Department of Business Administration / Företagsekonomiska institutionen: Recent submissions
Now showing items 821-840 of 3432
Konsumenters användande av smartphones i matbutiken
(2018-06-26) -
Att utmana befintliga idéer med innovativa processer - En studie om consumer cleantech-företags dynamiska förmågor under uppstartens tidiga faser
(2018-06-26)Bakgrund: I allt större utsträckning driver klimatförändringar globala trender som bidrar till förändring av samhällelig, miljömässig och kulturell karaktär. Effekter av globala trender är iakttagbara även på marknaden ... -
Developing sustainable freight transportation -Primary barriers encountered when freight intensive companies implement and develop sustainable oversea freight transportation in Europe
(2018-06-26)Transportation is a key factor in today’s society, since it enables trade and thereby foster our economy. However, it also generates negative externalities, which leads to increasing global temperature and an indirect ... -
Strategic management of corporate value chain emissions - Exploring the drivers and barriers for scope 3 management
(2018-06-26)Problem definition In recent years companies have developed carbon management strategies (CMS) in order to take greater responsibility for their climate impact. However, these have focused on direct emission sources, ... -
Redovisningens väg mot hållbar utveckling En studie av de 17 globala hållbarhetsmålens inverkan på hållbarhetsredovisningen inom kläd- respektive energiindustrin
(2018-06-26)Bakgrund: I september 2015 antog FN:s medlemsländer 17 frivilliga globala hållbarhetsmål vilka ämnar adressera samtliga dimensioner av hållbar utveckling. Följaktligen ligger det i allmänhetens intresse att förstå hur ... -
The circular business model and its barriers - through the eyes of Swedish professionals
(2018-06-26)Society and the business community are facing severe sustainability issues, such as resource scarcity leading to increasing commodity prices on resources, e.g., oil, or water scarcity which would impact both firms and ... -
Att välja rätt från början - Hur väljer start-up företag utländska leverantörer i samband med det första produktionsbeslutet?
(2018-06-26)Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to create a deeper understanding of start-up corporations and how they choose suppliers outside of Sweden in connection to the first choice of production. An additional purpose is to ... -
Sustainable certifications in the public procurement by municipalities of IT-products
(2018-06-26)There are many different approaches to combat sustainability challenges, one of them being the use of certifications. The purpose of this thesis is to gain an understanding of the motives to include sustainability in public ... -
Investeringsincitament i svenska storskaliga solcellsparker
(2018-06-26)With an untenable use of fossil fuels today, it is evident that an increase in investment is required within renewable energy. Investments in solar farms have increased in Sweden in accordance with global- and national ... -
SWISH - Hur digitaliseringen har påverkat svenska konsumenters acceptans av mobila betalningslösningar med närmare fokus på Swish
(2018-06-26)Background and problem: Digitization has gone through an enormous revolution since the first digitized device was invented. Usage of internet has increased and by every day many more people turn to usage of digitized ...