1990-talet har antalet personer med en tillfällig anställning ökat i Sverige. Utvecklingen inom detaljhandeln är likartad, om än på en något högre nivå än genomsnittet. Det är dessutom en sektor med ... -
Reciprocity Networks and the Participation Problem
(2014-08)Reciprocity can be a powerful motivation for human behaviour. Scholars argue that it is relevant in the context of private provision of public goods. We examine whether reciprocity can resolve the associated coordination ... -
Remittances after natural disasters: Evidence from the 2004 Indian tsunami
(2014-08)We examine the impact of the 2004 Indian tsunami on international remittance transfers using aggregate country data and synthetic control methodology. This procedure implies identifying the causal impact of the disaster ... -
State History and Economic Development: Evidence from Six Millennia
(2014-08)All since the rise of the first civilizations, economic development has been closely intertwined with the evolution of states. In this paper, we contribute to the literature on state history and long-run economic development ... -
Atmospheric Pollution in Rapidly Growing Urban Centers: Spatial Policies and Land Use Patterns
(2014-08)We study the optimal and equilibrium distribution of industrial and residential land in a given region. The trade-o¤ between the agglomeration and dispersion forces, in the form of pollution from stationary forces, production ... -
Keeping others in our mind or in our heart? Distribution games under cognitive load
(2014-06)It has recently been argued that giving is spontaneous while greed is calculated (Rand et al. 2012). If greed is calculated we would expect that cognitive load, which is assumed to reduce the influence of cognitive ... -
Does immigration affect welfare state generosity? Quasi-experimental evidence
(2014-06)This note studies the impact of immigration on welfare state generosity in 12 Western European countries. In estimations not coping with the possible endogeneity problem, there are indications of a negative relationship ... -
Affärsstrategisk analys av tanksjöfartsföretag
(2014-06-24)Sjöfarten är en speciellt konkurrensutsatt industri där yttre strategideterminanter förenklat kallat förutsättningar starkt kan påverka sjöfartsföretags affärsstrategier. Sambandet belyses i denna studie genom utveckling ... -
Clientelism and ethnic division
(2014-06)Abstract: In light of the empirical evidence on clientelism and ethno-regional favouritism in African politics, the present paper examines the relationship between ethnic divisions and clientelism. Specifically, we ask ... -
NIMBY or YIMBY? Municipalities' reaction to disaster waste from the Great East Japan Earthquake
(2014-06)This study investigates the determinants of transfer of waste between the affected areas and other municipalities that resulted from the Great East Japan Earthquake. In particular, we investigate to what extent economic ...