Department of Applied Information Technology / Institutionen för tillämpad informationsteknologi: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 601-620 av 850
Molnet och dess användning i stora organisationer
(2010-09-24)IT-‐världens senaste och mest omtalade fenomen, molnet, har möjlighet att revolutionera IT-‐användningen. Att uppfatta det som att molnet bara är ett nytt ord för det gamla fenomenet outsourc ... -
Leveraging Organizational Performance Through Enterprise Business Architecture
(2010-09-24)Enterprise architecture is a conceptual IS architecture and management framework used to describe and organize and control an organization’s IS/IT structure, processes, applications, systems and techniques in an integrated ... -
Hållbar IT- baserad verksamhetsutveckling - Principer som främjar realisering av en hållbar målmedveten IT- baserad verksamhetsutveckling
(2010-09-24)Hållbar utveckling kan urskiljas som en strävan att arbeta för en helhet i det ömsesidiga beroendet inom de områden vi lever och verkar inom. Stor del av IT- politiken i Sverige grundas på att IT skall främja hållbar ... -
Flexibilitet för entreprenöriella verksamhetskrav i samexistens med IS/IT-strukturers stabilitet. En tolkande studie över IS/IT-strategiarbete vid paradigmskifte avseende verksamhetens villkor.
(2010-09-24)Studien undersöker ett fall där en verksamhet bryts loss från en koncern för att bilda ett eget fristående företag – en omvälvande verksamhetsförändring som inom forskningen sällan beskrivits ur IS/IT och IS/IT-strategiers ... -
Explicating Critical Assumptions in Software Architectures Using AADL
(2010-09-24)Developers make assumptions constantly at different levels and throughout software development lifecycles. Implicit assumptions made during higher development levels, such as in architecture design, have major impacts ... -
Lessons Learned in Virtual Teams from Global Software Development
(2010-09-24)Increasing globalization has strongly urged software organizations to lower software development costs and access to best skilled resources, which lead using of global software development team as one of many possible ... -
Software Reuse And Offshoring: A Study Of Benefits, Difficulties And Feasibility
(2010-09-24)CONTEXT – Software Reuse and Offshoring are two promising approaches to decrease cost and increase productivity in software development. There have been many researches made in various perspectives on both subjects but ... -
Complementing views in Software Process Improvement - An Assumption Analysis of SPICE from an Organizational Culture Perspective
(2010-09-24)The Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination (SPICE) model is emerging approach for software process improvement (SPI). ISO SPICE is creating standards for handling software processes and trying to improve ... -
A Peek at the Position of Pedagogical Aspects in Usability Evaluation of E-learning System - A Literature Review of Usability Evaluation of E-learning System conducted since 2000
(2010-09-24)Usability has been a hot topic for many years, adding a new dimension when the World Wide Web was introduced and adopted. Many studies have been made on usability evaluation methods in many specific areas, however not ... -
Increasing Accuracy of Speech Recognition Applications on Windows platform using .net framework
(2010-09-24)The intention behind developing speech recognition applications is to automate tasks. That is by accurately recognizing the user's input and taking action accordingly. There are many algorithms and techniques that one can ... -
Outsourcing from manufacturing to software engineering - Strategic Use of Quality Inspection Process for SMEs
(2010-09-24)The transition from manufacturing outsourcing to software engineering outsourcing can be an appealing and challenging activity for all enterprises. A theoretical framework is proposed based on four items in this ... -
Bottlenecks in the Development Life Cycle of a Feature - A Case Study Conducted at Ericsson AB
(2010-09-24)Increase in lead time of software projects has been mainly attributed to long development cycles and changes in customer requirements. This has driven the development of a number of modern software development strategies ... -
Validating a Unifying Alarm Model
(2010-09-24)The constant growth and complexity of Telecommunication networks has resulted in a situation where alarm operators are flooded with alarms. A medium-sized telecommunication network center can receive several hundred ... -
Trust In Social Software - A survey of trust on Commute Greener!, at Volvo IT
(2010-09-24)Trust is a fundamental aspect in social software. Studying trust is helping to determine trustworthiness in online system in various context, e.g. online transactions, information sharing, website filtering, etc. To ... -
Agile outsourcing - A Case Study
(2010-09-24)In recent years outsourcing has become a major factor in IT and can no longer be ignored. Companies are outsourcing some or even whole part of their development. Cutting costs is an obvious reason for outsourcing but ... -
Understanding Patterns in Software through Reverse Engineering
(2010-09-24)Software patterns are common solutions to common problems. The key difference in making the most of such patterns lies in understanding what patters are actually used and how an organization or individual may improve ... -
Evolution of Version Control Systems - Comparing CENTRALIZED against DISTRIBUTED Version Control models
(2010-09-24)A lot more projects are using a Distributed Version Control System (DVCS) for handling of source code and documentation nowadays. The reasons are many, but what’s lacking is more support from companies to utilize the ... -
Impact of IVIS on driving performance and safety on the road
(2010-09-24)Automatic Speech Recognition is a state-of-the-art technology which is changing the way people interact with computers nowadays. Automotive industry profits from this technology while using it for controlling the in-vehicles ... -
Factors That Restrict Speed in Streamline
(2010-09-24)The fast moving area of mobile telecommunication forces companies to deliver functionality with increasing speed to customers. To deal with these challenges, Ericsson AB cre- ated a software process called Streamline ... -
Executing statistical programs from the Database management system
(2010-09-24)With the evolution of information technology, the process of gathering and storing data reached an unprecedented level. It resulted in an increasing need for effective and efficient systems that are able to handle ...