USER PARTICIPATION in Systems Development
This study offers a glimpse into a number of subtratal concepts, philosophies,
and methodologies, which undergird the evolution of theories and concepts
supporting User Participation in systems design and development. It takes a
comparative look at how this concept has been structured into the frameworks
of several leading system development methodologies. Of particular interest is
an approach, which has its origins in Scandinavia, as the author of this study is
a student at a Scandinavian university. The intent of this study is to outline and
highlight the potential for end user influence in systems design. It is hoped that
this study may help foster further interest and dialog relating to the effective
utilization of modern methodologies in broadening and strengthening the expert
domain competencies of both end users and systems designers. The study
concludes with a brief discussion regarding several of the merits of user
involvement in systems development.
Student essay
Göteborg University. School of Business, Economics and Law