Now showing items 1-20 of 251

    • Tumult i Texas - ett undersökande arbete om bildspråk och berättande 

      Pettersson, Claes (2008-09-30)
      Thick skin in Texas - an investigation on storytelling and pictorial language. I took my starting point in a story about the cowboy Jaquin, who goes to the Tivoli, where he gets caught up in a dramatic ...
    • Att uppleva rum - ett utforskande projekt om rumslig gestaltning 

      Sandberg, Eva-Johanna (2008-09-30)
      This project in an in depth exploration about the basics of creating space in the form of an experimental investigation using my own perceptions as reference. Within a method, especially outlined for the project using ...
    • Off with their heads - en uppdatering av kortlekens symbolik, hierarkier och formspråk 

      Viklund, David (2008-09-30)
      This project was a collaboration with Kajsa Bergström. The projected was to develop the French/English deck of cards. We replaced the knight, queen and king with the numbers 11, 12 and 13. We worked with separate aesthetics ...
    • En yteffektiv bostadsmodul 

      Colburn, Gabriel (2008-09-30)
      The aim is to design a module for living which is flexible in a bigger context, which could condens the city and to answer the questions: How is it possible to make a livingmodule where the compact living theme works in ...
    • Kandidat examenskatalog 2008 Valands konsthögskola 

      Gåfvels, Johan (2008-10-03)
      This project had the aim to produce an exhibition catalogue for the Valand School of fine Arts (BA level). The purpose was to give the student a professional frontage and to visualize there exhibition concept through the ...
    • Färg möter ljus - med inspiration från staden 

      Jacobsson, Frida (2008-10-03)
      This project is about color and light and how it affects the atmosphere in the city. I chose to look closer into the central parts of the city, a place where I often feel a lack of light and color, especially during the ...
    • Logotyp och annonskampanj för InterRail 

      Larsson, Joel (2008-10-03)
      As a project in advertising and graphic design the goal was to create a print campaign and a new logo for the train ticket Interrail. The project started with research, in which target groups were analyzed and defined, ...
    • En illustrativ tolkning av Carl-Einar Häckner i form av en webbmiljö 

      Larsson, Kristine (2008-10-03)
      This project is a study in how to represent the Swedish magician and variety artist Carl-Einar Häckner in a web-based environment. With a starting point focusing on illustration I wanted to produce a web environment that ...
    • Bildspråk – bokstavligt talat alltså. Ett undersökande arbete inom semiotiken 

      Nilsson, Henrik (2008-10-03)
      Under examenskursen har jag studerat bilder som används istället för text. Många oväntade upptäckter och insikter dök upp längs vägen, vilket ibland medförde att jag ändrade fokus. Projektets process kom därför att bli ...
    • Re-Design av Dagens ETC 

      Rahmqvist, Pär (2008-10-03)
      The project is about making a Re-Design of the Swedish Socialistic Newspaper “Dagens ETC”. The background to the project is my search for commitment when I work with a specific customer or project and how important that ...
    • Prints 

      Svanström, Carl-Johan (2008-10-03)
      This project was intended to develop and improve my skills as an artist/designer. I have used inspirational sources and followed my artist’s intuition to create something that is individual and a reflection of myself. My ...
    • Nära Frånvaro 

      Svensson, Johanna Magoria (2008-10-03)
      The presence of the absent My project is based on the idea that we all leave something behind, traces which tell stories about us for others to read. I wanted to give these traces a value by collecting them in a book. ...
    • Älskvärda digitala leksaker. En interaktiv leksaksrobot 

      Åkerström, Johan (2008-10-03)
      The purpose of this project was to develop an interactive toy concept. A toy capable of reacting and expressing emotions like happiness, sadness, anger or love. And capable of developing its character with use. The initial ...
    • Att lämna spår. En undersökning om mönsters påverkan på slitage. 

      Camvin, Charlotte (2008-10-03)
      Could patterns change the way we as consumers feel about a product as it ages and wears down? Why do some products increase their value as they are being worn down and others do not? Could the same affection that increases ...
    • Samtal med och om bokstaven. Att ta fram ett teckensnitt 

      Falk, André (2008-10-06)
      The background to this project came from my interest for letters and how to make a typeface. The result is the lowercase letters for this typeface, and the journey to learn the process of making it.
    • Verkligheten från en annan vinkel. NIPIS-en produkt av en fiktiv värld 

      Gillstedt, Sofie (2008-10-06)
      The project has sprung out of my imagination. I wanted to find out what happened to my creativity, and my way of making product design if I used the method of putting myself into a fictive world. The project has taught me ...
    • Scenerier i glas - ett projekt om mönstermoduler 

      Gullman, Sara (2008-10-06)
      The present project was initiated with the aim to create pattern modules for use in public environments. My intention was to let the properties, of the specific materials used, have a marked influence on the realisation ...
    • Mellan stad och hav - kajpromenad i Kalmar 

      Gustafsson, Matilda (2008-10-06)
      The aim of this project is to investigate the meeting between the city and the sea and to look into how that could be developed and made use of. I want to find out how you can increase the availability of a specific place ...
    • Tapetmönster - en kollektion av form & färg i rum 

      Johansson, Anna (2008-10-06)
      The character of a pattern carries through to the context in which it is placed. Each pattern tells a story. By interpreting our surrounding environments we become inspired, and the patterns in turn can become part of our ...
    • Utomhusbruk. Produkter formgivna för utomhusvistelser 

      Johansson, Victor (2008-10-06)
      My thesis was based on studying what really happens when Swedes move their beloved kitchen outdoors.?What kind of problems and possibilities appears in this enviroment? First, I unbiassed examined the traditional kitchen ...