Gothenburg Research Institute: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 101-120 av 178
Action towards time structures in product development processes - observations on the micro level
(2003)In product development processes conventional wisdom has it that structure is provided by strict specifications of product properties, budgets and time schedules that are followed up (Womack et al 1990, Clark & Fujimoto, ... -
The Organising of Expert Firms
(2002)A prevalent assumption in discussions on expert labour is that experts organise their work according to an occupational logic. The question, however, how the occupational logic come to dominate the greater part of expert ... -
On academic writing
(2006)Are there any useful tricks of the trade, as it were, to sustain a productive routine of writing for publication in academic journals?1 Nowadays the drive towards international publication is stronger than ever in Europe ... -
Professionals in Investment Banks - Sharing an Epistemic Pracitce or an Occupational Community
(2003)The circumstances in contemporary society have created new conditions for how the organising and legitimising of contemporary 'knowledge workers' develop. It seems like the today's practice and expertise of knowledge workers ... -
Projects and core values
(2002)Premium products do not speak for themselves! We do! When we experience them. We give them meaning by putting the core values that the products exhibit in context. The brand values provide a bridge between customer values ... -
Nordic Management & Business Administration Research - Quo Vadis?
(2002)This paper deals with the ongoing debate as to whether there is a Nordic research tradition in management and business administration. And if there is such a tradition, what are the characteristics of this way of academic ... -
Posten Futurum - Utvärdering av verksamheten i Postens omställningsprogram
(2002)Förutsättningarna för Postens verksamhet har förändrats under en följd av år. Posten bedriver en affärsverksamhet i bolagsform under konkurrenstryck, och dessa villkor har ställt krav på omstrukturering av organisationen. ... -
Expectations and accountability in managerial work
(2002)Based on a direct observation study of eight CEOs for large corporations, this paper examines how control is exercised in the era of financial transparency. In particular, the link between corporate governance and managerial ... -
Organizational effects on e-business in companies
(2002)The end of the 1990s witnessed a firm establishment of IT, Internet and various forms of e-commerce in business-to-business trade. The new technology is commonly presented as a new, revolutionary way of doing business. In ... -
Kompetensväxling i kommunal regi - om Bengtsfors framtid efter Lear
(2002)När Lear Corporation våren 1999 lade ner sin verksamhet i Bengtsfors agerade kommunen snabbt och tillskapade ett projekt som åtog sig att återskapa de dryga 860 jobb som försvunnit. Kommunen hade sedan tidigare en beredskap ... -
Fri eller ställd. Om friställda industriarbetare i periferin - exemplet Lear i Bengsfors
(2002)I mars 1999 lämnade Lear Corporation i Bengtsfors beskedet att verksamheten tillverkning av säten till Volvo skulle läggas ner. Lear var kommunens i särklass största privata arbetsgivare med drygt 860 anställda och ... -
What does the Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index really tell Us?
(2001)Quite often the Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index (DJSGI), which identifies and keeps tracks on the performance of the sustainable driven companies, is referred to as an evidence of that integration of economic, ... -
Visioner om kommunala framtider
(2001) -
Stiff surprise - coping with surprising discoveries in product development processes
(2001)An incident in a product development project is analysed to see how participants cope differently with surprising situations. This generates cognitive variety in the project team which means that the situation is complex ... -
Business on Their Minds. - How Experts in Investment Banks Organise Their Work
(2002)In discussions about the society of today, an important role is often attributed professions. However, expert knowledge is nowadays described as more fragmented than earlier, and the new free experts' show differences as ... -
The Digital Invisibility of Broadband and its Representation in the Modern City
(2001)City managers in several cities have tried to market their city related to information technology; i.e. Osaka as a city of intelligence, Barcelona as a city of telematics, Amsterdam as a city of information, Manchester as ...