• Breaking the Screen Barrier 

      Holmquist, Lars Erik (2000)
      This thesis is based on an important development in human-computer interface design: the move from primarily screen-based interfaces – based on the Windows-Icons-Menus-Pointer (WIMP) and Graphical Users Interfaces (GUI) ...
    • Designing Everyday Computational Things 

      Redström, Johan (2001)
      The prospect of ubiquitous computing in everyday life urges us to raise basic design issues pertaining to how we will live with, and not only use, computers. To design for everyday life involves much more than enabling ...
    • Flip Zooming. The Development of an Information Visualization Technique 

      Björk, Staffan (2000)
      This thesis describes the development of a Focus+Context information visualization technique called Flip Zooming. Based on two initial examples of the technique, the work reported here expands the description and functionality ...