Department of Business Administration / Företagsekonomiska institutionen: Recent submissions
Now showing items 381-400 of 3432
Mergers and Acquisitions in The Video Gaming Industry
(2021-02-24)This research paper studies the effect of 102 M&A announcements during 2016-2020 in the video gaming sector. The purpose is to answer whether M&A events within the sector manages to create synergy gains for investors, ... -
The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Swedish Funds
(2021-02-24)Fund managers have historically made use of traditional portfolio strategies such as Markowitz portfolio selection, as part of their decision making. But as the world has started to shift towards a more automated lifestyle, ... -
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning usage in credit risk management - A study from the Swedish financial services industry
(2021-02-24)Credit risk management is a fundamental process established in almost every financial institution. There are various tools and methods that financial institutions can use in order to mitigate risks among their loan takers. ... -
Can an investor gain positive abnormal return by mimicking insider transactions?
(2021-02-24)Background: The efficient market hypothesis is a theory that has been widely debated and studied during the years. Some agree with the theory, but some disagree. One way to study the efficient market hypothesis is by ... -
Smart Port Framework - A study of Port of Gothenburg
(2021-02-24)The increase in global trade have resulted in the need for more complex infrastructure to support the increased amount of freight. This combined with the advancement of digitalization in society has resulted in the need ... -
Capital Structure Determinants A case study of the European Automotive Industry
(2021-02-24)The thesis examines what variables explain firms’ choice of capital structure. The report centers around the automotive industry where Europe’s largest automotive manufacturers are the framework for the report. Firms ... -
En studie om IT-konsultbolags framtida behov av kontor
(2021-02-24)Coronapandemin har påverkat samhälle i stort och folkhälsomyndigheten har gett medborgare och företag rekommendationer om hur de bör agera. En av rekommendationerna har varit att företag, om möjligt, ska låta sina anställda ... -
Sambandet mellan aktiers PE-tal och avkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden
(2021-02-24)Background and discussion of problem: The conventional mindset among most investors has been to opt for stocks with low PE-ratios, but recent studies have found that stocks with high PE-ratios have given higher return ... -
Inkluderingar och exkluderingar i OMXS30 och dess påverkan på aktiers avkastning på kort och lång sikt
(2021-02-24)Denna uppsats ämnar att genom en eventstudie undersöka hur förändringar i sammansättningen av det svenska börsindexet OMXS30:s påverkar aktiers överavkastning ur ett kort- och långsiktigt perspektiv mellan 2000–2020. En ... -
Manager Motivation and Organizational Change A case study of how manager motivation is fostered in a company and impacted by an organizational change effort
(2021-02-24)Organizations are a fundamental part of today's society, playing an important part in people's everyday lives as well as in economic development. The key to running a successful organization in today’s complex business ... -
Hur har en kris som coronapandemin påverkat Sjunde AP-fondens riskhantering?
(2021-02-24)Coronapandemin är idag högaktuell och innebär stora konsekvenser för bland annat världsekonomin. Något som blir extra viktigt under en sådan kris men även under andra finansiella kriser är riskhantering. Fondbolag arbetar ... -
Financial Justifications for the Software-as-a-Service Business Model Trend Based on Financial Differences between Companies in the Software-as-a-Service and Pharmaceutical Industry
(2021-02-24)The Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) business model is a new type of business model that has gained great attention from both researchers and practitioners. The rapid growth has resulted in a more and more refined business ... -
Effektiv informationshantering vid fastighetsförvaltning och dess kostnadspåverkan
(2021-02-24)Digitalisering är en fas som alla branscher har mött eller kommer att möta. I den konservativa samhällsbyggnadsbranschen så är digitalisering något som ständigt märks av mer och mer. Fastighetsbolag är sist att implementera ... -
Skillnader mellan kvinnor och mäns finansiella risktagande
(2021-02-24)Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning visar att det finns en skillnad mellan kvinnor och mäns riskbenägenhet kopplat till deras investeringsbeslut. Undersökningar har även konstaterat att det finansiella intresset är större hos ... -
Branding in Startups - A Case Study