Now showing items 1-18 of 18

    • From Workflow to Conversation 

      Ljungberg, Jan (1997)
      This thesis is about designing information technology to support communicative work. The thesis has a theoretical focus, informed by two empirical studies, but the aim is not to formulate a grand theory, but rather to find ...
    • Networking 

      Ljungberg, Fredrik (1997)
      The thesis is a collection of five papers that approach networking from the perspective of “the New Informatics.” Networking is a kind of working practice that typically is concerned with knowledge or service work, carried ...
    • e-ducation 

      Nuldén, Urban (1999)
      e-ducation is a study of information technology use in higher education. The aim of the research is to improve educational practice with information technology. The modern educational system was developed to teach the ...
    • Flip Zooming. The Development of an Information Visualization Technique 

      Björk, Staffan (2000)
      This thesis describes the development of a Focus+Context information visualization technique called Flip Zooming. Based on two initial examples of the technique, the work reported here expands the description and functionality ...
    • Breaking the Screen Barrier 

      Holmquist, Lars Erik (2000)
      This thesis is based on an important development in human-computer interface design: the move from primarily screen-based interfaces – based on the Windows-Icons-Menus-Pointer (WIMP) and Graphical Users Interfaces (GUI) ...
    • IT in Healthcare - Artefacts, Infrastructures and Medical Practices 

      Lundberg, Nina (2000)
      Globally, health care is making huge investments in information technology. Several studies illustrate that IT implementations have been fraught with problems. Everywhere, the problems appear to be similar, irrespective ...
    • Mobile Knowledge 

      Fagrell, Henrik (2000)
      Both the issues of “knowledge management” and “mobility” have received much attention recently. The interest in these issues is often motivated by the fact that work, in many organisations, has become “knowledge intensive” ...
    • Mobile Newsmaking 

      Forsberg, Kerstin (2001)
      The research reported in this thesis concerns the design of new and innovative IT support for mobile news journalism. News journalists often have to report events on topics that they do not know very well and with little ...
    • Designing Everyday Computational Things 

      Redström, Johan (2001)
      The prospect of ubiquitous computing in everyday life urges us to raise basic design issues pertaining to how we will live with, and not only use, computers. To design for everyday life involves much more than enabling ...
    • Competence Systems 

      Lindgren, Rikard (2002)
      Today, more and more organizations rely upon the competencies of their staffs. This increasing reliance on competence has triggered many organizations to implement competence systems in order to support staff allocation ...
    • Designing for Local Mobility 

      Bergqvist, Jens (2002)
      This thesis investigates the characteristics of local mobility from a CSCW perspective using ethnographically informed workplace studies and presents a framework for designing IT support. In this thesis local mobility is ...
    • Software Practice Improvement 

      Pourkomeylian, Pouya (2002)
      Software Process Improvement (SPI) is a systematic approach used to improve the capabilities of software organisations. One basic idea in SPI is to assess the organisations’ current practice and improve their software ...
    • Designing the new intranet 

      Stenmark, Dick (2002)
      Designing the new intranet is about exploiting web technology in an organisational context so that the users can better utilise the intranet from a knowledge management perspective. This means to take advantage of the ...
    • Communities of Distance Education 

      Svensson, Lars (2002)
      Distance Education (DE) is the centre of attention for many educational organisations and recently many innovative examples of flexible educational designs that make use of the new information and communication technologies ...
    • BPR in the Pharmaceutical Industry 

      Simon, Kai Artur (2003)
      This thesis investigates the use of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) as a change approach in the Pharmaceutical Industry. The pharmaceutical industry is undergoing profound changes. New opportunities, e.g. in the field ...
    • Doing Mobility 

      Weilenmann, Alexandra (2003)
      Despite the widespread adoption of mobile information and communication technology, there are still relatively few studies of their use. Previous studies often fail to capture the situated practicalities of mobility. ...
    • Community-based customer involvement for improving packaged software development 

      Holmström, Helena (2004)
      Noting the widespread use of virtual communities for interacting with customers, this thesis explores the role of virtual communities for involving distributed customers in packaged software development (psd) and the ...
    • The evolution of a new(s) genre 

      Ihlström, Carina (2004)
      This thesis describes and analyzes how the online newspaper genre has evolved since its inception on the Internet in the mid-nineties. The overall research question is: What characterizes the online newspaper genre evolution? ...