School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan: Recent submissions
Now showing items 501-520 of 1831
Understanding Peer Effects: On the Nature, Estimation and Channels of Peer Effects
(2014-06)This paper provides evidence on ability peer effects in university education. Identification comes from the random assignment of students to sections. We find that students on average benefit from better-ability peers. ... -
The Business Model – Formation, description and definition
(2014-06-09)The business model is a new analytical concept in the field of strategy research that is frequently used when trying to explain the creation and capture of value by firms. This compilation thesis consists of three papers ... -
Livspussel med utmaningar. Tolv svenska barnfamiljers berättelser om mat och hälsa.
(Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskap, 2014)I kapitel 1 beskrivs projektet och de teorier och metoder som använts. Den kvalitativa studien baseras på besök i tolv barnfamiljer, där vi genom intervjuer, foton, kvitton, collage och målningar skapade oss en bild av ... -
Household fuel choice in urban China: A random effect generalized probit analysis
(2014-05)Using seven rounds of household survey data that span more than a decade, this paper analyzes the determinants of household fuel choice in urban China. Unlike the existing studies, we use an empirical strategy that takes ... -
Essays on Team Cooperation and Firm Performance
(2014-05-23)Paper I: Cooperation in teams: The role of identity, punishment and endowment distribution. Common identity and peer punishment have been identified as crucial means to reduce free riding and to promote cooperation in ... -
Confirmation: What's in the evidence?
(2014-05)The difference between accommodated evidence (i.e. when evidence is known first and a hypothesis is proposed to explain and fit the observations) and predicted evidence (i.e., when evidence verifies the prediction of ... -
Endophilia or Exophobia: Beyond Discrimination
(2014-05)The discrimination literature treats outcomes as relative. But does a differential arise because agents discriminate against others—exophobia—or because they favor their own kind—endophilia? Using a field experiment that ... -
Fixing the Shadows – Access to Art and the Legal Concept of the Cultural Commons
(2014-05-12)Fixing the Shadows: Access to Art and the Legal Concept of Cultural Commons studies access to art as knowledge, and the role law plays in facilitating access. The research project discusses how to advance and strengthen ... -
Tourism Impacts and Sustainable Development
(2014-05-06)Following the emergence of sustainable development as a new development paradigm, the scope of tourism impacts has increased. There is a call for a more holistic approach, incorporating environmental, sociocultural, and ... -
Home Sweet Home? Macroeconomic Conditions in Home Countries and the Well-Being of Migrants
(2014-04)This paper examines whether the subjective well-being of migrants is responsive to fl uc- tuations in macroeconomic conditions in their country of origin. Using the German Socio- Economic Panel for the years 1984 to 2009 ... -
Payment Types and Participation in Payment for Ecosystem Services Programs: Stated Preferences of Landowners
(2014-04)Because the effectiveness of payment for ecosystem services (PES) programs depends on landowners’ engagement, understanding the relationship between the type of payment and participation is a key issue. This paper reports ... -
Strategic Carbon Taxation and Energy Pricing: The role of Innovation
(2014-04)This paper investigates the strategic interactions between carbon taxation by a resource-consumers’ coalition and (wellhead) energy pricing by a producers’ cartel under possible innovation in a cheap carbon-free technology ... -
Cash flow accounting in banks – a study of practice
(2014-04-04)After the near collapse of the global financial system in 2008, much of the debate has focused on credit and asset valuation, as well as liquidity issues in the financial sector. Emphasis has been on debt and balance sheet ... -
Wages, Inequality and Consequences for the Economy
(2014-04-03)This dissertation consists of four research articles and an introductory chapter. The introduction gives an overview about the field of income inequality, an empirical overview of its development, a discussion of methodological ... -
Omställningskompetens i detaljhandeln - Företagens erfarenheter av uppsägningar
(2014-03-27)Denna studies övergripande syfte är att bidra med ökad kunskap om konsekvenserna av strukturomvandling inom detaljhandeln, när det gäller uppsägningar och omställningsarbete. Rapporten återger resultaten av en första ... -
Non-monotonic health behaviours - implications for individual health-related behaviour in a demand-for-health framework
(2014-03)A number of behaviours influence health in a non-monotonic way. Physical activity and alcohol consumption, for instance, may be beneficial to one’s health in moderate but detrimental in large quantities. We develop a ... -
Individual technologies for health - the implications of distinguishing between the ability to produce health investments and the capacity to benefit from those investments
(2014-03)People differ in their ability to produce health investments and in their capacity to benefit from such efforts. In this paper, we assume (1) that the individual’s health-investment production function exhibits diminishing ... -
Trust and risk-taking: A study of consumer behaviour within a Swedish pension investment setting
(2014-03-19)Trust and risk-taking A study of consumer behaviour within a Swedish pension investment setting The study focuses on the Swedish pension system introduced in 2000. The study describes the evolution of a new pension ... -
Social Bodies. Family and Community Level Influences on Height and Weight, Southern Sweden 1818-1968
(2014-03-13)This dissertation consists of an introduction, four research papers and one paper describing the data I collected for the studies and how I conducted the study. I collected information on men from conscript inspection lists ...