Diplomatic Assurances - A judicial and political analysis of the undermining of the principle of non-refoulement
In December 2001, the Swedish television programme “Kalla Fakta” uncovered the
story of Ahmed Agiza and Muhammed El Zari, who after having been denied asylum
in Sweden, were arrested by the police and deported in haste to Egypt. The two men
were suspected of terrorist activities and even though Egypt was well-known to
mistreat political opponents in general, and alleged Islamic terrorists in particular, the
Swedish government decided to have them transferred. Both Agiza and El Zari later
claimed that they were tortured in Egypt. The disclosure resulted in a massive outcry
and the Swedish government were heavily criticised by a great number of both
domestic and international actors for having violated its international law obligations
and Agiza’s and El Zari’s human rights. Sweden, on the other hand, claimed that it
had done whatever one could possibly require to ensure that the men were treated
correctly, while also making sure that its national security was protected.
This claim sheds a light on an old conflict that has been reinforced by the emerge of
the globalised threat from terrorism and the violent and repressive responses towards
it; namely, how to at once respect state security and human rights. The attacks of 9/11
and the “Global War on Terrorism” (the GWoT) have created an atmosphere where
this conflict has increased to a level so that it now seems unsolvable and where the
proponents of each perspective seem to have less and less understanding for the
arguments of the opponent. The main argument of many governments, as well as
many others, is that human rights and democracy can only be ensured and protected
by states and that this requires that threats against the states security have to be
eliminated. The human rights advocates, on the contrary, claim that fundamental
institutions such as democracy, the rule of law and human rights cannot be protected
by the undermining of the same.
This dissertation focuses on the use of diplomatic assurances, a method where one state assures another state that they will refrain from torturing a returnee upon apprehension, and how the systematic use of such a method could undermine the principle of non-refoulement. The main objective is to discuss if and how diplomatic assurances, as being part of the Global War on Terrorism, might create a parallel legal sphere for alleged terrorist in which they are denied fundamental human rights. To do this, I contextualise the issue in a wider political discussion, claiming that one of the major reasons for this development is the general de-legitimisation of opposing political apprehensions as being non-political, and illustrating this with the securitisation (de-politicisation) of terrorism. I argue that by labelling people as terrorist, they are both denied access to the political sphere and de-humanised. The enduring answer on how to meet the terrorist threat is, according to me, not to wage a war but to widen the scope of our understanding of the political.
Student essay
Hasselberg, Olof
Internationell rätt