Department of Cultural Sciences / Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 141-160 av 343
”FRÅN KOMEDI TILL BLODIGT ALLVAR” - Lär dig att bli svensk genom Stig-Helmer och Beck
(2018-04-12)The purpose of this study is to examine the commercial streaming and distribution company C More Entertainment AB’s project “Filmtegration”. In collaboration with Svenska för invandrare (SFI) the project has made six Swedish ... -
Exkludering för ordningens skull - Emotionernas gränsland i Kviberg
(2018-04-12)Mary Dougla's classical work Purity and danger: an analysis of concept of pollution and taboo from 1966 has shown us that our understanding of the world has to do with the ordering of matter into places. But what happens ... -
”det är så enkelt / att man måste vara teoretiker för att inte fatta det”. En teoretiserande analys av Vi och Dom i David Väyrynens Marken
(2018-04-12)This essay examines the construction of Us and Them in Swedish author David Väyrynen's poetry collection Marken (2017). These two groups can basically be identified as rural/northern and urban/southern. My aim with this ... -
SYMTOMATISKA PORTRÄTT I MODEFOTOGRAFI - En studie om kvinnors roller i Damernas Värld
(2018-04-12)This essay will deal with six photographs from the Swedish magazine Damernas Värld and will analyse how the women in the pictures can be understand as non-normative in the context of fashion photography. The women’s ... -
VALFEMINISMENS TID ÄR NU En studie om feminismwashing i ett nyliberalt samhälle kopplat till boken Why I Am Not a Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto
(2018-01-31)This essay examines the book Why I Am Not a Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto, written by Jessa Crispin. My aim is to analyze Crispin’s statement that there is a feminism which focus on personal gain and self-empowerment ... -
Iransk black metal och censur: en fallstudie
(2018-01-30)This essay focuses on black metal and musical censorship in Iran. This is done through a case study with Sina Winter who lived most of his life in Iran, creating black metal music in the obscurity with his one-man band ... -
Identitetsskapande mitt i sommaren En diskursanalytisk undersökning av musiken i Sommar i P1
(2018-01-30)The purpose of this study is to investigate how the hosts of the radio show Sommar i P1 uses their choices of music to make identity. To be able to emphasise what is communicated as well as what is left out, the method ... -
Avenyn genom öronen En ljudorienterad studie av genus och andra maktordningar på Göteborgs paradgata
(2018-01-30)In this essay, the exploration of sound has been given a central position in participant observation. The issue is to investigate how power relations, normativity, marginalization and the making of space are performed on ... -
Hyenan i kläder och ängeln i huset - två textanalytiska studier av kvinnlig ”galenskap” och ideal femininitet i Lady Audley’ s Secret och Jane Eyre
(2018-01-30)Uppsatsen består av två textanalyser gjorda på de skönlitterära verken Lady Audley’s Secret och Jane Eyre. Syftet var att studera kvinnlig ”galenskap” under 1800-talets mitt och sedan se hur det kopplades samman med normer ... -
BESÖKARES MENINGSSKAPANDE PÅ VÄRLDSKULTURMUSEET - Förhållandet mellan besökare, tema och föremål i utställningen Korsvägar
(2017-11-17)The purpose of this paper is to study the exhibition Korsvägar at the Museum of World Culture and with a visitor-perspective see how the theme and objects of the exhibition take form for the visitors. To study this I am ... -
The Fields of Trans* Necropolitics: Trans Women‟s Narratives On the Vulnerabilities of Trans Death, Bereavement, Posthumous Challenges and Activism in Turkey
(2017-11-09)This study aims to bring forward the phenomenon of trans death, underscoring the challenges that trans women in İstanbul experience, endure and confront during the posthumous scenes of autopsy, funeral and burial. Departing ... -
”HEY, THEY COULD TOTALLY HAVE ORAL SEX HERE?” Författarskap, identifikation och blick i samtida pornografisk slash
(2017-11-09)This essay examines the dominance of male homoerotic love stories in fanfiction (AKA slash). Through meetings and interviews with five female slash writers and extracts from their pornographic stories this essay will discuss ... -
Konstmuseet som vardagsrum för alla, eller salong för de redan invigda? En komparativ studie mellan Göteborgs Konstmuseum och Whitney Museum of American Art i New York
(2017-10-24)”The museum as a open living room for all, or as a closed institution for the already invited – A comparative studie between Gothenburg Museum of Art and Whitney Museum of American Art” This project is a comparative study ... -
Den relationella estetiken till Sverige. Hur begreppet relationell estetik tas emot i en svensk konstkontext.
(2017-10-05)The thesis examines how and when the concept of relational aesthetics, coined by curator Nicolas Bourriuad, was introduced and established in Sweden in the 1990s. By researching art magazines and daily newspapers, I look ... -
Making (a) difference in games Feminist game creation and other interferences with the Swedish video game industry’s reproduction of gendered sameness
(2017-09-07)Grounded in my passion for video games and motivated by my experiences of often feeling like not belonging in the stories told in games, this qualitative study investigates challenges and strategies for diversity in games ... -
"Jag är fan skitbra på att instagramstalka". Instagram som verktyg för övervakning av andra och sig själv, ur ett användarperspektiv.
(2017-06-28)This essay examines the process of surveillance by users of the social media Instagram. By using theories of surveillance together with theories of self presentation it concludes that there is a connection between surveillance ... -
Sägen som modell till handling. Mannen, graven och sägnen: En studie om Falks grav
(2017-06-27)In the woods of Hökensås, in the province of Västergötland, lies a grave. The grave belongs to Jonas Falk who was executed in the year 1855 for robbery and manslaughter. Falk was buried in unbridled soil but some time after ... -
FRAMÅT MARSCH! En studie om hästtjejers identitet- och genuskonstruktion inom stallkulturen
(2017-06-27)Forward, march! – a ethnografic study of girls gender and identity construction in the stable culture. By Julia Mielke My essay is about the swedish ridning school and the girls that have been active in it since they ... -
Att leva på musiken
(2017-06-27)This master thesis is a study of actors bound to independent record labels in Gothenburg during the early 2000s. The aim is to study how these actors use the social room to organize, and how these individuals relate to ...