School of Global Studies / Institutionen för globala studier: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 399
Mni Wiconi/Water is Life: A phenomenological approach for better understanding Native American views on nature; experienced mistreatments and acts of resistance at the Dakota Access Pipeline protests.
(2022-09-01)The build of the Dakota Access Pipeline in 2017 caused collective protests within Native American communities as the pipeline was threatening the Sioux Nation’s access to clean water. In addition to this, the company ... -
Omedvetna Nationalister? En studie om reproducerandet av nationalism i Sverige
(2022-08-24)The purpose of this thesis is to look further into the reproduction of the idea / dream of the nation state. The next Swedish election will be held in 2022 and one of the parties that is running, named Sverigedemokraterna ... -
Djurvårdarens djuröga: Djurparksdjurs autenticitet och välbefinnande i fångenskap
(2022-08-24)Djurparken som fenomen har på senare tid blivit föremål för debatt i frågor om djurvälfärd, och har därmed i takt med dess framväxt ifrågasätts gällande djurens livsvillkor. Studien undersöker därför djurvårdarens ... -
A CHANGING SCENE: COVID-19 pandemic impacts on lives of travel economy stakeholders in Goa
(2022-08-24)This dissertation is based on two months of ethnographic fieldwork in North Goa, India. It concerns impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on travel economy stakeholders, in relation to their perception of their living situations, ... -
THE PRIVATE DOMAIN OF A PUBLIC FIGURE: Displaying Home Among Interior Influencers in Sweden
(2022-08-24)Intrigued by what happens when a person decides to share their private home on a public platform like Instagram, I wanted to study the phenomenon of the interior influencer’s home in relation to the dichotomy of ... -
Motorcyklisters syn på nya digitala trafiksäkerhetstjänster
(2022-08-24)I denna applicerade studie har nya tjänster för en mobil-app för svenska hobby-motorcyklister undersökts. Appens nya funktioner är tänkta att ge motorcyklisterna återkoppling på körbeteende och trafiksäkerhet. För en ... -
HON ÄR EN JOBBIG TJEJ: Om könshierarkier på ett svenskt startupföretag
(2022-08-24)Startup companies and their company culture influenced by Silicon Valley tech companies are becoming more and more popular. This paper aims to see how a startup company like this, that prioritise a flat organization, ... -
Incorporating local, and placed-based knowledge in resource management: An anthropological study of coral reef entanglements in Costa Rica
(2022-08-24)The purpose of this study is to better understand how different local actors in Arenas1 on the Talamancan coast in Costa Rica can work together and contribute to forms of more sustainable resource management. The study ... -
“MAN FÖLJER RUNT LIKSOM, SOM EN GÅNG. SOM EN BANA. VAR SKA MAN ANNARS GÅ?” En antropologisk studie av upplevelser i prylaffärernas labyrinter
(2022-08-24)Denna kandidatuppsats utforskar besökares relation till butiker med en labyrintliknande planlösning och hur besökarna uppfattar både sortiment, atmosfär och planlösning. Studien visar hur affekt, atmosfär och planlösning ... -
To orient whilst orientalized: Narratives of face-veiling women in light of public mobility
(2022-08-24)This thesis explores the narratives of face-veiling women, in light of mobility practices pertaining to public spaces. With Sweden emerging as the focal point of study, experiences and perceptions of face-veiled women, ... -
Tiden går, det unika uppstår: En studie av secondhandföremål och deras roll vid identitetsskapande genom hemmet
(2022-08-24)Människor spenderar en stor del av sina liv i hemmet. Hur hemmet ser ut, var det ligger, och hur det används ligger till grund för skapandet av den personliga identiteten. På samma gång formas också hemmet utifrån den ... -
PLANNING TIME: Structuring of the Everyday among Young Adults in Non-Traditional Jobs
(2022-08-24)Unstructured time and “wasted” time is often shunned and unwanted in today’s society focused on productive and progressive use of time. In this essay, I examine how planning of everyday activities gives structure and ... -
Rätt till hälsa efter sexuellt våld: En kvalitativ undersökning om unga kvinnor med migrantbakgrund och deras erfarenheter
(2022-08-24)Health is a universal human right, and in contrast sexual violence is a human rights violation, which affects millions of women globally. Thus, numerous United Nation conventions condemns sexual violence and demands ... -
The Way under the Heavens: A Comparative study of four cases and how strategic culture forms Chinese economic statecraft towards Australia and The United States of America
(2022-08-24)This is a multiple comparative case study aiming to inquire into the level and characteristics of deeper economic relations with China affect China’s Economic Statecraft strategy towards Australia and the United States ... -
American national identity at the start and end of the war in Afghanistan: A comparative narrative analysis of presidential speeches
(2022-08-24)The purpose of this essay is to investigate the production of American national identity at the start and end of America’s warfare in Afghanistan, and to reach an understanding how the identity-construction legitimatized ... -
Drug cartels, American corporations and other things that lurk in the dark: A discourse analysis of Mexican foreign policy and the intersection between security and identity
(2022-08-24)Investigating recent events in Mexican security policy from a poststructuralist perspective, this study highlights the role of identity in both security and foreign policies. These developments in International Relations ... -
Onlyfans – Empowering eller kvinnoförtryck? En kvalitativ studie av ungas attityder till Onlyfans
(2022-08-24)The aim of the paper is to increase the knowledge about youths’ attitudes towards online pornography and commercial sexuality by examining their language use and reasoning concerning Onlyfans – a subscription-based website ... -
“KOM IGEN, NU ÖSER VI. VI ORKAR LITE TILL!”: En socialantropologisk studie av jympa på Friskis och Svettis.
(2022-08-23)This bachelor thesis examines the group workout class jympa at the Swedish gym chain Friskis och Svettis, which can be understood as an actor in the popular fitness community. The aim is to explore jympa and try to ... -
Time to Love: Romantic comedies and narratives of LOVE – from a Swedish context
(2022-08-23)This study explores the relation between love and romantic comedies, (aka romcoms), among people living in Sweden. Romcoms, being one of the most popular film genres ever, has often been subject to critique of not being ... -
EMPOWERING CITIZEN-DRIVEN SUSTAINABILITY: Supporting Local Management of Waste in Costa Rica
(2022-08-23)This paper is a result of a Minor Field Study (MFS) performed in Costa Rica and funded by the Swedish public authority SIDA - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. The aim of this study was to examine how ...