Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 422
Med naturen som resurs. Om trädgårdsdiakoni i Svenska kyrkan
(2019-06-27)This thesis will investigate the Church of Sweden´s use of gardens for stress rehabilitation. To help understanding how and why gardens are used for that purpose in a church setting, interviews have been made with people ... -
(O)begriplighetens mantel. En studie i Gösta Oswalds den andaktsfulle visslaren
(2019-06-25)This essay examines the (in)comprehensiveness of Gösta Oswald's modernist poetry collection den andaktsfulle visslaren (1946). By applying a heuristic as well as a hermeneutic way of reading, as described by Michael ... -
Digitala diharar och programmerade pukar: Ett utforskande av spelskapandets potential som akademisk publikationsform samt som verktyg för digitalisering och adaption av kulturarv
(2019-06-25)In this project I have created a game adaption of Swedish folklore regarding milk hares, to evaluate game design as a viable mode of academic publication, and as a way to preserve, adapt and present cultural heritage. ... -
Den expanderade visan - rapport från ett undersökande scenkonstprojekt om rösten och dess förmåga att gestalta icke-verbala innebörder
(2019)Syftet med denna undersökande scenkonstprocess har varit att bli klokare på rösten och vad den kan göra samt uttrycka inom estetiska sammanhang. Arbetsprocessen har bestått av två, men av varandra beroende, spår- ett ... -
”Ni är inte bättre än de djur ni dödar.” En existentialistisk läsning av Butcher’s Crossing möter ett ekokritiskt perspektiv.
(2019-04-01)This paper examines how John Williams novel Butcher’s Crossing can be understood through the perspectives of existentialism and ecocritisism. The novel depicts the Midwestern United States in the early 1870s; Butcher's ... -
Hälsa som mål och medel. En livsåskådningsanalys av chefers tal om hälsofrämjande arbete på arbetsplatsen
(2019-04-01)The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse the conception of life and how it influences the view of humans as well as the understanding of human health, more specifically the view of leaders and managers working ... -
Läsa med öronen och lyssna med ögonen: en komparativ studie av mediers betydelse för ett litterärt verk
(2019-02-05)This essay examines how different types of media affect the experience of Cecelia Ahern’s Where Rainbows End. This is achieved by comparing one printed edition of the book with two audio book editions. I’m examining how ... -
Hej Håkan! – en receptionsanalys av gymnasieelevers användning av litterära begrepp i en låttextanalys
(2019-02-05)This paper examines the use of literary terminology in upper secondary school. The study consists of 13 students letters written to Håkan Hellström where they analyze the rock lyrics of his song “Din tid kommer”. The lyrics ... -
A Narrative Critique of The Saami Bear Myth
(2019-02-04)The Saami bear myth has in the research been closely tied to the bear hunting ritual. When the ritual has been discussed the myth has been narrated and after that the researcher has continued with the bear hunt. There has ... -
Det särskilda diakonatet. En jämförande studie mellan Equmeniakyrkan och Svenska kyrkan 2018
(2019-01-30)This study is an analysis of the differences and the causes of the differences between Equmeniakyrkan (Uniting Church in Sweden) and Svenska kyrkan (Church of Sweden) concerning the ministry of deaconate. The analysis ... -
Inga vanliga turister. En komparativ studie av tre nyreligiösa bloggare och deras skildringar av Machu Picchu
(2019-01-28)This thesis examines and compares three blogs depicting visits at the Peruvian Inca ruins of Machu Picchu. The authors of the blogs are identified and categorized as operating within the - often vague and multifaceted - ... -
Kan doktorn skriva ut en bok åt mig? En studie om läsbiblioterapins effekt på det psykiska välmåendet hos sex sjukskrivna kvinnor
(2018-10-24)This thesis focuses on an empirical study of six women’s experiences of the reading bibliotherapeutic method while on sick leave, and its effects on their psychological well-being, and it will also discuss questions ... -
Helgon, familjen och världen. En hagiografisk studie av efterföljelse som världstransformerande kraft
(2018-08-06)This hagiographical study deals with Christian saints, in the broad sense of the word, who, in the pursuit of following Christ, have transgressed the will of their biological family. By employing the historical narrative ... -
Det särskildas platser - om etisk-politisk lokalitet och bioregionala visioner i Gary Snyders tänkande
(2018-07-06)In Gary Snyder’s philosophical essays, questions of place, region, and being inhabitory are closely linked to ethical, political and ecological themes. Where these themes intersect, tensions generate – to the extent of ... -
Traditioner och gränsdragning. Två perspektiv på filosofi i Sverige under senare hälften av 1900-talet
(2018-07-05)The purpose of this thesis is to study the philosophical developments in Swedish philosophy during the latter half of the twentieth century as a tension between what can be called an analytical and a continental philosophy. ... -
När de döda talar - om Édouard Glissants Monsieur Toussaint och det förflutnas relation till framtiden
(2018-07-05)In the preface to his play about the Haitian Revolution, Monsieur Toussaint, Édouard Glissant writes that what he has attempted to express with the play is ”a prophetic vision of the past.” The purpose of this thesis is ... -
Slaven, celibatet och queera kastrater. Om maskulinitetskritiska och queerteologiska perspektiv på Matteus 19:11-12
(2018-06-20)This essay considers analyses from queer theology and theological masculinity studies relating to aspects of gender and sexuality in Matthew 19:11-12. Examination of interpretations from these perspectives often focus on ... -
”Hon plockar fram dem med kärleksfulla händer” En diskursanalys av tidskriften 'Korsväg' beträffande genuskonstruktioner
(2018-06-20)This essay takes as its point of departure the question: how does the magazine Korsväg form and regulate socially constructed cathegories related to gender? The purpose of this essay is to examine the magazine Korsväg, ... -
Profeten Jona. En receptionshistorisk analys av utvalda antika judiska respektive kristna källor
(2018-06-20)This essey addresses the reception history of Jonah the prophet. Today, Jonah's book is a bit of a hidden one. However, during late senegation, this book became important in two traditions; the jewish and the christian. ...