Risk Management: Disclosure Effects
This thesis explores the effect of disclosure on risk management policies. Following
recent theory on risk management, with market imperfections, risk management
creates value by reducing the volatility of the cash flows. Those risk policies are
conditioned by actual disclosure rules that reduce information asymmetry between
managers and shareholders, providing a comprehensive view of the firm. However,
disclosure gives different accounting choices, hence affecting the decision‐making
process of managers. The purpose of this thesis is to establish if managers adapt their
actual risk policy to disclosure rules. Specifically, we discuss how managers make
decisions regarding exchange rate risk in forecasted transactions. In addition, we discuss
how hedging affects valuation by using an investor perspective. This is done through the
analysis of the automotive industry in Sweden, Germany and France and the
considerations of analysts and auditors. We found that risk management policies are
affected by accounting rules and that analysts are aware of those effects but have
problems to measure them. However, not enough evidence was found to prove that
managers try to avoid the volatility the fair value option brings when hedging a
forecasted flow.
Master 2-years
Övrig beskrivning
Master of Science in Finance
Diez, Juan
Javier, Gutierrez
Risk management, information asymmetry, disclosure
Master Degree Project