Faculty of Education / Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakulteten: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 181-200 av 493
Gymnasieungdomars erfarenheter av hur yrkeslärande bedöms
(Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik, 2015-01-15) -
Epistemic beliefs among upper-secondary students in education for sustainable development
(2014)This research project explores an educational context through two approaches. The first analyses the interpretability and role of the concept of sustainable development according to the writings of four syllabuses in the ... -
Developing strategic competence in oral interaction in English as a foreign language – A classroom study
(2014)The teaching and learning of English as a foreign language can be studied by analysing a large amount of results (from the national tests, for example) over a long period of time. It can also be studied from the teacher's ... -
Lärande i rörelse - Utveckling av kroppslig förmåga ur ett icke dualistiskt perspektiv
(2014)Uppsatsens ambition är att genom en learning study av undervisningsmomentet kroppshållning vid löpning påvisa hur ett innehåll i skolämnet idrott och hälsa kan behandlas på ett icke dualistiskt sätt. Syftet är därmed att ... -
Pedagogisk takt i betygssamtal
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2014-12-18)This thesis aims to explore how grades are explained and understood in grade conferences between teachers and students in Swedish upper secondary school. The empirical material is based on 149 video-recorded conferences ... -
Variationens betydelse för elevernas lärande. Relationen mellan en funktions graf och grafen till funktionens derivata
(2014)Begreppet derivata är mångfacetterat och innebörden kan beskrivas och tolkas i flera olika representationsformer. Elever har emellertid ofta en snäv uppfattning av begreppet och för många är derivata synonymt med algebraiska ... -
Förskollärares beskrivningar av barngruppsstorlekar i förskolan
(2014)Preschool teachers’ descriptions of group size in preschool Language: Swedish Keywords: Preschool, group size, preschool teachers, working conditions, learning conditions. The aim of the study is to gain knowledge ... -
What is going on out there? - What does it mean for children's experiences when the kindergarten is moving their everyday activities into the nature - landscapes and its places
(2014-11-21)How we understand the practice of learning in nature-landscapes and places is relevant to contemporary environmental arenas, both in the context of international agendas and as an agenda for Nordic kindergartens where ... -
Idrotten sätter agendan. En studie av Riksidrottsgymnasietränares handlande utifrån sitt dubbla uppdrag
(2014-11-14)This study aims to describe and analyse the actions of the school coaches at the National sport upper secondary schools in light of the conditions that govern and shape the activities at those schools. The theoretical ... -
Vaghet och vanmakt – 20 år med kunskapskrav i den svenska skolan.
(2014-10-30)This thesis poses three questions about the Swedish national knowledge requirements, which have been in place in Swedish schools since 1994: How do teachers understand them? How do members of parliament understand ... -
Vetenskaplig kommunikation inom utbildningsområdet. Två empiriska studier
(2014)Forskningen om utbildning och lärande är omfattande. Uppsatsens syfte är att öka kunskapen om denna forskning och dess förutsättningar. Forskning ses som ett system för kunskapsbildning och det som studeras är detta systems ... -
Skrivundervisning i gymnasieskolan. Svenskämnets roll i den sociala reproduktionen.
(2014-10-23)Abstract Title: Teaching writing in upper secondary school. The role of the Swedish subject in social reproduction. Author: Pernilla Andersson Varga Language: Swedish with an English summary ISBN: 978-91-7346-803-9 ... -
A Fair (Af)fair? On Subjectivation and Differentiation in Educational Capitalism
(2014)In our time the school is organized with the market as a model and schools are operating on the basis of a marketized rationality, yet within normative frameworks of inclusion and “a school for all”. Then it becomes ... -
Barns aktiviteter med datorplattor i förskolan
(2014-09-05)Children’s activities with tablet computers in Swedish preschool settings This thesis contributes, on the basis of original empirical research, to an on going discussion about the use of tablet computers in Swedish ... -
Children's story making with digital technologies: Tool-mediated activities in a preschool class
(2014)Narrating has a long tradition within early childhood education and serves, among many things, as a means of engaging children in literacy activities. With the advent of digital technologies, different contexts are created ... -
Hur kan dubbelt så långt bli fyra gånger större?
(2014)Previous research has shown that a large majority of 12- to 16-year old students have a tendency to improperly apply the linear model when solving non-linear problems about the relation between lengths and area of enlarged ... -
Tränares makt över spelare i lagidrotter - sett ur French och Ravens maktbasteori
(2014-10-17)Coaches power over athletes in team sports – As seen from French and Ravens theory of power bases. Keywords:team sports, coaching, social power, coaching effectiveness, structural equations modeling. The coach has a central ... -
Proportionella samband - Innehållets behandling och elevernas lärande.
(2014)Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka på vilka sätt elever utvecklar sin förmåga att resonera proportionellt. Elevers förändrade förståelse för proportionella samband undersöks i relation till innehållets behandling ... -
Formulating knowledge: Engaging with issues of sustainable development through academic writing in engineering education
(2014-10-09)Given that knowledge in society is increasingly shaped by textuality and dependent on texts, higher education holds a special responsibility for introducing and guiding students into text practices contingent on disciplinary ... -
Dimensionality and Predictive validity of school grades: The relative influence of cognitive and social-behavioral aspects
(2014-09-12)The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the relative influence of cognitive and social-behavioral aspects on compulsory school grades and the importance of the different dimensions for the predictive validity of grades. ...