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dc.contributor.authorRalph, Decker
dc.description.abstractMetabolic effects of growth hormone (GH) therapy in short children have not been clearly established owing to the previous lack of controlled trials studying the metabolic outcome in response to different GH doses despite the known effects of GH on insulin sensitivity, lipid profile, and body composition. It has previously been shown that individualized GH doses during catch-up growth significantly reduce the proportion of unexpectedly good and poor responders around a predefined individual growth target in short prepubertal children. In the research on which this thesis is based, 87 prepubertal children were treated with six different GH doses, individually chosen according to a prediction model of GH sensitivity regarding linear bone growth. The first hypothesis was that the variance of the metabolic response during individualized GH treatment would be reduced. This was confirmed: individualized GH dosing during catch-up growth reduced the variance in insulin and HOMA by 34.2 % and 38.9 %, respectively (Paper I). This led to the second hypothesis that metabolic responsiveness to GH treatment partly parallels and partly dissociates from the longitudinal growth response. This too was confirmed: a GH dose-dependent anabolic component was identified in contrast to a dose-independent lipolytic component (Papers I and II). This finding raised the question of whether different thresholds would achieve certain metabolic effects, such as anabolic effects, lipolytic effects, and glucose metabolism. A pharmaco-proteomic approach was introduced in order to identify previous unknown biomarkers to predict metabolic responses to GH treatment as well as to investigate the physiology of GH (Papers III and IV). These results have been published recently, showing dissociations between GH-mediated longitudinal bone growth and bone mineralization and thereby confirming the second hypothesis named above (Paper III). The third hypothesis was that patients with and without classical GH deficiency (GHD) had correspondingly different thresholds of responsiveness to GH treatment among different metabolic functions. The data confirmed the hypothesis and, moreover, increasing effective GH doses were needed to achieve specific metabolic effects (Paper V). This research provides further evidence of the benefits of individualized GH dosing in order to maintain metabolic functions within age-adjusted reference values and to normalize body composition. In the long term, this might minimize metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors in children suffering from GHD or reduced GH
dc.relation.haspartI. Ralph Decker, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Berit Kriström, Andreas F. M. Nierop, Jan Gustafsson, Ingvar Bosaeus, Hans Fors, Ze’ev Hochberg, Jovanna Dahlgren. Metabolic outcome of GH treatment in prepubertal short children with and without classical GH deficiency Clinical Endocrinology (Oxf.) 2010;73:346-354. ::PMID::20455890sv
dc.relation.haspartII. Ralph Decker, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Berit Kriström, Maria Halldin, Jovanna Dahlgren. Decreased GH dose after the catch-up growth period maintains metabolic outcome in short prepubertal children with and without classic GH deficiency (resubmitted)sv
dc.relation.haspartIII. Björn Andersson, Ralph Decker, Andreas F. M. Nierop, Ingvar Bosaeus, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Gunnel Hellgren. Protein profiling identified dissociations between growth hormone-mediated longitudinal growth and bone mineralization in short prepubertal children Journal of Proteomics 2011;74:89-100. ::PMID::20816880sv
dc.relation.haspartIV. Ralph Decker, Björn Andersson, Andreas F. M. Nierop, Ingvar Bosaeus, Jovanna Dahlgren, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Gunnel Hellgren. Protein markers predict body composition during growth hormone (GH) treatment in short prepubertal children (manuscript)sv
dc.relation.haspartV. Ralph Decker, Anders Nygren, Kerstin Albertsson-Wikland, Berit Kriström, Andreas F. M. Nierop, Jan Gustafsson, Jovanna Dahlgren. Different thresholds of tissue-specific dose-responses to growth hormone in short prepubertal children (submitted)sv
dc.subjectIndividualized treatmentsv
dc.subjectGrowth hormonesv
dc.subjectHormonal responsivenesssv
dc.subjectMetabolic outcomesv
dc.subjectPrediction modelsv
dc.subjectBody compositionsv
dc.subjectInsulin sensitivitysv
dc.subjectProteomics SELDIsv
dc.subjectThresholds of growth hormone effectssv
dc.subjectProtein patternssv
dc.titleMetabolic responsiveness to growth hormone in childrensv
dc.type.svepDoctoral thesiseng
dc.type.degreeDoctor of Philosophy (Medicine)sv
dc.gup.adminSponsors: These investigator initiated-studies (TRN 98-0198-003, NRA 6280003) were funded by unrestricted grants by Pharmacia/Pfizer. Financial support was also obtained from the Swedish Research Council, University Hospital (ALF) grants and West Sweden Region (VGR) grants, from The Göteborg Medical Society (Göteborgs Läkaresällskap), the Swedish Association of Young Pediatric Endocrinologists (Barn Endokrinologiska Sällskapet) sponsored by Institut Produits Synthèse (IPSEN) AB, the Swedish Paediatric Society, section for endocrinology and diabetes (Svenska Barnläkarföreningen, Section för Endokrinologi och Diabetes) sponsored by Pfizer AB, and the Foundation Samariten (Stiftelsen Samariten).sv
dc.gup.originUniversity of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska Academysv
dc.gup.departmentInstitute of Clincial Sciences. Department of Pediatricssv
dc.gup.defenceplaceFredagen den 30 mars 2012, kl. 09.00, Föreläsningssal Tallen, Drottning Silvias barn- och ungdomssjukhussv

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