The public office - a symbiosis in urban area
Opening the public office
The public office is a facility which is shared by people who want
to have temporary workplace. This workplace is provided to give
people chance to work individually or collectively for their purpose.
The behavior, working, can be defined as more voluntary
one in this case. Volunteered working life would relieve work-life
balance argument by cooperation rather than competition between
members in the society. In my proposal, buildings in urban
area have their ground floor as public area where people can have
both its indoor and outdoor environment. As an example of this
proposal, the lobby in a offi ce building is used as a public office by
anybody who finds that place suitable for their workspace which
already has infrastructure for work. This public office is combined
with green area, so people in the office can have nature right beside
them, which they cannot get in the conventional workspaces.
The sharable workspace which takes some portion of the host
building is managed and maintained by cooperation of the local
government, the owner of the building and the offi ce users with
green area as a medium. This is what I call a symbiosis in urban
Student essay
Chung, Woojin
DM 2008