Browsing Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för nationalekonomi och statistik by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 471
Italy and the Stability and Growth Pact
(2012-03-12)The vision of an economic and monetary union came to be realized within three stages. The limitations for capital movements were removed, the Economic Monetary Institute was founded and when the convergence criteria were ... -
Transformationsproblemet - Ett pseudoproblem?
(2012-03-12)Is Marx theory of value outdated for an understanding of contemporary capitalism? Using text analysis, this essay claims that Marx’s transformation of values into prices could be seen as coherent. In the first part Marx's ... -
Estimating Okun's coefficient in the Swedish Economy
(2012-03-27)This study takes a look at Okun's law och tries to determine whether or not it is applicable to the Swedish economy. Okun's law is a veri ed statistical relationship between economic growth and unemployment, rst described ... -
Does Cap-Size Matter? A study of ten Swedish Small and Large-Cap Funds
(2012-03-27)This study aims to examine and compare the performance of five small-cap funds and five large-cap funds during a ten-year time period and two sub-periods. The used performance measures to evaluate the funds are Jensen’s ... -
Environmental Funds - A portfolio performance evaluation
(2012-03-27)The purpose is to measure the performance of environmental funds in terms of absolute returns as well as risk adjusted returns against their respective indices. This is to determine whether environmental funds can be a ... -
Ethical Funds' Performance
(2012-04-16)This thesis provides an explanation of how well ethical funds perform in relation to a suitable market index and it also evaluates which bank in Sweden has the best performing Swedish ethical fund as well as the best ... -
Do Acquisition Announcements Have an Effect on the Acquiring Firm’s Credit Default Swap Spread?
(2012-04-26)Credit Default Swaps are a recent financial innovation that allow bond owners to minimize their credit risk exposure by purchasing an insurance on the bonds in their portfolio. By paying a quarterly fee to the protection ... -
Utveckling av priset på bostäder i Kina
(2012-04-30)Under de senaste 30 åren har Kinas ekonomi utvecklats snabbt, vilket hänger väl ihop med landets fastighetsutveckling. Sedan den marknadsinriktade bostadsreformen 1998 har Kinas bostadsmarknad haft en snabb tillväxt med ... -
Ethiopian Coffee and Fair Trade - An empirical study
(2012-05-14)Fair Trade labeled products have become increasingly popular for western consumers in recent years. Fair Trade Labeling Organization International (FLO) claims to contribute to development by increasing profits to farmers ... -
När industrin styr medlen
(2012-06-01)Med målet att reducera de nationella kväveoxidutsläppen enligt Göteborgsprotokollets bestämmelser införde Norge år 2007 en skatt på 15 NOK per kilo kväveoxidutsläpp. I en reaktion mot denna skatt bildades Næringslivets ... -
Socio-Economic Impacts of CSR
(2012-06-01)Globalization and the emergence of global value-chains have changed the way business relates to society. CSR has emerged as a concept promoting equality throughout multi-national corporations different subsidiaries. ... -
Jobba mindre - släpp ut mindre? En studie om en arbetstidsförkortnings inverkan på växthusgasutsläppen
(2012-06-19)Med växande miljöproblem och ökande växthusgasutsläpp hörs röster från miljörörelsen som pekar på att arbetstidsförkortning kan vara ett sätt att minska miljöbelastningen. I riksdagen finns också partier som vill minska ... -
Sveriges bostadsmarknad - Befinner vi oss i en prisbubbla?
(2012-06-19)This bachelor thesis aims to analyse the Swedish mortgage market and investigate whether it is in a current price bubble or not. Comparisons have been made with Denmark, a country with a market similar to Sweden’s, and ... -
Spain and the Economic Crisis - Statistical and Theoretical Analyses
(2012-12-13)Currently, the world and especially the euro area are facing a severe economic crisis. As my Bachelor thesis subject, I have chosen to examine Spain’s historical development as well as current economic situation from both ... -
Påverkas antalet anmälda miljöbrott i Sverige av antalet miljöinspektörer?
(2012-12-19)Diskussionen kring antropogen påverkan på vår miljö är ständigt aktuell. Dock diskuteras det inte lika mycket kring hur svensk miljötillsyn fungerar och hur den påverkar och stävjar överträdelser enligt miljöbalken. Denna ... -
Är den tyska euron felvärderad?
(2012-12-19)Det finns en uppfattning om att den så kallade tyska euron skulle vara undervärderad. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka om det finns någon felvärdering. Flera tänkbara modeller för att bestämma växelkurser ... -
Leveraged Buyout - A Case Study on Unibet Group Plc
(2012-12-19)Leveraged buyout (LBO) is an acquisition where the company is taken out of the public market, becomes private and through different strategies give a satisfactory return to the investors. This specific buyout, known to be ... -
Chinese Foreign Direct Investments in the Zambian mining sector
(2012-12-19)Title: Chinese Foreign Direct Investments in the Zambian Mining Sector Authors: Louise Granath and Marika Larsson Supervisor: Prof. Arne Bigsten Pages: 75 Background and Problem: China’s presence and influence on ... -
Female Education and Economic Growth: theoretical overview and two country cases
(2013-03-05)This bachelor thesis examines if female education affects economic growth through human capital and fertility rate. To illustrate this aim, two country cases have been presented: India and Niger. The motive behind choosing ...