En familjs upplevelser av ljud - en pilotstudie
Sound experiences in a family - a pilot study
Sound surrounds us in a great extent, we all have experiences of sound and this phenomena has a great meaning in our lives. High levels of sound might be harmful for your hearing and might also cause related difficulties such as tinnitus and sensitivity to sound. Studies reveal a connection between the attitudes toward high levels of sound and the risk behaviours in these situations. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences and meaning of sound and whether the attitudes toward sound will reflect in a family consisting parents and adolescents. A family consisting two parents and two adolescents participated each and one of them in an interview in this qualitative study that has been carried out of a phenomenological approach. The interviews were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The result reveal that the experiences of sound have different individual meaning which devides in an existential and a social dimension and that sound as a phenomena gives positive and negative experiences on both deep and superficial levels. Music gives the greatest experience of sound and an awareness of high levels of noise as a risk exists in the family. Attitudes and experiences reflect in the family and sound contribute to solidarity.
Student essay
Nordström, Anna-Karin
Rejdemark, Anna-Karin
Audiologi, upplevelser, familj, ljud, musik, existentiellt, socialt
Audiology, experiences, family, sound, music, existential, social