Department of Education / Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik (-2010): Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 102
Om teori och praktik i lärarutbildning. En etnografisk och diskursanalytisk studie.
(2009-03-31)This thesis takes its point of departure in the discussion about theory and practice relationships in the 2001 Teacher Education Reform Act. In this reform a clear point is made concerning the connections between teacher ... -
Den pedagogiska samlingen i förskoleklassen. Barns olika sätt att erfara och hantera svårigheter
(2009-02-16)The aim of the study is to identify children’s different ways of experiencing and handling difficulties in the pre-school class’s pedagogical circle time and increase our understanding of children’s actions in a situation ... -
Kritisk sakprosaläsning i gymnasieskolan. Didaktiska perspektiv på läroböcker, lärare och nationella prov
(2009-02-05)Critical reading of non-fiction is an essential activity in a range of contexts. Such activities were accentuated in the curricular reform of 1994. At that time, upper secondary education in Sweden was reorganized in order ... -
Phenomenographic perspectives on the learning experience and process in higher education physics
(University of Cape Town, 2008)The focus of phenomenographic research has been the experience of learning (Marton & Säljö, 1976a; Marton & Säljö, 1976b; Säljö, 1979; Marton et al., 1984/1997; Booth, 1997; Marton & Booth, 1997; Pang, 2003). Drawing on ... -
Using research to activate university teacher training
(Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Ingeniería & Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Ingeniería , Ediciones Uniandes, 2008)In this debate paper the authors report on a project aimed at making selected data from research more quickly available to engineering educators. The educators involved are participants in pedagogical courses that they ... -
Enhancing formal learning in informal learning settings – Considerations for teachers and guides
(Centre for Science and Mathematics Education, University of Southern Denmark, 2008)An encounter with a phenomenon in a science center exhibit can provoke many questions and discussions among the visitors. Interaction with a guide can enhance the experience and help the visitors develop a deeper ... -
One year after teaching - How consistent are students in using the scientific theory of biological evolution by natural selection?
(University of London, 2008)A teaching-learning sequence about the theory of biological evolution was developed by linking theoretical reflection, instructional design and classroom research in a cyclic process. Altogether 79 students participated ... -
Teaching and learning about the biological evolution: Conceptual understanding before, during and after teaching.
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2001)This study is part of a project with the main purpose of developing a teaching-learning sequence that enables the students to construct a scientific model of the biological evolution. Another purpose is to document the ... -
Research-based teaching about biological evolution
(Ecole National de Formation Agronomique (ENFA), 2003)This paper reports an attempt to design a teaching-learning sequence in which the students are stimulated to construct a scientific model of evolution, and to use this model in various contexts. Theoretical reflection, ... -
Learning biological evolution during assessment – exploring the use of an interactive database-driven internet application.
(Patras University Press, 2005)The overall purpose of our research is to study how students develop understanding of scientific theories, in this study the theory of biological evolution by natural selection. Taking students' preconceptions as the ... -
Flexibel utbildning i praktiken. En fallstudie av pedagogiska processer i en distansutbildning med en öppen design för samarbetslärande
(2009-01-15)The aim of this study is to examine the pedagogical processes that evolve in an "open" design for online learning realized in relation to a specific setting. The study describes and analyzes pedagogical activities in a ... -
Om livets kontinuitet. Undervisning och lärande om växters och djurs livscykler - en fallstudie i årskurs 5
(2009-01-05)The aim of this thesis is to contribute to increased understanding of teaching and learning about life cycles, when the teaching is based on living organisms and the teacher is introduced to ideas of research on pupils’ ... -
Att erövra litteracitet. Små barns kommunikativa möten med berättande, bilder, text och tecken i förskolan.
(2008-12-02)This thesis is based on an ethnographic field study among a group of monolingual children from one and a half to three years old at a pre-school in a Swedish village. The primary aim of the study has been to gain knowledge ... -
Det önskvärda barnet. Fostran uttryckt i vardagliga kommunikationshandlingar mellan lärare och barn i förskolan
(2008-10-24)Abstract The aim of this research is to acquire knowledge about fostering young children, as expressed in everyday interactions between teachers and children in Swedish preschools. The three empirical studies in this ... -
Motstånd och mening. Innebörd i blivande lärares seminariesamtal
(2008-08-29)Both historically and in our own time the teacher education has been discussed and changed to match current traditions and intentions. There is an ongoing debate about the scientific basis of teacher education and the ... -
Relationer i skolan : en studie av feminiteter och maskuliniteter i år 9
(2008)This thesis aims to explore the range of femininities and masculinities that emerge among pupils in school. It also aims to examine local variations in gender pattern in two secondary school classes. For the project, ... -
Barns multimediala berättande. En länk mellan mediakultur och pedagogisk praktik
(Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2007) -
Meningsskaping i barnehagen. Innhold og bruk av barns og voksnes samtalefortellinger
(Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2007)