Gothenburg Research Institute: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 178
Isolationist Automorphism, Relentless Isomorphism, or Merciless Idealism. The Cultural Context of City Management in Warsaw, Stockholm and Rome
(2001)This paper employs some results of a study of city management in Warsaw, Stockholm, and Rome by setting them in a cultural context. Contrary to the common opinion, the difficulties in effective city management in Warsaw ... -
Managers work with words - an introduction
(2001)This report tries to establish a theoretical position on the problem of dealing with contradictory goals in organisations. Our most prominent theories point to `sequential attention to alternatives' or `sequential attention ... -
Recruiting for Sustainability. Administration or development?
(2001)Sustainability is a complex concept involving disparate issues of environmental, social and economical significance. To work towards sustainability, we need both technological and social skills. Several studies on environmental ... -
(2001)We know from earlier studies that corporate environmental management is a young discipline, not yet integrated in general management and organization studies, but that researchers take an increasing part in the ongoing ... -
Metaphors and the Cultural Context of organizing
(2001)When the linguistic turn reached organization studies, it manifested itself in the first place by the interest in metaphors. The crucial role of these tropes for theory building was emphasized, and their place in the very ... -
Genus i utbildningen - ett förändringsprojekt på Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet
(2001)Under läsåret 1998-1999 genomfördes Genus i utbildningen på Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet. Utbildningen som finansierats av Utbildningsdepartementet syftade till att medvetandegöra om könets betydelse i ... -
Personalminskning och kompetensväxling inom Vattenfall. - Uppföljning av ett omställningsprojekt
(2001)Verksamheten vid Vattenfall AB är inne i en omfattande förändringsprocess, vilket ställer krav på personalförändringar av olika slag. Dessa innefattar såväl nyrekrytering som intern rörlighet/ utveckling och avveckling av ... -
(2000)A so-called literary turn in social sciences in general and in organization studies in particular has resulted in re-discovering the narrative knowledge in organization theory and practice. Organization researchers ... -
Translating and transcribing in development projects - from vague problems to clear cut solutions through project organising
(2000)Organisations, as well as society in general, are organised along functional perspectives. Each function that serves members of a society has traditionally been taken care of by one state agency in each functional field. ... -
The nature of control. A study of CEO behavior
(2000)How do CEOs exercise control over their organizations? This question is to be answered through a study, which consists of direct observation of eight Swedish CEOs in their everyday work. Of special interest is to investigate ... -
Confrontation and the rules of the game in product development - the micro processes
(2001)Observations from two car projects are analysed. Video-recordings of two sequences showing team members trying to use confrontation to make other members change their behaviour and pay more attention to the provision of ... -
Var finns rättvisan i fördelningen av resurser i en liten storstad?
(2000)En berättelse om budgetreformer och med dem sammanhängande organisatoriska förändringar i Göteborgs Stad analyseras mot bakgrund av Rawls `Theory of Justice'. Man finner då att beslutscentrum vad gäller prioriteringar har ... -
Examining the stability of managerial behavior: A replication of Henry Mintzbergs classic study 30 years later
(2001)A replicating study about Swedish CEOs reveals a different pattern of behavior compared to the original study of Henry Mintzberg. The CEOs in the new study for instance spent much more time on meetings with subordinates, ... -
Talks on Tracks - Debating Urban Infrastructure Projects
(2000)This paper retraces and analyzes the debate around a major infrastructure project in central Stockholm, the construction of a third railroad track over the islet of Riddarholm. Using the analytical framework of the New ... -
Deadweight or Turbokick? On support for line management and the implementation of change.
(2000)Change is easy to decide upon and to plan, but hard to implement. This paper deals with the paradox that despite the most favourable conditions, such as consensus and abundant resources, the outcome of all the efforts is ... -
Organizing Sustainable Development. From Diffusion to Translation
(2000)Policy changes towards global sustainable development have important consequences for how these policies are organized. New and alternative models of organizing tend to emphasize indirect control rather than direct control ... -
Om managementteori
(2000)Artikeln beskriver de två dominerande tanketraditionerna inom managementteori, den rationella respektive den normativa styrfilosofin. Detta görs genom att redogöra för huvuddragen i utvecklandet av respektive styrfilosofi, ... -
Bracketing an issue in a product develoment process
(2000)This paper deals with action in the complex setting of a large product develeopment project a new year model of a car. The prespective is that of one engineer who has discovered a problem with the prototype car he is ...