Department of Applied Information Technology / Institutionen för tillämpad informationsteknologi: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 701-720 av 850
Achieving Safe DICOM Software in Medical Devices
(2009-06-29)This paper reports on an investigation on how to produce a reliable software component to extract critical information from DICOM files. The component shall manipulate safety-critical medical information, i.e. patient ... -
Valuation of IT-investment A valuation method for ICC-investment
(2009-06-29)Organisational spending on IS/IT is continuously expanding. Investments in IS/IT are usually seen as necessary without leading to direct organisational benefits. Only direct and easy measured benefits are valuated when ... -
Betydelsefulla Faktorer för Investering i en Integrationsplattform −Ett Top Management Perspektiv
(2009-06-29)Från att IT tidigare varit en stödfunktion till framförallt produktion inom främst tillverkande industri har IT sedan 90-talet övergått till att ses som en grund för affärerna. Samtidigt karakteriseras många organisationers ... -
Using Mobile Phones To Assist Children’s Learning In Universeum
(2009-06-29)This master thesis study explores how to assist children’s learning using mobile phones in Universeum located in Gothenburg, Sweden. Universeum is the largest Science center in Scandinavia where children can learn the ... -
The Critical Success Factors in implementation of Software Process Improvement Efforts: CSFs, Motivators & Obstacles
(2009-06-29)The Software Engineering Institute statics shows that: the development and cost of software projects have become relatively very high due to complexity of systems that make software process more complex to be managed. Thus, ... -
An Integrated Security Model for the Management of SOA Improving the attractiveness of SOA Environments through a strong Architectural Integrity
(2009-06-29)The main purpose of this thesis is to create an integrated model for an attractive, collaborative and secure environment shaped by Service-oriented Architecture (SOA). In order to create and verify the proposed model the ... -
Others' Perspectives Drawing on the social impact of media
(2009-06-29)Participation, exploration and dialogue have been my principal interests during my master studies. Until now, I have a interest in working with themes that comment on the way people perceive information. Within the ... -
COLLECTION AND DISSOLUTION Wholeness, the creative process, and the limitations of text
(2009-06-29)An exposition and contextualization of the author’s art practice framed by an investigation into the insights afforded by quantum physics and the cognitive sciences as applied to the creative process. This is presented ... -
Image, Family, Text The deconstruction of; the liminal space in mother and son, shared experience of mental illness, a phantasmatic reality.
(2009-06-29)In this thesis work I as student of the C:art:media master programme, decided to try identify the methodology that I am using in my current project at Valand School of Fine Arts and also to research what means I use to ... -
Chans: The Automatic Variations Time and presence in Automatic bai Chans
(2009-06-29)This text is an examination of specific questions coming mainly from performance studies, related to the development of an installation and performance piece titled Automatic bai Chans. The first chapter deals with the ... -
An Attempt to Combine Mathematics and Visual Arts A Research on Islamic Geometric Patterns
(2009-06-29)In this thesis work I try to explain the ways in which I attempted to combine mathematics and visual arts by utilizing Islamic geometric patterns. The thesis starts with the reasons why I chose to work with Islamic geometric ... -
Mythomachines Suspended, Fallen and Jumping Cyborgs
(2009-06-29)In this text I am presenting the installation and performance project called ‘Automatic bai Chans’ I developed since the spring 2008 mainly in collaboration with Juan Hernández, student of the C: Art: Media Master’s ... -
Vilka framgångsfaktorer är relevanta för att uppnå att IT-investeringar stödjer affärsstrategin?
(2009-06-29)Ett problem i många organisationer idag är att IT inte ses som en naturlig del av affären utan mer som en kostnad. IT-avdelningarna får själva ta på sig en del av skulden för detta då de har drivit misslyckade eller tom ... -
Att mäta det omätbara - En intranätsmodul för att mäta mjuka värden
(2009-03-20)Trots att det länge varit känt att mjuka värden är av stor vikt för ett företags framgång är det först på senare år som intresset för att mäta och analysera dessa har ökat. Med IT-tekniken har nya möjligheter för kommunikation ... -
Masterdata – En studie av fem SAP baserade koncerner
(2009-02-20)I den här magisteruppsatsen har jag undersökt masterdata som hanteras i ERPsystemet SAP. Masterdata betyder data om data och finns i alla organisationer. Litteraturstudier och tidigare forskning visar tydligt att masterdata ... -
Skapas förutsättningar att realisera verksamhetsnyttan med IT inom vården? - Den organisatoriska implementationen ur ett ledningsperspektiv
(2009-02-20)Beslut om större IT-investeringar fattas idag på högsta beslutsfattande nivå inom landstingen och ett nationellt samarbete mellan landstingen pågår för att realisera den Nationella IT-strategin. En viktig anledning till ... -
Reviewing Interpretive Approaches for Evaluation of Information Systems Investments
(2009-02-19)As information systems/technologies (IS/IT) become embedded in organizations, these systems cannot be isolated from important issues such as human intellect, culture, philosophy, politics and socio-organizational changes. ... -
Learning to see as an architect: Actions and semiotic resources in critique sessions
(2009-02-18)This study investigates so called critique sessions at a school of architecture. The questions addressed and answered in this study are: How are students and professionals interacting during a critique session? How are ... -
Handhållen kommunikation för produktionsledare
(2009-02-02)Kandidatuppsatsen skrevs på Göteborgs Hamn, Skandinaviens största hamn. Uppsatsen skrevs i syfte att observera möjligheter med vilka trådlösa kommunikationsmedel produktionsledarna kan använda när de tidsrapporterar. ... -
FACTORS TO SUCCEED WITH SOA - Shared Experiences from Five Organizations moving towards a Service-Oriented Architecture
(2009-02-02)INTRODUCTION: “By the end of 2007, Forrester expects to see 75% of Global 2000 firms implementing SOA…” PROBLEM: “Implementing SOA” and “Broadly adopting SOA”, almost makes it sound as easy as pushing a button. Perhaps ...