Department of Social Work / Institutionen för socialt arbete: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1-20 av 65
Hantering av hemlöshet. En kartläggning och analys av organiseringen av lokala hemlöshetsystem i Sveriges kommuner.
(2022-11-17)The general aim of this thesis is to study the organization of housing services for persons living in homelessness in Sweden. Three areas are in focus. The first concerns how the right to housing assistance is interpreted ... -
(2022-06-23)Commercial farming is a pathway for pro-poor growth because of its economic linkages such as jobs and incomes. However, most of the available studies of commercial farming are largely generic, leaving a dearth of evidence ... -
Risker, säkerhet och inkluderande spårvagnar ur ett funktionshinderperspektiv - rapport från ett forskningsprojekt
(University of Gothenburg / Göteborgs universitet, 2022) -
Older people in Sweden – Age at migration, poverty and utilization of long-term care services
(2022-03-02)This thesis studies the significance of age at migration for labor market integration and old-age poverty, as well as the utilization of long-term care services by older people. This thesis comprises four studies. All ... -
Governing migrants through the Norwegian Introduction Programme
(2021-08-26)This thesis focuses on the Norwegian Introduction Programme for newly arrived immigrants and refugees. With its implementation in 2004, the Introduction Programme represents one of the most significant policy measures ... -
Politisering av omsorg. En kvalitativ studie om kollektivt motstånd bland feminiserade välfärdsprofessionella yrkesgrupper i Sverige.
(2021-08-26)This thesis is about collective mobilisation and new forms of resistance among feminised welfare professional groups in contemporary Sweden. The research focus is placed on what these struggles are about, the different ... -
Unaccompanied minors (un-)made in Sweden. Ungrievable lives and access to rights produced through policy
(2021-05-04)On 24 November 2015, the Swedish prime minister announced a new, restrictive asylum policy with the explicit aim of placing Sweden at the EU minimum level in terms of refugee reception. A temporary Aliens Act minimized ... -
Normkreativ krisberedskap – Ett forskningsprojekt med syftet att utveckla metoder som stärker allmänhetens beredskap inför och hantering av samhällskriser såsom pandemier
(2021-03-30)Målet med rapporten är presentera resultatet av genomförd förstudie samt skapa underlag till nästa steg i projektet som går ut på att utveckla lösningar för några av de utmaningar som identifierats. Delresultat av ... -
Crime, punishment, and counselling – a study of the local judicial and social work application of prostitution policy in Sweden
(2021-02-18)This thesis explores the social construction of a purchase of a sexual service within the implementation of prostitution policy in Sweden and seeks to contribute to the current knowledge about how a purchase of a sexual ... -
Handlingsimperativets dilemman – Om frihet och kontroll i socialtjänstens arbete med klienter som använder narkotika
(2020-10-13)ABSTRACT Title: Dilemmas of the imperative for action – On freedom and control in social services’ work with clients who use illicit drugs Author: Johan Lindwall Keywords: social service, substance use, discourse, ... -
Teenage Kicks – The Differential Development of Drug Use, Drunkenness, and Criminal Behaviour in Early to Mid-Adolescence
(2020-05-12)This thesis studies the development of drug use, drunkenness, and criminal behaviour in early to mid-adolescence. Its main aims are to improve knowledge about how and why these three behaviours develop and to contribute ... -
Barns röster om växelvis boende. Vardagsliv, familjepraktiker och nära relationer
(2019-09-25)Over the past decades, the ways in which children’s care is arranged after parental separation have changed significantly in many societies. Dual residence, where children live across two households spending equal amounts ... -
Skola för lönsamhet. Om elevers marknadsanpassade villkor och vardag
(2019-08-21)The aim of the thesis is twofold: to explore the ways in which the transformation of the Swedish elementary school can be understood through Marxist theory; and, by ethnographic methods, understand the everyday lives of ... -
Skador och riskgrupper i hem - och boendemiljöer
(Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap, 2019)Skadehändelser som inträffar i hem - och boendemiljöer är ett utbrett fenomen i vårt samhälle och drabbar alla åldersgrupper. M e d nya utmaningar i vår samtid , som en åldrande befolkning och förändringar ... -
Med avstegen som arbetsplats – En etnografisk studie av hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorns arbete
(2019-05-06)ABSTRACT Title: Out of line as workplace – An ethnographic study of health social work Author: Elisabet Sernbo Keywords: health social work, ethnography, queer phenomenology, reorienting work, jurisdictional work, ... -
Brott eller passion? Myndighetsdiskurser om manlig sexhandel från 1930- till 2000-tal
(2018-11-26)Abstract Title: Crime or Passion? Discourses about Male Sex Trade in Official Investigations from the 1930s- to the 2000s Author: Annelie de Cabo Y Moreda Key words: Male ”prostitution”, heterosexual ”prostitution”, ... -
Mellan norm och praktik. Strategisk samverkan och brukarmedverkan inom verksamhetsområdet psykisk ohälsa.
(2018-05-25)There is a steady critique towards the mental health field stating that people with mental health problems do not get the assistance they need. Often, this critique states that collaboration between different organisations ... -
Generationer om skador och risker Hem- och boendemiljöer för personer med funktionsnedsättningar och kroniska sjukdomar
(Chalmers tekniska högskola och Göteborgs Universitet, 2018-02)Att undersöka risker och skador i hem- och boendemiljöer för utsatta grupper i samhället är angeläget och intressant. Samtidigt visar denna studie att det är komplext och omfattande att studera riskutsatthet och ... -
Att säga sitt och höra till – En internationell studie om barns delaktighet i familjen
(2018-02-20)Opportunities to participate are seen by many as a keystone of a good life and a well-functioning society. Participation by children has primarily been equated with the perception that children should have a ‘voice’, while ...