Department of Applied Information Technology / Institutionen för tillämpad informationsteknologi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 581-600 of 850
Cloud Services Provider
(2011-02-21)Context: Cloud computing as next generation computing paradigm has been accepted widely with growing-up of Internet technology and success of World Wide Web, which has the potential to transform a large part of IT industry, ... -
Service-oriented Architecture - An Emergence of a Service-oriented Architecture from a Business Perspective
(2011-02-21)This qualitative study analyzes service-oriented architecture (SOA) from a business perspective. The business is divided into different decision levels for clarification of the liability limits for the affected actors. ... -
(2011-02-21)The need for quality software that satisfies both customers and software developers is very essential. Quality attributes and metrics play an essential role in assuring the quality of software during the software development ... -
IT-Stöd för uppföljning av vård genom mobilbaserad patientinteraktion
(2011-02-21)Det finns idag brister inom vården när det gäller uppföljning av patienter i hemmet. Många patienter skrivs idag ut från sjukhusen innan de är färdigvårdade och har stora behov av uppföljning av sin hälsa. Denna uppföljning ... -
Using the potential of the blog - A comparison of techniques in Swedish political
(2011-02-21)As the use of Internet and social media increases, the Swedish politicians not only use the traditional media but also blogs as a way to reach out with their political message. The research objective of this thesis is ... -
Metodstudier vid mobiltelefonanvändning - En metodstudie med hemmet som användningsområde
(2011-02-21)Mobiltelefoner är något som nästan alla har tillgång till idag. Samtidigt ökar hela tiden användningsområdena på just mobiltelefoner. Nya modeller kommer ständigt och i takt med detta ökar även funktionaliteten av dem. ... -
Allocentric Perception in Primates - and the Role of Vision in the Evolution of Thought
(2011-02-21)This thesis explores the evidence of allocentric visual processing in primates with the purpose of illuminating a proposed co-evolution of more advanced visual perception and cognition in humans and closely related ... -
Fast Map Rendering for Mobile Devices
(2011-02-21)Despite rapid development of mobile technologies mobile graphics still has performance and quality problems, which are critical for map applications. A number of graphics APIs, libraries and optimization techniques exist ... -
(2010-10-05)The Experience industry is a relatively new word given to the new trend of living that has developed whereby, many more people in the world have begun shifting their expenditure to goods and activities that they can derive ... -
Communication as cause, symptoms and solution for culture shock in Swedish working environment
(2010-10-05)Culture shock is often associated with contacts with exotic cultures and primarily with the differences in religion, customs and traditions. However, it is also a communication-based phenomenon (Kim in Gudykunst, 2005, ... -
Informationsmäklarens roll i gränsöverskridande aktiviteter - En studie kring mervärdet av informationsmäklare
(2010-09-24)En teknik som på senare år fått allt större uppmärksamhet på grund av dess potentiella nytta är RFID-tekniken som bland annat utlovar kostnadsminskningar och ökad konkurrenskraft. RFID i en logistikkedja genererar stora ... -
Introducing Requirement Stability Metrics for Test Case Success Prediction in RUAG Space AB
(2010-09-24)Context: In every software development method, requirement gathering and analysis phase plays the most important role. Stability of requirements potentially makes an impact on the success of later phases in a software ... -
Imorgon: klart till växlande molnighet - En mall för att understödja riskbedömningen vid en övergång till molntjänster
(2010-09-24)Cloud computing eller molntjänster syftar till såväl mjukvara och dess plattform som en tjänst som erbjuds via Internet samt till infrastrukturen som tillhandla håller dessa tjänster. Det finns mycket som talar för en ... -
Quality Evaluation in transformation of event logs into visual representations
(2010-09-24)Software products play an important role in everyday life of people from daily operations to more critical one. Nowadays, we are witnessing the increasing demands for software quality as a powerful mean to determine ... -
Architectural Support for Openness in Mobile Software Platforms
(2010-09-24)Introduction: The answer to the frequently asked question “how open is a software platform” is not binary; especially when it comes to software platforms for mobile devices. The openness of these platforms is determined ... -
Fast Map Rendering for Mobile Devices
(2010-09-24)Despite rapid development of mobile technologies mobile graphics still has performance and quality problems, which are critical for map applications. A number of graphics APIs, libraries and optimization techniques exist ... -
(2010-09-24)The need for quality software that satisfies both customers and software developers is very essential. Quality attributes and metrics play an essential role in assuring the quality of software during the software development ... -
Using Semantic Model Comparison to Support Evaluation of Environmental Impact on Big Production Setups
(2010-09-24)Context: Working with process modeling is widely spread in production systems engineering and software development. Thus models have essential part in representing, visualizing and analyzing data in the field of car’s ... -
Situational Factors Affecting Software Development Process Selection
(2010-09-24)Context: Within organizations which provide IT, R&D and consulting services to diverse markets, it is common to use different software development processes. It helps organizations to meet the requirements of projects, ... -
Professionalism and IT - A study of Japanese healthcare
(2010-09-24)The purpose of this study has been to determine what role professionalism has in the introduction of IT. Theory suggest that professionalism is a potential cause for rational as well as irrational issues, encompassing a ...