Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 422
Själavårdshunden. Hundens medverkan i själavården
(2017-09-01)This thesis will discuss the pastoral care dog and the dog's role in the pastoral care. I will focus on the pastoral care within the Church of Sweden. Since the dog’s history has developed from living beside humans for ... -
Allvarligt Blod - en studie av menstruation i Tanach och Talmud
(2017-08-15)The aim of this study is to examine the menstrual regulations and taboos for women in early Judaism, and what purpose they had. The general and most common perception connected to corporal fluids is that they are pollutive ... -
Förbön i Pauli brev och i "Kyrkans förbön". En jämförande studie av förböner i Paulus brev och i Svenska kyrkans handböcker 1986 och 2016
(2017-06-28)The goal of this research is to investigate if a thread exists, from how intercessory prayers were written in Paul’s letters to today’s liturgy in the Swedish Church. The main question this research aims to answer is: Does ... -
Kaosets inträngande: Nihilismens metamorfoser i Nikanor Teratologens Att hata allt mänskligt liv (2009)
(2017-06-26)This paper examines how various aspects of Friedrich Nietzsche’s notorious concept of nihilism can be identified in Nikanor Teratologen’s novel Att hata allt mänskligt liv (2009). Based on the theories formulated in French ... -
I Olav den heliges fotspår. En studie av historiebruket vid fem nutida västsvenska Olavsleder
(2017-06-20)This study is about the background, the creating and the using of the contemporary walking trails of Saint Olav in Bohuslän, from a perspective of history use. This study investigates the causes behind the creating of the ... -
Att fira en måltid. En undersökning av den paulinska nattvardsteologins relation till social rättvisa utifrån Första Korintierbrevet 11:17-34
(2017-06-16)The aim of this study is to investigate the connection between Pauline Eucharist theology in relation to social justice by the First epistle to the Corinthians 11:17–34. What does a textual analysis of 1 Cor. 11:17–34 say ... -
Väckelsens kloster - en studie av den monastiska vändningen i frikyrkligheten
(2017-06-14)This essay explores what I call ”the monastic turn” in the free church and evangelical tradition. The specific purpose of the investigation has been to sketch the challenges posed to the monastic turn from previous research ... -
Science Beyond Enchantment. Revisiting the Paradigm of Re-enchantment as an Explanatory Framework for New Age Science
(2017-06-12)A common understanding of scientists within the New Age movement is that they are manifesting a form of re-enchantment and that their ideas should be addressed as natural theologies. This understanding often takes as its ... -
Dhammapada och Bergspredikan. En jämförande studie av två levnadsläror
(2017-06-12)In this thesis I am comparing the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew with the Buddhist text Dhammapada. My purpose is to call attention to the similarities and differences between those prescriptive texts. I also ... -
Teologiska perspektiv på ekonomisk globalisering - en jämförande analys av två teologers syn på globalisering, liberal marknadsekonomi och kapitalism i förhållande till kristen etik
(2017-06-12)This thesis analyzes some moral questions with regard to the global market capitalism of our day, from the perspective of political theology. It is presenting the theological and ethical thinking of american theologians ... -
Som det står skrivet. Om pentekostalt bibelbruk i ljuset av Paulinsk tolkningsmetodik
(2017-06-12)The purpose of this essay is to investigate the early Pentecostal movements use of the Bible. A bearing theory for this study is that, since the early Pentecostals rejected the academy and contemporary theology and “only” ... -
Skapad, skadad, upprättad. Om queerteologiska analyser av verser från Första och Femte Moseboken samt Jesaja
(2017-06-05)This essay uses discourse analysis to consider the gender and transinclusive readings of biblical passages from Genesis, Deuteronomy and Isaiah that have emerged from contemporary queer theology. The essay presents how ... -
Landsbygdens uttolkare - Bilder av landsbygdens relation till samhällets modernisering: en undersökning av Lantbruksförbundets Tidskriftsförlags bokutgivningar under 1940-talet
(2017-04-11)"The rural" contains a broad set of ideas concerning what is regarded as central aspects of human life and culture. The countryside is often used to visualize certain aspects of humanity, such as how human life is most ... -
Förhärdad eller Förmänskligad? Hur evangelisten Matteus bearbetat evangelisten Markus bild av Judas Iskariot
(2017-03-22)Judas Iscariot is an intriguing figure: Both one of Jesus’ twelve closest disciples and the one who turned him over to the Roman and Jewish authorities, at the same time a figure who seems to have played a crucial role in ... -
Verklighetens tolkar. Objektivt berättande och verklighetsframställningar i Jan Myrdals Rapport från kinesisk by och Per Olov Enquists Legionärerna
(2017-03-01)The aim of this essay is to investigate and compare the methods that Jan Myrdal and Per Olov Enquist use in Report from a Chinese Village and The Legionnaires in order to reflect reality. To do so I use different theories ... -
Innanför murarna. En kvalitativ studie av hur fängelsepräster hanterar arbetsrelaterad stress
(2017-02-27)This study examines how prison chaplains from the Church of Sweden feel about their work environment and how they cope with work related stress. The aim of the study is to see if they use any religious coping strategies. ... -
Häxor och populärkultur. En studie om konsumtionen av populärkultur och dess påverkan på häxors praktik i Sverige.
(2017-02-27)The purpose of this study is to examine if the reception of popular culture amongst witches in Sweden today has influenced their practices (ie. adapting something new, changing already existing practices etc.). To gather ... -
Beyond Crime and Space. How Quentin Tarantino conveys temporality and spatiality in relation to the characters in Reservoir Dogs
(2017-02-20)In my thesis I examine how the screenplay author and director Quentin Tarantino uses the literary format of the screenplay to convey the spatiality and temporality of the characters in the narrative. I also investigate how ... -
Politikk, frihet og kjærlighet i Goldmans anarkistfeminisme
(2017-02-13)When politics is understood as what happens between people, love is an expression of politics. Love is crucial for freedom: It effects what freedom is, and who can and should be free. Therefore love can both inhibit and ... -
Herdabrevens påverkan av sekularism och herdabrevspraxis.
(2017-02-09)The pastoral letters` influence from secularism and pastoral letter praxis. An analysis of the archbishops` pastoral letters 1972-2014. This essay describes the archbishops` pastoral letters 1972-2014. The ambition has ...