Klinisk träning - kritik och möjligheter: En explorativ studie av KTC vid Sahlgrenska Akademien
Clinical Training – Critique and Possibilities. An Explorative Study of KTC at the Sahlgrenska Academy
At the Sahlgrenska Academy, situated at the university hospital of Gothenburg, much clinical training is placed at the Center for Clinical Training, an independent departement taking commissions from other departements of the academy. The report is an exploratory evaluation of the centers’ work seen mostly through the eyes of students and teachers with leading roles in the center. Six programs partici-pated in the evaluation, and they had remarkedly different amount of training wit-hin the center. In total the phycisian program used 0,5 days there, the dietist pro-gram 1 day, the physio-therapist program 5 days, the nurse program 6 days while the medical gymnastics used 85 days. The main method of evaluation was a quest-ionnaire to students, answered by 287 individuals (respons rate 71%). 88 % of the students thought there should be more clinical training in their education, even 74% of the medical gymnastics thought so.
Questionnaire data were analyzed by structural equation modeling. In the measurement model several so called nested models were constructed. In the structural model the general factor academic self concept (with specific factor work self concept) was in the end related to learning approach (mainly study approach with practice approach as specific factor), to instruction on theory (specific factor instruction on practice, i.e. taking up practical issues in instruction), and the atti-tude to clinical training that students had had at the center. Controls were amount of worktime in hospitals (and the like) at holidays and nights, and also amount of voluntary training at the center, an option not very well known however.
Attitudes to the clinical training were mainly related to instruction on theory (and not practice). Instruction on theory (but not on practice) was equally related to both kinds of learning approaches. Approach to practice was higher than appro-ach to learning in relation to academic concept. So, the result underlined the im-portance of theory in the education, but in the end the practice approach seems to be the test case for how well one has succeded in the program. These findings were corroborated in student group interviews.
Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik
Lander, Rolf
Toshach-Gustafsson, Ingrid
clinical training
medical education
Publication type
Series/Report no.
RIPS: Rapporter från Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik