Volvo 3P The New Generation’s Seat Project
Truck seats are one of the most important components of the truck and the place where the drivers spend most of their time. Today there are an abundance of seats and the divisions within Volvo 3P use different suppliers and different seats with many different names and features. In the struggle for attracting customers and be the leading truck manufacturer on the market, Volvo 3P needs to be more efficient and united on the seat level.
The main problem of the thesis was to investigate “How to find synergies and still keep the brand distinction on product level within Volvo-, Renault-, and Mack Trucks”. The thesis is based on our case company Volvo 3P, which is one of the leading truck manufacturers in the world.
In order to solve our main problem, we developed a model comprising three areas of investigation. The purpose of the model is to provide the initiator/reader with the necessary information for choosing a strategy for how to most effectively deliver answers to finding synergies but keeping the brand distinction.
Our main conclusion is that there is a great opportunity for Volvo 3P to implement a common seat platform with removable seat cushions globally in Volvo, Renault, and Mack. However, we have found that the three brands need to be distinguished from each other in terms of different seat cushions and upholstery in order to stay appealing to their customer segment. Furthermore, we concluded with suggesting new seat families that can be used globally with the purpose of decreasing part numbers and costs and also with the purpose of being more united.
Student essay
Göteborg University. School of Business, Economics and Law
Carlzon, Sara
Björn, Carin
Masters Thesis, nr 2003:30