Från allmänsjuksköterska till specialistsjuksköterska inom intensivvård : en studie av erfarenheter från specialistutbildningen och från den första yrkesverksamma tiden inom intensivvården
Aim: The overall aim of the thesis was to describe and analyse experiences of learning in
the intensive care nurse’s knowledge and competence areas. What knowledge content is
learnt in the study program, what competence is developed in the profession and what
prerequisites of learning are experienced in the study program and the profession are
Method: Data were collected via questionnaires and interviews on two different occasions.
The sample consists of one annual cohort of students (n=221) from all the higher
education institutions in Sweden (n=18) where specialist study programs for nurses in
intensive care (ICU) were offered in 2000. The response rate is 81 per cent in sub study I
and 85 per cent in sub study II. Chi-square was used to test for any differences between
variables and groups, respectively, and McNemar was used to analyse changes. Content
analysis has been used to analyse questions with open answers. Interviews (n=7) were
carried out for further elaboration of the answers in the questionnaire.
Results: The students’ age, educational background and professional experience vary.
Forty per cent of the students had prior experience from intensive care. One year after
having completed the study program, 21 per cent of the students were no longer working
in intensive care.
The research group as a whole rate learning highest in the knowledge and competence
areas, which are related to monitoring and medical treatment, both at the end of the study
program and after one year of professional practice. At the end of the study program, the
relation-oriented areas of ethics and communication are considered to be equally important
to the professional function, although they take longer to learn. However, after one
year in the workplace, ethics was no longer considered to be as important. In the case of
academic schooling, the group with a nursing education after the 1993 reform rated their
competence higher than the group with an older nursing education. The group with previous
ICU experience considers this competence to be more important to the professional
function than the group without ICU experience.
After having worked for a year, all the nurses feel that they have achieved self-mastery
in their work, i.e. that they can take responsibility and initiatives and that they know the
limits of their own competence. There is correspondence between formal competence
and job-related competence. There are, however, differences between the rated competence
and the competence utilised. The competence developed to carry on development
and quality work is either utilised in full or, alternatively, is utilised but not officially
required or recognised.
Conclusions: The relative incongruence between the students’ rated competence and the
competence required in the health care sector indicates that we have an important task to
further influence the educational and health care systems to increase the academisation
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Education
Institute of Health Care Pedagogics ; Institutionen för vårdpedagogik
Sal 2118 Inst för vårdped Arvid Wallgrens backe, hus2 kl. 10.00
Datum för disputation
Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis
Lindblad Fridh, Marianne
curriculum analysis
intensive care nursing
intensive care nursing course
Doctoral thesis
Göteborg studies in educational sciences