Department of Sociology and Work Science / Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskap: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 683
Materiality, Mobility and Strategies of Nurturing Long- Distance Family Relationships: A Study of Migrant Women’s Practices Around Sending Packages Home
(2021-10-08)This thesis draws on migrants’ practices around sending packages home to explore their practical experience with navigating distance and what it actually takes to maintain close familial relationships across space. The ... -
DISTANSARBETE I PANDEMINS TID - En kvalitativ studie om distansarbetets effekter på psykosociala faktorer
(2021-10-07)The covid-19 pandemic has brought a tremendous amount of unexpected change to many parts of daily life - work being no exception. Since March of 2020 employers have been urged to take measures allowing for telework in order ... -
Why are immigrants absent from environmental movements? - A qualitative report of educated immigrants’ perspectives on climate change and environmental activism in Sweden
(2021-10-07)Environmental crisis is one of the most important issues of the past decades therefore ecological movements tackling it are getting more and more attention. This report explores the reasons behind the lack of participation ... -
“If it’s gonna get done, I have to do it myself” - A qualitative study about Covid-19, household labor and equality
(2021-10-06)This paper investigates in what way the still ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has affected the gendered division of household labor. Historically speaking, in most countries and cultures, (and in cohabiting relationships), women ... -
What is the business of public housing? - A new policy for Gothenburg’s ‘particularly vulnerable areas’
(2021-10-01)In 2020, the City Council of Gothenburg declared that no part of the city would remain on the Swedish Police’s list of ‘particularly vulnerable areas’ by the year 2025 and charged the municipal housing company The Framtiden ... -
IS THE EXTENDED VIRTUAL WORKFORCE HERE TO STAY? - A qualitative case study of how virtual work becomes the new normal
(2021-09-02)Purpose: The purpose of this study is to create a better understanding of how virtual work becomes the new normal in organizations. To reach this understanding, an organization where virtual work has been established as ... -
(2021-09-02)Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between Information and Communication Technology professionals’ perceptions of high-involvement work practices, their work engagement, work-life balance, ... -
HR: THE ISOLATED ISLAND - Collaboration and visibility, a way to the organization’s heart?
(2021-09-01)Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how an HR department could gain legitimacy for themselves while undergoing a reorganization of the department. This reorganization was affected by the global COVID-19 ... -
Managers’ experiences of internal HR audits - A case study of follow-ups within the field of competence development
(2021-08-31)Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate managers' experiences of internal HR audit processes within a company. The main focus will be on the HR process within the area of competence development. Theory: The ... -
INVOLUNTARY E-COLLABORATION AS EXPERIENCED BY TEAM MEMBERS - A qualitative study of white-collar dispersed teams during the crisis of COVID-19
(2021-08-31)Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore how team members have experienced their collaboration regarding the shift from the previously-known-as-normal office-conducted work, to the COVID-19-induced remote ... -
OCCUPATIONS AND DIGITAL CHALLENGES - A qualitative study about the implementation of digital work methods in dental care
(2021-08-31)Purpose: This research aims to study how a qualified professional occupation experiences the implementation of digitalized work methods in their daily work. More specifically, how dentist professionals respond to the ... -
HOW NETWORK CONFIGURATIONS CONTRIBUTE TO ORGANISATIONAL RESILIENCE - A qualitative case study of how organisational resilience operates
(2021-08-31)Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate and identify what network configurations contribute to organisational resilience. Particular focus is directed to the HR-function’s role and function in promoting ... -
Human resource practice strategies for managing ageing employees -A case study of the COVID-19 pandemic effects
(2021-08-31)Purpose: The selected past studies give themes about how the COVID-19 pandemic has forced employees to work from home, but nothing about how organisational actors experience the pandemic effects and how they strategize ... -
(2021-08-24)Kompetensutveckling är ett område det pratas mycket om, både i vardagen och i arbetslivet, och som är ett ständigt aktuellt ämne på dagens arbetsmarknad. Inom många branscher råder det kompetensbrist och arbetet med att ... -
“MAN BLIR INTE CHEF FÖR ATT MAN VILL BLI VALD TILL LUCIA” - En kvalitativ studie om upplevelsen av work-life balance bland kvinnliga chefer i offentlig sektor
(2021-08-24)Striking an acceptable balance between work and private life has become a much-discussed concept in recent years. Developments within the labour market and an expectation of increased flexibility have contributed to long ... -
”TYSTNAD ÄR FÖRÖVARENS BÄSTA VÄN” - En kvalitativ studie om förebyggande arbete mot sexuella övergrepp i förskolan
(2021-08-24)Syfte och frågeställning: Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka åtgärder studiens aktörer anser som viktiga i det förebyggande arbetet mot sexuella övergrepp mot barn, belysa hur studiens aktörer beskriver sitt arbete ... -
HR-praktikers Känsla av sammanhang vid distansarbete - En kvantitativ studie om hur olika generationer av HR-praktiker uppfattar Känsla av sammanhang vid distansarbete
(2021-08-20)Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur HR-praktiker uppfattar Känsla av sammanhang (Kasam) vid distansarbete, samt undersöka om det finns generationsskillnader i denna uppfattning. 56 stycken HR-praktiker deltog i studien ... -
Förlossningsbarnmorskors psykosociala arbetsmiljö under Covid-19 - En kvalitativ studie
(2021-08-20)Den psykosociala arbetsmiljön är viktig för anställdas hälsa och påverkas bland annat av balansen mellan krav och kontroll samt av känslan av meningsfullt och hanterbart arbete. I Arbetsmiljölagen (1977:1160) och ... -
HR-tjänstemäns möjligheter och behov av återhämtning vid distansarbete till följd av Covid-19
(2021-08-20)När virussmittan Covid-19 spred sig runt om i världen tvingades många Human Resources (HR) tjänstemän att arbeta hemifrån, samtidigt som deras arbetsbelastning ökade till följd av pandemin (PWC, 2020). Syftet med denna ... -
MOTIVATION OCH LEDARSKAP PÅ DISTANS - En kvalitativ studie om hur chefer motiverar på distans
(2021-08-20)Covid-19 pandemin som bröt ut 2020 tvingade många organisationer att gå över till distansarbete. Övergången till distansarbete skedde fort vilket innebar liten möjlighet för att strategiskt planera hur det skulle gå till, ...