Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för Kulturvård: Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 536
Hamlingsmetoder. En jämförelse mellan traditionella och moderna beskärningsmetoder
(2017-06-30)There is a great difference between the traditional and modern methods when it comes to how pollard craftsmanship is executed. The pruning method plays a major role in the health of the tree and how the tree handles the ... -
Värderingsmodell för allmogeträdgården. En studie av gården Anestorps trädgård
(2017-06-30)The purpose of this study is to broaden the understanding of the garden´s significance for the overall picture of the farm. The aim is to create a valuation model especially designed for a historical garden on the ... -
Borddør med inngradet labank -dragspondør
(2017-06-30)The purpose of this thesis has been to illuminate technical aspects associated with post-medieval dovetailed ledge and batten doors, i.e. dragspondører, in Norway. In order to answer questions regarding construction, design ... -
DET MÅNGFUNKTIONELLA KYRKORUMMET UR ETT BRUKARPERSPEKTIV Kyrkorummet som arbetsplats, heligt rum och kulturarv Ingrid Fjordhult
(2017-06-29)The study of this essay takes place in the churches of Vessigebro and Örslösa, two villages located in south of Sweden. The church buildings are both built in the 1900s and were remodeled as multifunctional churches during ... -
(2017-06-28)The purpose of this study is to investigate the connection between the development of the Swedish household kitchen and its social status and the status of women from 1850 until today. This will be made possible by a ... -
STADSPLANERING I STOCKHOLM 1916-1940 En studie av Sigurd Westholms strävan att reformera stadens bebyggelse
(2017-06-28)The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Sigurd Westholms city planning of the built environment in Stockholm. Westholm was the city architect in Stockholm between 1916 and 1940. The aim of the study was ... -
NÄR BILEN TOG ÖVER STADEN En fallstudie över Oscarsleden och dess påverkan på stads- och kulturmiljön
(2017-06-28)The purpose of this study is to investigate the phenomenon “the automotive city” and its impact and consequences on the built environment on the southern shore of Göta älv in central Gothenburg. The city highway Oscarsleden ... -
RÄTTIGHETER OCH SKYDD INOM SLÖJDEN I SVERIGE En studie i slöjdares förhållande till inspiration, identitet och kulturell appropriering
(2017-06-28)This thesis is an analysis of the field of cultural appropriation, within the practice of working with sloyd and handicraft in Sweden. Though the subject of cultural appropriation is widely discussed in society today, ... -
SKIRA SPETSAR En undersökning av spetsar från Föreningen Bohusläns Virkning
(2017-06-28)The purpose of this study is to investigate the Bohusläns crochet associations aesthetics preferences. The subjects of this study were three binders with samples of crochet lace; four texts that can be related to the founder ... -
ATT TÄLJA EN KLÄNNING ELLER SY EN DÖRR - en autoetnografisk undersökning av en slöjdprocess
(2017-06-28)The goal to this study is to find a way to create clothes in a slojd - and craft context, and to connect it to history, present and the future. In cause of the negative impact the textile industry has on the environment ... -
(2017-06-27)The purpose of this study was to investigate pressure-sensitive labels for library application, techniques, and considerations for their removal from paper substrates. The aim was to use information from the literature ... -
MÄTA FÄRGFÖRÄNDRINGAR PÅ PLAN TEXTIL En litteratur- och experimentstudie
(2017-06-27)In this thesis, the use of portable colorimeters for monitoring color-change on textiles on display in a museum environment are examined. The idea for this study developed from the author´s time as an intern at Nationalmuseum ... -
IDENTIFYING PIGMENTS A Multi-Instrumental Study of Ivar Arosenius’ Use of Pigments
(2017-06-27)In this study, the pigments used by the Swedish artist Ivar Arosenius (1878-1909), in one of his sketch books (T 19/2001, Gothenburg Museum of Art), were examined and identified. The study used noninvasive and non-destructive ... -
The Mechanical and Supporting Effect of Stitches in Textile Conservation
(2017-06-27)The purpose of this study was to investigate the mechanical and supporting effects of conservation stitches on textile objects. The aim was to better understand what impact different stitch patterns used in textile ... -
En trädgård för grön rehabilitering. Gestaltningsförslag för skydd och ro.
(2017-06-20)The purpose of this study is to develop a design proposal for people with burnout diseases to a garden room in the garden at GreveGarden. The design proposal is based on the theory about the triangle of supporting ... -
Hassel i gotländska ängen. Samband mellan historiskt hasselbruk och biologisk mångfald
(2017-06-13)This essay explores the traditional usage of hazel in wooded meadows in the island of Gotland, and the relations between this usage and the biodiversity of these lands. Research on relations between historical land-use and ... -
Rekonstruktioner av papperstapeter i kulturhistoriska miljöer
(2017-04-18)This bachelor thesis discusses the different uses of reproduction wallpaper in historic buildings, starting with reasoning about the concepts of heritage, authenticity, reconstructions and copies. In order to apply these ... -
Trädgårdsstaden - en hotad kulturmiljö? En undersökning av tillbyggnader och dess påverkan i trädgårdsstadsområdena Smedslätten, Ålsten och Äppelviken
(2017-04-03)In the following paper I study the laws and guidelines wich control the addition of small houses in Garden cities in Sweden with focus on the residential district Smedslätten, Ålsten and Äppelviken in Stockholm. Garden ... -
Hälsingegårdarnas textila färglandskap Tänkbara kulörer, färgämnen och färgningsmetoder i Hälsingland 1750-1870
(2017-03-27)The purpose of this thesis is to explore the local textile tradition, primarily natural dyes and dyeing techniques used in farmhouses of Hälsingland between 1750- 1870. Issues addressed; why and how were certain organic ... -
Reciprokt tak i rundvirke. En hantverksinriktad studie i geometri och utförande
(2017-02-08)Reciprocal roofs have, due to their unique appearance and possibility for large spans without the need for central support, gained popularity over the last 30 years. A variety of construction methods have been presented, ...