Now showing items 81-100 of 165

    • If there was a formula to my artistic practice and method what would it look like and how could I use it? Searching for the aXiom in my artistic practice and method 

      Esperi, Benedikte (2016-11-10)
      Within the field of an ephemeral art genre, performance and improvisation, there is often a question about how one can grasp the knowledge of the now, the instant moment. By using a fictive formula, a principle, applied ...
    • ÅH, HERREGUD! En musikalisk FÖRställning från BB till Hospice! 

      Pettersson Lindgren, Martina (2016-10-14)
      I denna uppsats behandlas en scenisk gestaltning där begreppen tro, tvivel, acceptans och trots står i centrum. Utgångspunkten för arbetet med den sceniska gestaltningen var en personlig upplevelse, en moders död i samband ...
    • Hör du vad jag hör? En uppsats om körintonation 

      Johansson, Samuel (2016-10-14)
      In this study I examine choral intonation. In my research I have analyzed if general knowledge in musical theory is helpful for just intonation. I have also analyzed wheatear knowledge of the fundamental tone in a chord ...
    • Performing an 18th century violin concerto today 

      Brouns, Brenda (2016-10-03)
      This thesis deals with the difficulties in approaching an authentic style in interpreting and performing music from the eighteenth century on a modern instrument trying to adapt it to the context of the nowadays listener. ...
    • How to create a violin cadenza for a Mozart concerto movement 

      Kristin, Tuomisto (2016-09-30)
      This thesis deals with the process of how to create a cadenza for a Mozart concerto movement for the violin. I have analysed cadenzas for violin and piano, by Mozart as well as by romantic performers writing for the violin. ...

      Inés, Ramírez Polo (2016-09-30)
      The purpose of this master thesis is to find out how to prepare any violin orchestral excerpt to be played in an audition for a professional orchestra. As information sources, I have used my own experiences in auditions, ...

      Wahlöö, Annikki (2016-06-27)
      A critical wedge – is an exploration of the in-betweens within performing arts and how they can become gaps for questioning, a place for exploring alternatives. How juxtaposition can be a political tool when composing a ...
    • VÄGSKÄL 

      Lihnell, Charlott (2016-06-17)
      Jag har valt att inte göra mitt ursprungliga examensarbete, som jag ansökte med till master-programmet vid HSM. Den ursprungliga idén var att göra en skandinavisk version av den indiska teaterformen Ottan Thullal.
I detta ...
    • Döden utan dö är den 

      Forssberg, Caisa-Stina (2016-06-17)
      Jag vill genom mitt konstnärliga undersökande förändra det gängse traditionella sätt som vi gestaltar kvinnor på scenen. Jag kommer i mitt arbete utgå från den klassiska dramatiken och ge några väl kända kvinnoroller en ...
    • SCREAM OF LOVE - a search for a body that is collective and free 

      Linderoth, Indra (2016-06-17)
      This is an experiment, several tryouts and me searching for vibrations. Vibrations in between the text and you as a reader; in between my body and an other (your?) body; in fear of loosing and a fear of not daring to let ...

      Runesson, Cecilia (2016-06-17)
      The project aims to find the links between theatre and physics and to gather response around the idea of ”theatrical physics” – what might it be? My project circles around the possibility of connecting physics and theatre ...
    • If there was a formula to my artistic practice and method what would it look like and how could I use it? 

      Benedikte, Esperi (2016-06-16)
      Within the field of an ephemeral art genre, performance and improvisation, there is often a question about how one can grasp the knowledge of the now, the instant moment. By using a fictive formula, a principle, applied ...
    • The Bridge of Thermaicus - A journey of realization and transformation 

      Paraskevaidou, Valentina (2016-06-15)
      "The Bridge of Thermaicus" is a project about the Crisis in Europe (financial, cultural, social, ethical) and some relevant phenomena such as violence, emigration and alienation. It includes a series of street live art ...
    • Kreativ lust - Ett försök att hitta metoder för att skapa lust i det konstnärliga arbetet 

      Rydén, Jennie (2016-06-15)
      I mitt masterarbete ställer jag mig frågan om jag kan skapa en metod för att gynna den kreativa lusten. Jag som scenkonstnär förutsätts vara kreativ. Lust är en av mina starkaste drivkrafter och beskrivs inom kreativitet ...
    • Experiencing Performance through Sensory Exploration 

      Aumedes Molinero, Meritxell (2016-06-07)
      My artistic explorations engage with identity, experiential perception and communication – vast subjects, consisting of multiple and intersecting factors. Within these themes, I have focused on cultural identity, non-verbal ...

      Leonardz, Siri (2016-03-23)
      This research project deals with the galant aspects of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach’s eight keyboard fugues (Fk 31) from a performer’s perspective. The galant style is said to be a reaction against the learned style and music ...
    • Balancing the Ideals of Werktreue and Originality in One's Activity as a Musician 

      Müller, Oliver (2016-03-21)
      In my thesis I ponder some of the questions around the possibilities and limitations of interpretation in western art music. These include questions such as "what are the limitations of interpretation?" and "what is the ...
    • The role of the third horn in the orchestra's horn section 

      Poulimenou, Angeliki (2016-03-21)
      This thesis reflects research about the horn section and mainly the role of the third horn in the orchestra's horn section, and is also a documentation of my personal experience. For several years I was the third horn ...
    • The baritone chronology – a study of the baritone saxophone evolution in jazz history 

      Crinelli, Piersimone (2016-02-08)
      This project investigates the history of the baritone saxophone. The role of the baritone saxophone as a soloist instrument has historically often been overshadowed by the tenor or the alto saxophone. Even if important ...
    • Interpreting the Mystery: Playing the Bach Solo Suites for Cello 

      Spargo, Ruth (2016-01-02)
      This thesis explores the practice and preparation undertaken before a series of concerts featuring all of Bach Solo Cello Suites. It includes some information and background to Bach and the Suites and then discusses the ...