Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Now showing items 141-160 of 422
Den gode herdens vallhund. Konfirmanders och medarbetares erfarenheter av hundens medverkan i konfirmationen
(2018-06-20)In John 10:11, Jesus proclaims “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” The shepherd dog’s main mission is to assist the shepherd in driving the livestock in a desired direction. Can ... -
Det växtrelaterade bildspråket i Hosea bok. Kan kunskap om växtförädling påverka vår förståelse av bildspråket i Hosea bok?
(2018-06-20)The purpose is to study Hosea's use of plant symbols in his metaphorical language, and in addition to this, how aspects of plant breeding in his times may have influenced the author's use of plant symbolism in the Book of ... -
”På Guds högra sida sitter en jude”. Bilden av ”judefrågan”, det judiska folket och förintelsen i Evangelii Härold 1939–45
(2018-06-20)This essay is a descriptive study of how the Jewish people was depicted in the Swedish journal Evangelii Härold (EH) during World War II. EH was started in 1916 and published once a week by the leading Swedish pentecostal ... -
Jesus, en hängiven farisé? En jämförelse mellan Matteusevangeliets Jesus och en modern syn på fariseerna
(2018-06-20)This paper is a comparative investigation between the Pharisees and Jesus as described in the Gospel of Matthew. The paper aims to investigate if Jesus was only a pious Jew or if he was a Pharisee and the method used for ... -
Depressionens diktning. En studie av melankoliska processer i Karin Bellmans 'Stjärnvattenfallet' och Sylvia Plaths 'The Bell Jar'
(2018-03-28)Does depression have a language? Is there such a thing as an explicit depressive narrative? This thesis serves to answer these questions with a study of the portrayal of depression in the novels Stjärnvattenfallet by Karin ... -
Den nomadiska historiens kartografi – En aktualisering av det historiska hos Walter Benjamin och Rosi Braidotti
(2018-03-28)The following essay concerns questions about the status of history in Walter Benjamin´s critical philosophy of history and Rosi Braidotti´s nomadic feminism. I conduct a comparative actualization through locating affinities ... -
Bön utan tro. Bönens funktion för personer som ber till högre makt utan att tro på högre makt
(2018-03-01)This interview study explore the meaning of prayer for people who pray to a higher power without believing in any higher power. While the act of praying is often assumed to be done by persons who have a religious identity ... -
Dövperspektiv på Markusevangeliet 7:31-37
(2018-03-01)This essay examines the theme of the deaf -perspective in the Gospel of Mark 7:31-37 . Two main questions asked are: 1 ) ” How does the Gospel of Marks view on deafness in the periscope of Mark 7:31-37? 2 ) ” How can ... -
Sacred Polarities? Exploring the Use of Gendered Language in Three Generations of Contemporary Paganism - From 1954 to 2017
(2018-01-31)This thesis is a preparatory study for future research, and explores the use of gendered language within pagan witchcraft movements between the years 1954-2017, with the purpose of establishing if, and how, the understanding ... -
Nåd & Natur. En läsning av Kathryn Tanner i ljuset av Henri de Lubac
(2018-01-29)The aim of this thesis is to compare the theology of ‘Nature and Grace’ of contemporary scholar Kathryn Tanner and mid-1900 catholic theologian Henri de Lubac. The reason for choosing these theologians lies in that Tanner ... -
Bli hel. Teologisk reflektion kring erfarenheter av förbön för helande hos personer med funktionsnedsättningar
(2018-01-26)The aim of this thesis is to contribute to constructive theology regarding disability and healing, based on experiences of prayer for healing among persons with disabilities. Methodologically, emphasis proceeds from ... -
Asylsökande konvertiter och myndighetens katekesförhör. En studie om konvertiters asylprocess med Migrationsverket
(2018-01-26)This essay examines twelve interview protocols from the Swedish Board of Migration done with converts who claim their conversion as reason for asylum. The aim of the study is twofold: To understand the Migration Board´s ... -
Helande i NT:s evangelier. Initiativtagande, genomförande och konsekvenser i helandenarrativ
(2018-01-26)This essay investigates healing narratives in the Gospels of the New Testament of the Bible. The research question is: Which tendencies are possible to identify in the healing narratives of the Gospel concerning initiative, ... -
Den symboliska fattigvården. En studie av Göteborgs mosaiska församlings inställning gentemot den östjudiska invandringen och plikten angående fattigvård 1860-1900
(2018-01-26)This bachelor thesis examines the relationship between the immigrating Eastern Jews and the established Western Jews in Gothenburg in the period 1860 – 1900. The sources used are protocols from the Mosaic Congregation in ... -
Subversiva repetitioner. Hur Shadi Ghadirians fotoserie Qajar uttrycker och kommenterar religionens roll i Iran
(2018-01-26)This thesis analyzes the capacity of visual art to discuss religious and sociopolitical issues, proposing subversive aspects in the Iranian artist Shadi Ghadirians photo series Qajar (1998). Qajar mirrors the photographic ... -
Är jag en kamera? En studie av kamerametaforiken i Christopher Isherwoods 'Goodbye to Berlin'
(2018-01-04)Goodbye to Berlin was published in 1939. Along with Mr. Norris Changes Trains it gained fame as The Berlin Stories; together, these two novels depict Berlin in the early 1930s, when it was still the world capital of ... -
Spiritualiteten hos Kreitlow. Uppmaningar och råd i hans predikningar
(2017-09-25)The purpose of this thesis is to find out what kind of spirituality was expressed in the sermons of Joachim Friedrich Kreitlow. The focus lies in what way Kreitlow encouraged his congregation to express their Christian ... -
Svart sida - Svart ruta. Självreflexiv fiktion i adaption mellan medier
(2017-09-19)This thesis examines the process of adapting literary works acknowledged as being highly self-reflexive; works often described as metafictions. Adaptation is in this context understood as both the process of transposing ... -
von Abstraktionen beherrscht: Abstrakt arbete och abstraktionens arbete i Marx ekonomikritik
(2017-09-12)In his Grundrisse manuscripts from 1857, Karl Marx (1818–1883) writes that individuals in the bourgeois society are ”von Abstraktionen beherrscht” – ruled by abstractions. In Das Kapital from 1867 Marx writes that for the ... -
En guide i lyrikdjungeln. Om att jämföra dikt och låttext och att hitta en väg att gå.
(2017-09-08)Investigations have shown that many teachers experience difficulties when it comes to teaching lyricism and that many students have an almost hostile attitude towards the subject. Hence I wanted to discuss methods to ...