Now showing items 41-60 of 128

    • Att existera i ögonblicket -Töj, en textil sittmöbel 

      Frisk, Lina (2012-02-13)
      This project started with an exploration of geometric shapes and textile materials. It resulted in a chair made out of textile bands with different elasticity. The surface for sitting is flat when the chair is not used, ...
    • Dinosaurien. En animerad kortfilm om mobbning 

      Wendesten, Johan (2012-02-13)
      Although I myself haven’t been bullied per say during my school years. I’ve sure been teased and occasionally felt left out. On the other hand – who hasn’t? And that as well is my point. According to the Swedish anti ...
    • Karin Park. En grafisk identitet 

      Hammarström, Johan (2012-02-13)
      The project Karin Park is an identity investigative project, to create a new interesting graphic profile for the ar tist Karin Park. Her new sound has taken her to a new kind of genre, where some standards exists. The ...
    • Ett äventyr i mönster 

      Gustafsson, Ulrika (2011-06-13)
      Jag har gjort en liten serie mönster som alla har inspiration i folktro och sägner. Ett mönster handlar om Bergtagning och ett annat handlar om sägnen Hårgadansen. Utifrån dessa två har jag sedan tagit delar och gjort ...
    • Kaspar Hausers hjärna 

      Björk, Kerstin (2011-06-13)
      Mitt arbete handlar om vad som har uppstått medan jag väntat på att jag ska komma på vad jag ska göra i examensarbete. I förlängning en liten hyllning till allt det där som blir medan vi väntar på "de stora tingen".
    • Jag vet en vrå 

      Johansson, Annie (2011-06-13)
      Har riten en djupare mening, ett arv vi bär med oss och känner ett undermedvetet behov av? Kan riten ge oss tröst? Vad har riten för betydelse för oss? I mitt examensarbete har jag undersökt hur vi genom riten reflekterar ...
    • China - ett projekt om porslin och dekorer med inspiration från Kina 

      Lundberg, Petra (2010-11-18)
      In this project I have worked with porcelain och and porcelain decors. The project was based on questions like why porcelain is such a richly decorated product and how you can maka a shape and a decor feel like a entirety. ...
    • Fever 

      Allier, Patrick (2010-11-18)
      Working with the layering and scraping of paint on acoustic guitars, Fever draws parallels between painted layers and our image of the world around us. Today’s technology gives us access to a vast array of sources of ...
    • Vävtapeter i ny dräkt 

      Hallberg, Matilda (2010-11-18)
      Pattern design is a territory which has been widely explored by many during a long period of time. With this project I hope to shine a new light on wallpaper design, the area on which I’ve applied my patterns to. The ...
    • Dammsugare att motivera till dammsugning 

      Andersson, Magnus (2010-11-18)
      How can a vacuum cleaner motivate you to use it? From a sustainability perspective, the author asked the question of how such a solution would look like? These where issues that the project tackled and devised solutions ...
    • Ett träd för ett annat 

      Olsson, Lotta (2010-11-18)
      This project is a collaboration with Ett Klick för Skogen, a foundation that buys and preserves endangered forests in Sweden. There are several ways of helping the foundation, e.g. buy a tree and for this the buyer obtains ...
    • Ett nytt sätt att resa mobilt med cykel 

      Bjelkne, Linn (2010-11-18)
      With my bachelorwork I aimed to design a new mobile “living space” which should become as small, functional and easy to assemble as possible. The “living space”is made for people who are interested in having a biking ...
    • Gränserna mellan ornamentik och improvisation är flytande 

      Vännström, Linda (2010-10-28)
      The catchphrase this project has been; the boundaries between ornamentation and improvisation are fluid. My aim was to focus on my work process, giving me the space and time so develop my design further regarding shape, ...
    • DEM - En konspirationsteoretisk tapetkollektion 

      Karlsson, Lars-Göran (2010-10-28)
      I’ve previously been working with patterns for wallpaper and wanted to try another approach. I wanted to use a strange story as a base to develop a wallpaper collection from. The aim was to make a collection that is ...
    • En filantrop måste ha långa armar – Ett undersökande arbete om att illustrera svåra ord 

      Westmar, Kristin (2010-10-28)
      A philanthropist needs long arms - An investigation on how to illustrate difficult words The feeling of not understanding all the words that I read made me initiate the project of investigating the capacity of drawn ...
    • Blomgren - en mönsterkollektion 

      Erséus, Kristin (2010-10-28)
      This report is about the exam project; Blomgren- a collection of patterns. During eight weeks I have from the family Blomgren, who was my grandfather’s family with siblings and parents, produced five patterns for textiles ...
    • Animerad musikvideo - Anna von Hausswolff 

      Fransson, Jonna (2010-10-28)
      This was a project of creating an animated music video for Anna von Hausswolffs song Something is missing. By working with animation I wanted to broaden my expertise in visual communications. This has been an exploratory ...
    • Ett samarbete om samarbete 

      Canell, Jesper (2010-10-28)
      The following is an explorative work on various forms of collaboration. The core of our exploration revolves around the idea of co-operation as a tool for examination, a collective working method, the input/output within ...
    • Att planera, markera och dokumentera tid 

      Larsson, Jakob (2010-10-28)
      For a long time I have felt that there is a lack of time planning products on the market that attracts me to use them. Therefore I wanted to explore the possibilities of developing something that I really wanted to ...
    • Defragmentering. En fotobok om fragment 

      Hallberg, Håkan (2010-10-28)
      How do you reed a book? Do you start at the beginning, or do you begin with the end or maybe in the middle? In my exam project I elected to work with a photographic publication about fragments of pictures combined in ...