Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Institutionen för språk och litteraturer: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1-20 av 60
Der Nobelpreis und die deutschsprachige Literatur. Eine Studie über die Vergabekriterien des Literaturnobelpreises 1901-1971
Detta är en historisk studie om Nobelpriset i litteratur och dess kriterier utifrån fallet tyska författare som nominerades till detta pris mellan 1901 och 1971. Den bygger på en kritisk undersökning av till största delen ... -
Nature and Metamorphosis: A Study of Carl Adolph Agardh’s Latin Dissertations and Monographs on Botany and Biology
(2022-10-24)Carl Adolph Agardh (1785-1859), professor of botany and practical economy at Lund University, published a large corpus of Latin dissertations and monographs on the subjects of plant systematisation and plant physiology ... -
The Multiple Functions of the Reflexive Prefix in Hehe, Sukuma, Nilamba, and Nyaturu
(2021-10-21)This dissertation describes and analyses the multiple functions of the reflexive prefix in four North Eastern Bantu languages, Hehe, Sukuma, Nilamba, and Nyaturu, all spoken in Tanzania. Apart from encoding the reflexive ... -
Le sommeil dans À la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust: une étude intertextuelle
(2021-10-05)This thesis examines the intertextual aspects of the sleep motif in À la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust. Literary scholars and theorists have generally iden- tified two dominant ways of depicting sleep in ... -
The Disruptive Semiotic: A Kristevan Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Fiction
(2021-05-11)Avhandlingen analyserar Thomas Hardys romaner med syfte att utröna varför de oftast väcker en känsla av ambivalens i läsaren. Med utgångspunkt ifrån Julia Kristevas teori om det semiotiska, enligt vilken intertextualitet ... -
The Curve of an Emotion: A Study of Change in the Portrayal of Children and Childhood in the Literature of James Joyce
(2021-02-09)Literary theorists and social historians consider fictional texts to be important for the study of children and childhood. James Joyce’s fiction is considered important for understanding Irish childhoods, and Joyce’s ... -
Adapting Adulthood:Migrating Characters and Themes from Novels, Screenplays, and Films
(2021-01-27)När romaner adapteras till film förändras oundvikligen fiktionens karaktärer i processen. Det gäller även det tematiska innehållet. Denna avhandling betraktar karaktärerna och det tematiska innehållet i adapterad fiktion ... -
Vom Lesen lesen. Zur Konzeption und Darstellung des Lesers im postmodernen Roman
(2020-09-07)I postmoderna romaner tillskrivs läsaren en avgörande roll. Läsaren träder ofta fram som fiktionaliserad figur respektive protagonist i texternas handlingar, där olika typer av läsning och dessas olika funktioner visas upp ... -
Reconfiguring the Hero’s Journey – The Monomyth in Contemporary Popular Culture
(2020-06-02)Den här avhandlingen analyserar hur den så kallade hjälteresan eller monomyten gestaltas i samtida texter och media. Det övergripande syftet är att undersöka vilken giltighet och relevans strukturen som skapades av Joseph ... -
The Trials of the Intertextual: The Translation and Reception of Tatyana Tolstaya's Kys´ in Sweden and the United States
(2020-01-09)This dissertation analyses the translation and reception of Tatyana Tolstaya’s novel Kys´ (2000). The analysis includes, as well as the Russian source text, the Swedish translation Därv (2003), translated by Staffan Skott ... -
Aspectual classes of Verbs in Nyamwezi
(2019-10-04)This dissertation deals with the classification of verbs in Nyamwezi, a Bantu language spoken in central west Tanzania. The major aims of this study have been twofold: first, to classify Nyamwezi verbs into different ... -
La expresión de cambio en español como lengua extranjera. Desarrollo y variación en la interlengua de aprendices suecohablantes
(2019-09-13)Title: The Expression of Change-of-State in Spanish as a Foreign Language: Development and Variation in the Interlanguage of Swedish-Speaking Learners. This dissertation examines the learning process of the expression ... -
Engagement in Medical Research Discourse: A Multisemiotic Discourse-Semantic Study of Dialogic Positioning
(2019-01-28)This study investigates how medical researchers engage with a background of prior and anticipated utterances in a collection of highly cited English-language medical research articles. Taking a multisemiotic, systemic-functional ... -
Ya nos cayó el chahuistle: El cuento apocalíptico mexicano contemporáneo (1996-2016)
(2019-01-11)The aim of this dissertation is to cover a gap left by literary criticism in the study of Mexican apocalyptic literature. Its main objective is to make a systematized and comprehensive characterization of contemporary ... -
Då har Japan upphört att vara Japan – Det japanska tehuset vid Etnografiska museet, samt bilden av chanoyu i Sverige och väst, 1878-1939
(2018-11-09)The thesis investigates a part of the cultural meeting between Sweden and Japan, 1878-1939, namely chanoyu, or tea ceremony as it is more commonly is called in the west. The Swedish introduction of chanoyu included a genuine ... -
"Escribid para el pueblo". Historias, costumbres y valores nacionales en el teatro chileno (1810-1879)
(2018-08-16)The intention of this study is to deepen our knowledge of the interrelation between different Chilean plays based on ideas that were promoted by critics and intellectuals for the creation and promotion of a national ... -
Latin Dissertations and Disputations in the Early Modern Swedish Gymnasium. A Study of a Latin School Tradition c. 1620-c 1820
(2018-05-09)This study is concerned with Latin dissertations and disputations in the early modern Swedish gymnasium in the period c. 1620 – c. 1820. Interest in early modern academic dissertations and disputations has increased during ... -
Under the Shadow of a Self-Sufficient Writer: The Critic and J. M. Coetzee
(2018-03-28)J. M. Coetzee’s writing has consistently challenged the work of the critic, questioning the principles of literary criticism and preempting its ordinary procedures. A distinguishing trait of this challenge is the solipsistic ... -
EL APRENDIZAJE DEL ASPECTO VERBAL EN LOS TIEMPOS DEL PASADO ESPAÑOL. El pretérito perfecto simple y el imperfecto en estudiantes de ELE en Suecia.
(2018-02-08)The acquisition of the verbal aspect in Spanish as a second language is one of the most frequent and complex issues in SLA literature. Over the last forty years, scholars have developed different hypotheses and theories ...