Lean Product Development - Performance Measurement System
Lean product development (LPD) has been introduced as a concept which is able to improve
Product development processes and firm’s competitive advantages. The concept has been
argued that has potential to reduce time to market of new product with higher quality and
manufacturability. Performance Measurement system is a key factor in evaluating processes
and effect of new concepts or changes on process efficiency. Managing and measuring
performance in product development has been seen as a mean to ensure survival of business by
increasing quality, reducing time and cost. Scholars argue identifying right metrics and
measuring performance of Product development processes play a key role in success of Lean
Product development. The aim of this project is to evaluate how firms measure performance of
lean Product development. The foundation of the study will be on the definition of lean product
development as a coherent whole and systematic way rather than focusing on a special
technique or tool. The theoretical framework shows two approach of process oriented and
outcome oriented in definition of lean product development exist. The firms consider the
processes oriented approach while these processes are unique for each firm. Design of
processes is dependent to current situation of company.
In case of performance measurement theoretical framework argue that a performance
measurement system should have five elements of Objective, Dimension, Indicator, Structure
and processes. The main dimension of performance in product development processes are
efficiency and effectiveness while firm measure efficiency they fail to measure effectiveness. On
the other hand setting standard and goal play an important role in success of performance
measurement system and performance improvement. But some firms are failing in setting clear
vision and goal for their processes.
Master 2-years
Övrig beskrivning
MSc in Innovation and Industrial Management
Mohammadi, Ali
Lean Product Development
Performance Measurement System
Performance Dimensions
Master Degree Project