Browsing Research Report by Subject "Business studies"
Now showing items 1-20 of 50
Action Research in Management Accounting Studies
(1999)New directions in management accounting studies should aim at getting us out of the ontological trap which is provided by the decision making conception of management. The Scandinavian tradition of fieldwork in the area ... -
Action towards time structures in product development processes - observations on the micro level
(2003)In product development processes conventional wisdom has it that structure is provided by strict specifications of product properties, budgets and time schedules that are followed up (Womack et al 1990, Clark & Fujimoto, ... -
Articulation of principles on the micro level - observing argumentation in a merger process
(2004)The merging process between a Swedish and a Norwegian manufacturing company has been studied using interviews, video recordings and comments explaining video recorded events at meetings. It is assumed that sensemaking ... -
Bracketing an issue in a product develoment process
(2000)This paper deals with action in the complex setting of a large product develeopment project a new year model of a car. The prespective is that of one engineer who has discovered a problem with the prototype car he is ... -
Business on Their Minds. - How Experts in Investment Banks Organise Their Work
(2002)In discussions about the society of today, an important role is often attributed professions. However, expert knowledge is nowadays described as more fragmented than earlier, and the new free experts' show differences as ... -
Confrontation and the rules of the game in product development - the micro processes
(2001)Observations from two car projects are analysed. Video-recordings of two sequences showing team members trying to use confrontation to make other members change their behaviour and pay more attention to the provision of ... -
Doing interventionist research in management accounting
(2005)Interventionist research is not unobtrusive since the researcher deliberately seeks to make an impact on the world in order to gain knowledge. In this chapter we examine the fundamental nature of interventionist research ... -
Emerging Institutions: Pyramids or Anthills?
(2006)In the present text, an institution is understood to be an (observable) pattern of collective action, justified by a corresponding social norm. By this definition, an institution emerges slowly, although it may be helped ... -
Etik som teknik och som kritik
(2006)Artikeln börjar med en historisk tillbakablick över företagsetikens tillkomst som akademiskt och praktiskt ämne. Etiken kan ses såväl som en teknik ämnad åt att förbättra lönsamhet och som grunden för en kritik av nutidens ... -
Examining the stability of managerial behavior: A replication of Henry Mintzbergs classic study 30 years later
(2001)A replicating study about Swedish CEOs reveals a different pattern of behavior compared to the original study of Henry Mintzberg. The CEOs in the new study for instance spent much more time on meetings with subordinates, ... -
Expectations and accountability in managerial work
(2002)Based on a direct observation study of eight CEOs for large corporations, this paper examines how control is exercised in the era of financial transparency. In particular, the link between corporate governance and managerial ... -
En extern utvärdering av magisterprogrammet Management i byggsektorn
(2005)Sedan 1999 anordnar Chalmers och Centrum för management i byggsektorn (CMB), en 1,5 årig masterutbildning med namnet Management i Byggsektorn (MB-utbildningen). En viktig orsak till denna utvärdering av MB-utbildningen är ... -
For a Narrative Criticism of Organizational Performance
(2000)Grand narratives have fallen, or at least come off badly from, successive waves of structuralist, Marxist, post-modern, feminist, and post-colonialist criticisms (to name but a few). It is surprising that hardly anyone has ... -
Is It Possible To Lift Oneself By The Hair? And If Not, Why Is It Worth Trying
(2004)The title of this text alludes to the legend of Baron Munchausen, who reportedly did many impossible things. A change of a system by the same system belongs to such impossible tasks, as shown by Niklas Luhmann's theory of ... -
Isolationist Automorphism, Relentless Isomorphism, or Merciless Idealism. The Cultural Context of City Management in Warsaw, Stockholm and Rome
(2001)This paper employs some results of a study of city management in Warsaw, Stockholm, and Rome by setting them in a cultural context. Contrary to the common opinion, the difficulties in effective city management in Warsaw ... -
(2001)We know from earlier studies that corporate environmental management is a young discipline, not yet integrated in general management and organization studies, but that researchers take an increasing part in the ongoing ...