Kandidatuppsatser/Bachelor theses / Institutionen för tillämpad informationsteknologi: Recent submissions
Now showing items 301-320 of 378
How to Deal With Speed Degradation in Computers of Today and What Causes It
(2009-12-21)Newly installed computer systems are always running fast, but as time increases, more and more computer system speed will gradually become slower. This is a big headache for most of the computer users. Therefore it is ... -
A Comparative Study of Silverlight 2 and JavaFX Performance
(2009-12-21)Web applications are applications that are executed in a web browser. There are several technologies available for the development of web applications. The availability of these different technologies is a good thing. ... -
(2009-12-21)An essential tool for fast image processing is the computation of image features. Integral Images are a popular approach to obtain this goal. A drawback of this technique is that it only allows for rectangular image ... -
Composing an Evaluation Framework for Personal Information Management Tools
(2009-12-21)Many of the employees of today’s corporations are knowledge workers, people who create, read, analyze and act upon information. Information that is stored in different places, in different file formats and accessed by ... -
User Authentication: Passive USB tokens, an alternative to Passwords?
(2009-12-21)Most personal computers today employ knowl- edge based user authentication e.g. password pro- tection. Nevertheless, password protection is re- garded as insecure. This paper investigates if a token based authentication ... -
Model Based Testing of Data Constraints
(2009-12-21)Correct implementation of data constraints, such as referential integrity constraints and business rules is an essential precondition for data consistency. Though most modern commercial DBMSs support data constraints, ... -
From Traditional Lessons Learned To Appreciative Lessons Learned - A Case Study at Ericsson
(2009-12-21)People in a software development organization can learn valuable lessons from their own experiences and from the experiences of others in the organization through lessons learned workshops. Such workshops are not conducted ... -
Fault Injection Technique for Evaluating Erlang Test Suites
(2009-12-21)In software testing, fault injection involves injecting abnormalities into software programs. This can then be used to evaluate test suites by checking how well they detect those abnormalities. This study involves finding ... -
Managing memory scalability in web A study in efficient inter-process memory usage
(2009-07-01)With web applications being more and more complex the need for data caching grows larger. When running ASP.NET applications under Internet Information Services in Microsoft Windows it is recommended to run the application ... -
Protecting User Privacy in an Untrustworthy Environment
(2009-07-01)With more and more widespread use of web services in building distributed applications grows and the need to develop and implement adequate mechanisms for protection of such applications. The purpose of this paper is to ... -
IKT-satsningar i skolan En jämförande studie av nationella IKT-satsningar mot grundskolan och gymnasiet i Japan och Sverige
(2009-06-30)Technological advancements in information and communication technologies (ICT) have resulted in a need to use ICT in schools. Sweden has actively promoted ICT in schools since the early 1980's. In Japan, 1994 saw the ... -
Pedagogiska datorspel - Designandet av en teoretisk applikationsmodell för pedagogiska spel ämnade för gymnasieskolan, med elevperspektivet i fokus.
(2009-06-30)In this work we’ve been focusing on how to adjust educational computer games in order to make them suited for the educational context of upper secondary school. Our opinion and entrance to the study is that the related ... -
”Kom igen nu då, tagga till. Engelska ord och uttryck i gymnasieelevers texter – en jämförelse
(2009-06-30)Our aim in this study is to explore if the schoolchildren’s written language differs from the “National tests” in Swedish and from Facebook. We specifically want to see if we can discover words and expressions mainly ... -
poäng IKT i ett projektbaserat arbetssätt ‐ en jämförande studie av informationssökning som social praktik
(2009-06-30)Our study emanates from a socio‐cultural perspective on learning and aim to describe and compare two different upper secondary school classes and their work with information literacy as a social practice in project work ... -
3D Visualization for Model Comprehension A Case Study Conducted at Ericsson AB
(2009-06-30)With growing size and complexity of models, model comprehensibility has become a problem in model driven development. Common experiences are information overload in diagrams and difficulties in understanding model ... -
Towards enhancing perceived performance through adoption of proposed benchmarking techniques
(2009-06-30)Despite the vast abundance of embedded/mobile devices being released every day only a minority of those gain enough momentum to secure mainstream adoption, let alone market domination. User experi- ence and user perceived ... -
Designing for Extensibility: An action research study of maximizing extensibility by means of design principles
(2009-06-30)This paper presents an action research study on how a set of design principles applicable to object oriented languages can be used to counteract code rot and consequentially enhance system extensibility. The study describes ... -
Mediation systems An approach to retrieve data homogeneously from multiple heterogeneous data sources
(2009-06-30)Modern IS/IT systems tend to use several sources of data and many developers process the this data manually. A homogeneous system for processing the data will make their systems less error-prone and reduce the time to ... -
Design Aspects for Elderly Using a Health Smart Home
(2009-06-30)The part of the population above 70 years is increasing rapidly. This will put an immense pressure on the eldercare, with scarce resources to accommodate for such a demographic situation. Therefore the importance ... -
Innovative Mobile Conversation - User Friendly Integration of Short Message Service and Voice Call
(2009-06-30)Mobile phone technology is our constant companion; it keeps us connected to other people such as families, friends and colleagues. Its constant usage can lead to potentially intrusive calls creating challenges for the ...