Sveriges biståndspolitiska förändringar för Afrika med landexemplet Uganda - En undersökning gjord ur ett svenskt biståndspolitiskt perspektiv
The Swedish aid has in recent years been undergone major transformations and changes. It all started from when the Alliance got access to power. The number of countries to cooperate with on poverty reduction was significantly decreased and the reason to that was the implementation of the goals in the Paris agenda in all aid which were set up by the global donor community and meant increased efficiency in planning, implementation and evaluation. Sweden has a long story in giving aid and also we have some goals that are not being moved since it all started, for example the goal on one percent of the GDP will go to aid every year. This makes us like a role model for the global donor community because we also are active in discussions in further developing of regulations and laws. Therefore they call us a soft donor, but in fact almost every goal that we have is created and controlled by the whole community and a document which all of us have signed. Both national and international commitments are related in some way through overall goals. My purpose of this paper is to clarify if and in what ways Sweden´s politics of aid to Africa have changed from 2006 when the government arrived to the leading position of our country until today. The aid of politics for Uganda is set like an example. Sweden acts in an open way between donors and receivers and has quite a lot of respect due to the leadership of the European Union in 2009 and also because of our very democratic way of being. We discuss and solves things out. My study shows that changes in the aid policy current to Sweden and Africa with the example of Uganda are in responsibility due to faster changes when sectors in a partner country are phased out quick. More documents to rely on are also very significant. The establishment of a Swedish embassy in Uganda 2006 increased the presence of Sweden in the country and maybe our democratic ideas because of that can have an increased impact. It´s hard to draw any conclusions of the aid to Uganda in that short period of time, but the documents have changed their values and focus over the past five years. That includes also changes in what directions the aid will take in the present future.
Student Essay
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Kandidatuppsats i kulturgeografi och geografi med kulturgeografisk inriktning
Klingberg, Simon
Student essay
Kulturgeografi och geografi med kulturgeografisk inriktning 2012:8