Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för språk och litteraturer: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 60
”¿Es que crees que estoy loco?” La narración de la conciencia en tres novelas de Ramón Hernández
(2017-11-20)This dissertation aims to explore how one character’s alleged madness can be called into question. Ramón Hernández’s novels often create an ambiguity about events that befall the main character: have they imagined the plot ... -
Risse als Weltspur: Die ästhetische Verarbeitung von Globalisierung im Werk von Botho Strauß
(2017-11-10)Denna avhandling undersöker och kartlägger hur globaliseringen bearbetas litterärt-estetiskt hos den tyskspråkiga författaren Botho Strauß (född 1944). Resultaten visar hur globaliseringen används, speglas och diskuteras ... -
Imagining a Place in Nature: Using Evolution to Explain the Early Evolutionary Imagination in Literature
(2017-10-19)After Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species, Victorian literature overflowed with images of man’s new place in nature. Those images can be explained by modern research that builds on Darwin’s theory: the ... -
Encuadres espaciales en la representación de las identitades étnico-culturales en La teta asustada, Zona Sur y Nosilatiaj. La Belleza.
(2017-09-08)This dissertation deals with the cinematographic representations of the interrelations between identity and space in a corpus conformed by three films: The Milk of Sorrow by Claudia Llosa (Peru, 2009); Southern District ... -
Grammar and grammaticalization in Manda: An analysis of the wider TAM domain in a Tanzanian Bantu language
(2017-09-07)This dissertation offers a grammatical description and analysis of Manda (N.11), a Bantu language spoken along Lake Nyasa (Lake Malawi) in southern Tanzania. The study focuses on the “wider” TAM domain, i.e. on how tense, ... -
To the very End. A contrastive study of N-Rhemes in English and Swedish translations
(2016-12-14)The present study is an explorative, corpus-based contrastive study of N-Rhemes in English and Swedish original texts, as well as translations between the two languages. The aim is twofold, to describe the N-Rheme in English ... -
Liberté de création littéraire ou violation de la vie privée? Aspects littéraires et juridiques
(2016-11-04)This thesis sets out to explore the clash between two rights. On the one hand the right of every person to protect his or her private life and reputation, on the other the right of an artist to create freely. Taking real ... -
A corpus-based contrastive study of the passive and related constructions in English and Swedish
(2016-05-24)The present study investigates the passive and related constructions in English and Swedish. It is a bi-directional study that uses empirical fiction and non-fiction material in the form of original texts and their ... -
A Study of the L2 Kanji Learning Process: Analysis of reading and writing errors of Swedish learners in comparison with level-matched Japanese schoolchildren.
(2016-02-26)ABSTRACT Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 18 March, 2016 Title: A Study of the L2 Kanji Learning Process: Analysis of reading and writing errors of Swedish learners in comparison with ... -
Revolución o reforma - Análisis retórico de los discursos de Francisco Largo Caballero e Indalecio Prieto Tuero en los meses previos a la Guerra Civil
(2016-02-10)ABSTRACT Title in Spanish: Revolución o reforma. Análisis retórico de los discursos de Francisco Largo Caballero e Indalecio Prieto Tuero en los meses previos a la Guerra Civil. Title in English: Revolution or reform. A ... -
Deutsch-schwedisches Codeswitching an der internationalen Universität
(2015-12-18)The study contributes to the growing field of multilingualism in university contexts. The subject is the bilingual language use of scholars working at German institutes at universities in Sweden. The study illuminates both ... -
"Soy cocinera y camarero". La variación en el nombramiento de las mujeres profesionales en España
(2015-10-08)The overall aim of this dissertation is to generate a theory explaining the variation in the way the Spaniards, particularly the Spanish women, designate female professionals. Three different studies are included, the first ... -
“Me voy pal Norte”. La configuración del sujeto migrante indocumentado en ocho novelas hispanoamericanas actuales (1992-2009)
(2015-05-13)This study explores the representation of the undocumented migrant in the contemporary Latin American novel. Clandestine crossings have long been a theme in Mexican and Chicano literature, often narrated from a highly ... -
Le Manifeste littéraire revisité. Explorations fictionnelles du genre dans la littérature francaise contemporaine
(2015-02-13)This study shows how features of the literary manifesto, a genre associated with the avant-garde period, are integrated in three contemporary French novels: Le Caoutchouc décidément (1992) by Éric Chevillard, Tout-monde ... -
Le blog d'écrivain : La littérature à l'épreuve d'Internet
(2015-01-15)This study focuses on three blogs kept by writers who have published novels in renowned publishing houses: François Bon, Éric Chevillard and Chloé Delaume. This new writing practice raises the question of whether literature ... -
Vowel-Zero Alternations in West Slavic Prepositions: A Corpus Based Investigation of Polish, Slovak and Czech
(2014-10-17)The aim of this thesis is to investigate the scope of the vowel―zero alternations in prepositions in the three major West Slavic languages, i.e. Polish, Slovak and Czech, and to formulate, within the Government Phonology ... -
Pop, Literatur und Autorschaft. Literarische Strategien und Inszenierungen bei Wolfgang Welt, Rocko Schamoni und Rafael Horzon
(2014-09-10)This thesis explores the resonance of German so-called ‘pop literature’ after the turn of the millennium, both theoretically and in three literary analyses. Despite the proclaimed ‘end of pop literature’ that was discussed ... -
Översättning i nationens tjänst. J.L. Runeberg och de centralsydslaviska folksångerna
(2014-08-22)This thesis investigates the relationship between Johan Ludvig Runeberg and the Central South Slavic oral songs that he had read in the collection Serbische Volkslieder (1827), translated into German by Peter Otto von ... -
”Completely Headless”. Modification of adjectives in Swedish advanced learners' English
(2014-04-29)This is a corpus-based, empirical study, which investigates Swedish advanced learners’ written and spoken English with regard to modification of adjectives, both reinforcing (e.g. totally different, very nice) and attenuating ...