The School of Design and Crafts / Högskolan för design och konsthantverk (HDK) (-jun 2012): Recent submissions
Visas titlar 21-40 av 251
Ma Famille - narrative approaches in play
(2013-02-20)Ma famille is a hat design project for role play. It is a group of characters, they create a small family. There are 5 hats in total, and they were designed as creatures who has different personalities. Ma famille was ... -
From junk to toy - a sustainable way of playing
(2013-02-20)Play is a fundamental activity for children and is playing a vital role in their development. During this process, toys are important props for them. With their children’s best interests at heart, parents are buying their ... -
Kuling - en digital bilderbok
(2013-02-20)In what way do pictures allow for freedom of interpretation and thoughts rather than understanding reality in a high paced medium? Children today are exposed more than ever to images trough various media. Children’s ... -
The family. A group of wooden figurines for children and adults
(2013-02-20)The Family project is an attempt to recreate a group of figurines made of mix materials manly wood with a background story that is relevant to both children and adults. The theme of family has been chosen to reinforce the ... -
Happy childhood - A child friendly graphic system for the Convention on the Rights of the Child
(2013-02-20)“ All children have the right to know their rights. Adults should know about these rights and help children to learn about them, too.” UNCRC - Article 42 This project is a graphic system for the UNCRC based on ... -
Twig ceiling. Emotionell design i sjukhusmiljö - ur ett barnperspektiv
(2013-02-20)To be examined in hospitals can sometimes be perceived as painful by children. Therefore there is a need for something, which can distract children’s attention from their perceived pain. During my graduation project, I ... -
A story of play
(2013-02-20)Similar to storytellers of the past, children oft en make and perform their own stories as they play. Th e aim of this project was to utilize the textile medium in providing children with a platform which inspires and ... -
Play therapy room design
(2013-02-19)Hospitalization could be an upsetting event in everyone’s life, especially a child. Enhancing children’s experience during the hospital journey is a necessary and meaningful improvement. In Sweden, Children and Adolescents ... -
Sagans skog - textil vägg för flexibla rum i offentlig miljö
(2013-02-19)The story of the forest - A folded textile wall for flexible rooms in public spaces In the story of the forest the dragonfly is spinning yarn shiny as the sun. In the story of the forest almost everything can happen and ... -
Akka. Ett skrivbord för hemmet anpassat för rullstolsburna.
(2013-02-18)A woman is dying of cancer, she refuses to use her walking aid. Because she is embarrassed. This means she can’t leave her house, and her last days become very limited. Why do we act like this? Can the view we have of ... -
SFEH. The clothes. The brand. The style.
(2013-02-18)SFEH A project about a clothing brand and a new kind of showroom that looses it´s structure during the process.But managed to find the core and produced a personal mirror of prints for a greater cause. Sfeh is the brand ... -
Dimensioner. Mellan 2D och 3D, en undersökning av yta och innehåll
(2013-02-18)A project exploring the boundaries between 2D and 3D. What is surface and what is substance? A countinuation of previous projects where I’ve examined the journey from two dimensional paper to three dimensonal objects. This ... -
Impressions of reality
(2013-02-18)Impression of reality deals with the subject of wearing a mask. It is an exploration of the idea that we are all playing different roles, on a stage in front of an audience. The aim was to work conceptually with text, photo ... -
En drömsaga. Material till en barnbok
(2013-02-18)My Exam work is about how to communicate with children. Reading for children is important and meaningful. They get connection with adults and inspiration to read and tell stories by there own. Therefore I created the draft ... -
De osynliga stränderna - en omvandling och undersökning av boken De osynliga städerna
(2013-02-18)My project is an interpretation and exploration of the book The Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. It is a play on the swedish words for cities and beaches. By adding the letters R and N the word for cities in the title ... -
Arkiv: Indien 2011-12. En reseskildring genom ett projekt om en resa
(2013-02-18)My project is based on a journey to India in the winter of 2011-12. I knew that I wanted to do some sort of travelouge based on my photos from the trip. I also knew I wanted to do some sort of book. How this, the story ... -
Mönsterminnen - att skapa nya mönster av gamla minnen
(2013-02-18)This is a project about creating new patterns from childhood memories of patterns. I have been reaserching the possibility to add further value to a pattern in terms of memories, stories, associations and feelings. The ... -
Luova. En föränderlig sittmöbel för det offentliga rummet
(2013-02-18)The aim of this project was to design a furniture that raises thoughts and curiosity about how to relate to people you share furniture with. Luova, a changing piece of furniture for public spaces is a bench where the user ... -
Neoplasm 2.5D. Ett utforskande kring modulära skärmväggar
(2013-02-18)Neoplasm 2.5D, is a project centered around exploring possibilities of combining various digital tools with the use of a lasercutter, to create intricate patterns with illusions of depth and texture, and to combine these ... -
Jag vill, men hur? Ett utforskande av den kreativa processen.
(2013-02-18)I want to, but how? My work is a research of the creative process. I have asked myself how ideas take form and how materials can become bearers of ideas. The work has been treated as an action rather than an object. The ...