A Pilot Study on Chinese Gestural Feedback
How to interpret and use gestural feedback in a more effective and friendly way in
human-human and human-computer interactions has become an issue for both
language and technology researchers. In this study, functional analyses of Chinese
gestural feedback (mainly head movement, facial expression, hand movement,
shoulder movement, and posture) and its relation to vocal-verbal feedback in
Interactive Communication Management has been carried out comparing
Chinese-Chinese and Chinese-Swedish informal dyadic dialogues. Three research
questions have been studied. First, what are features of Chinese gestural feedback?
Second, are there any gender differences? Third, do Chinese people use different
gestural feedback in mono-cultural and intercultural interactions? It has been found
that Chinese feedback was mostly expressed simultaneously by gestural and
vocal-verbal means, and gestural feedback conveyed various emotions and attitudes.
Chinese females were more expressive in terms of using feedback gestures, and they
showed relatively higher communicative intelligibility in accomplishing CUPE/A.
More feedback gestures were used in intercultural interactions. The results can be
exploitable in practice, such as business consulting, personal marketing,
video-conferencing, and animated agents’ synthesis.
Student essay
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Lu, Jia
gestural/ vocal-verbal feedback
mono-cultural/ intercultural communication
mono-cultural/ intercultural communication
Series/Report no.
Report/Department of Applied Information Technology