Gothenburg Research Institute: Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 178
For a Narrative Criticism of Organizational Performance
(2000)Grand narratives have fallen, or at least come off badly from, successive waves of structuralist, Marxist, post-modern, feminist, and post-colonialist criticisms (to name but a few). It is surprising that hardly anyone has ... -
Action Research in Management Accounting Studies
(1999)New directions in management accounting studies should aim at getting us out of the ontological trap which is provided by the decision making conception of management. The Scandinavian tradition of fieldwork in the area ... -
On the locus of justice in the resource allocation of a small city
(1999)A narrative presenting the development and reforms of the budgetary process and related organisational changes in the city of Gothenburg is subjected to an analysis inspired by Rawls' Theory of Justice. It is found that ... -
The controller in action- participative control here and now in product development processes
(1999)This paper analyses a video recorded exchange in a product development management group with a specific focus on the controller in action. This specimen of data serves to illustrate how larger issues of strategy ... -
Making Sense of Business.Reorganizing Processes in Swedish Rail
(1999)In Sweden like in many other countries in Europe there is an ongoing process of making old, bureaucratic public service organizations, such as Vattenfall (heat and electricity generation), Sweden Post, Swedish Rail and ... -
Translation and Transcription in Development Projects- From Vague Problems to Clear-Cut solutions Through Project Organizing
(1999)Occasionally, problems in society arise that do not fit into traditional structures of public organizations. Such problems become especially problematic if there is no adequate capacity to deal with them. At such situations, ... -
Netting the information infrastructure of Stockholm. An idea travels throughout the world.
(1999)This paper illustrates how the idea of a national information infrastructure travels through the world. Once the idea has traveled from the United States to Europe and to Sweden it has been translated and localized into ... -
The Thin End of the Wedge. Foreign Women Professors as Double Strangers in Academia
(2005)The impetus for this study was an observation that many of the women who obtained the first chairs at European universities were foreigners. Our initial attempt to provide a statistical picture proved impossible, because ... -
Från insikt till ? Utvärdering av JämO/EU-projektet Women to the Top
(2005)Projektet ”Women to the top” har syftat till att skapa en uthållig plattform för förändringsarbete som bidrar till att få fler kvinnor i företagens och organisationers högsta positioner. I Sverige har femton stora företag ... -
Femmes Fatales in Finance, or Women and the City
(2004)This paper concerns the representations of women working with finances in popular culture. Popular culture retrieves plots from a common repertoire, and in this way transmits ideals and furnishes descriptions of reality, ... -
The (d)evolution of the cyberwoman?
(2006)In this text, we examine Donna Haraway’s idea of a liberating potential of cyborgization first in the subsequent versions of Stepford Wives (the novel, the 1975 movie, and the 2004 movie), and second in the evolution of ... -
Virtual Servants: Stereotyping Female Front-Office Employees on the Internet
(2005)This article focuses on the service providers of the future: virtual assistants on the Internet. Recent technological developments, supported by intensive research on artificial intelligence, have enabled corporations to ... -
Negotiating Selves: Gender
(2006)This paper suggests a way of framing gender production in workplaces as a negotiation with varying results. The basis for such a frame is a combination of the notions of ”positioning” (the discoursive production of selves, ... -
"You cannot blame anyone else". Being in charge of the future
(2004)The pension system in Sweden underwent a dramatic change during the 1990s. Replacing the traditional welfare model of a more or less collective solution for all Swedes, an individual-focused pension model was launched ... -
The Impossibility of Corporate Ethics – For a Levinasian Approach to Managerial Ethics
(2005)The moral philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas offers a prospectus of stark impossibility for any programme of business or corporate ethics. It differs from most traditional ethical theories in that for Levinas the ethical ... -
Strategisk Bolognaanpassning? En företagsanalys av Handelshögskolan
(2006)Under 2006 bedrivs ett intensivt arbete med att omforma Handelshögskolans utbildningsprogram och utbildningsrutiner för att leva upp till de krav som formuleras i Bolognaprocessens olika lagar, förordningar och riktlinjer. ... -
A mise-en-sens process - Sensegiving and wind power development
(2006)This article intends to contribute to the conceptualising of organisational sensegiving. Based upon a qualitative analysis of how Swedish wind farm developers manage the permit application process for their projects, we ... -
Elements of Narrative Analysis
(2006)This article is intended to be an introduction to narrative analysis. It introduces key terms in narrative theory (e.g. story and plot), discusses various types of narratives relevant for social studies and features three ...